Smiles & Smirks

Art with a measure of humour is required by Walmarth Corporation for its chain of supermarkets, located in the Queendom of Retailia and in Cascadia Artpost. Through this collaboration Cascadia Artpost and Mail Art Martha are continuing to give impulse to Trashpo, the artistic vision of Diane Keys.

‘Walmarth Corporation is an entertaining and witty parody of corporate, consumer culture. Cascadia Artpost’s painstaking realization of Mail Art Martha’s ideas through detailed, special effects style models makes Walmarth Corporation one of the crowning achievements of Trashpo in the half-decade that it has been producing a large quantity of art.’

In addition to Trashpo the Corporation has now expanded to include political satire, parody, comics, caricature and witty playfulness.
Your contribution is needed to fill the shelves.

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  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Big believer in such shreds here. Request going out tomorrow, thank you  to Jack and to Martha ---

  • Alan Brignull

    No picture, but I had to smile when I found a channel on YouTube devoted to eighteenth century recipes had been deluged with politically charged complaints about a dessert recipe. I investigated and found it was for orange fool.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you Alan that is truly funny. I got your snail mail as well.

  • Henning Mittendorf

    Greetings from "Bankfurt" wishing good Health! HeMi

  • Michael Leigh

    Nice to see you here Henning!   All the best #staysafe   Michael

  • Mail Art Martha

    Yes! Great to see Hemi. Pertinent comment on our situatiion and beutifully and ironically stated from him. Thank you Hemi. And Michael, i would love a photo of that great dog of yours. Please?

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hope the Walmarth supermarket chain sells this stuff:

  • Michael Leigh

    Here's my new friend made from junk and papier mache.

  • Michael Leigh

    You can also wear it as a hat!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Nancy! What a Zensational piece full of quiet contentment. Yes it is ideal for Walmarth, small contented Buddha-like smiles are flying of the shelves. Just like the raw material in your picture did recently.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Congratulations on your new friend but I have a dilemma, Michael. Shall Walmarth put your amazing three dimensional creation in the Pet's Corner or in the Millinery Department? being the magical place it is they will be in both and I can sleep tonght.

  • Sabrina S

    Your new friend is adorable, Michael! 

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Covid Funny Munny :-)

    Keep smiling, even under the mask!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Is there a Food Court in the WalMarth SuperCenter?

    Or do-it-at-home:

    Need a drink with trimmings?

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hey Katerina great contributions. That 'keep smiling under the mask' is such a good motto and the Bloody Mary is giving me quite an appetite.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you Katerina for your inspiring message. It seem that we will have to start wearing masks soon if we want to go out for the allowed hour of exercise. I shall remember your advice.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Fantastic mask , Martha!

    Keep Smiling! :-) Stay Safe!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you Katerina, a very useful mask for the hard to smile! Walmarth caters for everybody. Would this one be a Friendly Shark make? I hear they are very much sought after in Australia.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Oh, yes...many orders for the smiley shark in Oz!

    And Walmarth has this for our friends in France?

  • Mail Art Martha

    From Alan Turner last Christmas

  • Sabela Baña

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Tem prazo para enviar?

  • Michael Leigh

    Tiger mask from India. Inspiration for my papier mache things I'm making.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Mizé, não há prazo em nenhum grupo. Você adiciona o que deseja quando quiser.
    Estou feliz que você escreva no seu idioma, eu uso o Google tradutor e aprendo.

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Ola. Boa tarde. 
    Obrigada por me esclarecer. 
    Também uso o tradutor do Google.
    Breve postarei aqui o meu trabalho.
    Saudações criativas. 


  • Mail Art Martha

    Sabela very clever the double exposure /shadow of your funny and lovely rose. 

    Michael! you are tempting me to start papier mache with all those boxes the council is late in collecting!

  • Sabela Baña

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    The Bloody Mary with pizza in it, I'll take that. Now it can actually be sent from Greece, right? No worry about international commerce/mail laws; the vodka is already here. Mike Leigh, that papier mache friend is desirable and adorable.


  • Michael Leigh

    Thanks Nancy and Martha.  We enjoyed a rum and coke with our meal last night - a rare bit of alchoholic indulgence!    It made a nice change. Trying to cheer ourselves up realising our annula trip to Llandudno would have been happening this lovely sunny weekend.  We booked for next year - let's hope this thing is banished by then! An amusing potato head man Sabela.  He's laughing all the way to the chip shop!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Michael, we also indulge a bit these days. Not so much as our next door neighbours who since this lock down started seem to have crates of wine delivered very frequently!  Maybe they are preparing for a party when all is over... Console yourselves with the thought that the weather has turned nasty. Great time for making and mailing.

  • Michael Leigh

    That's true Martha - a great time to send mail .  Quite a resurgence today - 3 lots of mail art from Debbie Osborn, Catherine Bennett and the Gillens.  Its just like old times!

  • Mail Art Martha

  • Fleur Helsingor

    A shiny smile came my way from our Walmarth Retailia express, and thanks so much!

    She reports that she has gone abstract, which I think is a very good thing to do. I also like the artistamps on the envelope, too, so I'm showing them off as well.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thanks to you Fleur! probably the present abstract inclinations are due to a wish for escaping the current situation. I am enjoying it. Is is completrly new to me.

    I didn't know about the Walmarth Retailia espress. I must get on it to explore the Queendom!

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    I received 42 'BUILD A BOT' segments from Jackson and Adam Roussopoulos last week. I had fun today assembling several bots--definitely put a smile on my face! Thanks guys! Shall we name them, Bubo, Sunny and Maximilian after the movie bots?? Scroll right if you cannot see all three bots.

  • Michael Leigh

    Excellent  printing Carmela and clever robot stamps by Jackson and Adam.  I was tempted to send off for these but sorting out  a swap and self isolating is too stressful at the moment.  I might have a go making my own set though as I have so much time on my hands!

  • Michael Leigh

  • Michael Leigh

  • Michael Leigh

    These are also available.  Buy some today!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Great ads Michael! I had heard that Trump and our own BoJo have both important collections of these cards. Now I know why.

    I cannot understand why everybody seem to have too much time in their hands. I get up at 5.30 or so, go to bed at 11 plus and never finish all I wanted to do in the day.

  • Michael Leigh

    Thanks Martha - Here's another one from the archives -

  • Mail Art Martha

    From Peter Muller,Germany, where also toilet pape,r flour and yeast are missing from the shops. They are museum pieces now, he says here:

  • Michael Leigh

    They vanished for a while around here too but now readily available in most places.  Got two bags of flour from the Co-op last week.  Made a quiche. Hazel made some muffins.  I have added a few more pounds!  

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    From Mim in USA:

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you Katerina and MIm. That is good, right!

  • Sabrina S

    Very cool art stamp from Mim!

  • Michael Leigh

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    "Covid Art" sponsored by several museums and online your thang:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)