IUOMA membership Cards

When you have received a IUOMA membership Card, what can you do with it? what did you achieve with it? This also goes for older cards. In this groups visuals and also stories on how the cards can be used.Also visions.....
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  • Heide Monster

    Okay, I'll submit two designs.  One is more staid than the other

  • Heide Monster

  • Heide Monster

  • Amber Scribble

    Ohhhhhhh the blue fish lizard thingie!!!!!!!!!!

  • Amber Scribble

    • Ohhhhhhh the blue fish lizard thingie!!!!!!!!!!
  • Amber Scribble

    Love love love it 

  • Jayne Barket Lyons

    Cool! I would love one too, please and thank you! I like the blue fish lizard too! Awesome design!

  • Lady Cookiefish

    Surprise Me!

  • Heide Monster

    All right, so the blue fish-thing wins? I guess I print it out and send it to Ruud.  Anybody know if that is the protocol?  Or does anyone else want to design one too?  2019 is soon to happen.

  • Amber Scribble

    I have no idea.. this group had no activity for 2 years before I posted...who knows...I dont even know if Ruud is active....

  • Headguy

    I think the idea is "there are no membership cards unless created by the members themselves."  If we want Ruud to sign them for fun, we should try and get in touch with him.  But I don't think it's necessary.  I don't think there IS a protocol which is part of the fun :)

    I love the idea of some new cards out there in the world.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    IUOMA wouldn't exist or be online without Ruud, so maybe he's on vacation like all good [mail art] therapists in August. :--} The new card thing sounds promising ...

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Is this membership card from Ruud in 2011, with the IUOMA stamp upside down, worth extra, like a U.S. postage stamp of the Jenny printed upside down a million years ago? Let me know where the auction is if you find out.


  • Lynne Larkin

    Rudd, I have been and active and passive member of IOMA for a long while and would love it if you would send me a membership card so that I can take a picture and show the world.

    Thank you so much


  • RJ - Moderator

    please feel free to  make your own membership card....!

  • Lady Cookiefish

    replying to RJ - Moderator .............  Cool, I will....Kind of thought that's what I was supposed to do, anyway....and then share it here.

  • Wendi Powell

    We make our own membership cards? Do we mail them to somewhere after they are finished?

  • Ruud Janssen

    It is your own IUOMA membership card. You keep it and show it of to others. You cn even decide to make membership cards for other you write to a lot. Please do publish the cards here. I've been making cards over 30 years now. Can't afford to make cards now for all members (too many and postage would kill me).

  • Headguy

    I will look into designing/printing membership cards for the people that want them.  I think it would be fun.  I completely understand the issue of postage being a killer.  I think one possible solution is, "send a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope" if you want a membership card.  This leaves it up to members to cover the cost of postage.  Heck, there's also Kickstarter.  Depending on how many active members there are still here on IUOMA, crowd-funding is one possible solution to cover the cost.

    Again, I will look into it in a few weeks.  I'm in the middle of planning a major fundraising campaign for The Head Project but I like the idea of membership cards so will put it on my to-do list!

  • Ruud Janssen

    a kickstarter fundraser to get out cards would be a great idea!

  • Diana Hale

    Count me in for $20 if you start a campaign.  I would love a card!

  • Lady Cookiefish

    Yes, a Kickstarter, I'll contribute.

  • Ruud Janssen

    We'll need a design for the 2019 card when we want to start this.

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Paul Verhulst

    Begrijp de bedoeling niet zo goed?? ;)

  • Ruud Janssen

    step one : we need a design for a membership card 2019

    step two : we print it on thick paper and distribute.

    step three : we start using our membership cards when visiting official institutions and document the results in this group.

  • maha

    i never receive my printed and ended card please send me one or emailit and i will printed ,please approve this and some how replay ,love to join and create my best ,my dress 134 bayville ave bayville ny 11709 usa

  • Bruce Grenville

    I am a letterpress printer, and happy to print some typeset cards, using metal type.  But it would be very basic, with just the wording on.  Perhaps someone else could take these cards and add some colour borders or frills?


    bonjour j'aimerai recevoir une carte de membre de IUOMA

  • MoriceMarcuse

  • Fast Eyes

    I don’t think I’ve ever had a membership card, or if so, so long ago...
  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    I think I could work on a design... Do you have specs Ruud?

  • Ruud Janssen

    for specs: look at older versions for what is possible.

    Haven't sent out any cards for last years (in case some iuoma members wonder).

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Heleen de Vaan

    (I thought Claire meant spectacles - glasses - instead of specifications :-) )

    I love that fingerprint-flying-postman card. Is that one still available, Ruud? (even though  I joined in 2010, not in 2009 - but we can change the 2009 into 2019 :-)

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

    by Tine Vercruyse - Belgium.

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Como faço para ter o cartão. Eu já faço parte desde 2010.
    Não recordo se faço doações desde essa data.
    Por falar em doações, não fiz a de 2018. Posso fazer esta e a de 2019, juntas?

    Agradeço desde já o que tiver para me informar.

  • Sabela Baña

  • MoriceMarcuse

  • Wendi Powell

    Did you make these yourselves?
  • MoriceMarcuse


  • Lois Richter

    I made a couple on membership cards for myself on the computer.

    Here's a fancy colorful one to send via email; and the PDF of a simple b/w one to print out and hand-color -- for use when mailing.


  • Lois Richter

    And here are some without my name that folks are welcome to use in making their own membership cards.

    If you want a full-size version on any, please let me know (along with your eddress) and I'll send it to you directly.

    -- Lois Richter, gotouring.com/art

  • Mail Art Martha

    Here is the original IUOMA card issued by Ruud himself as President of IUOMA when we were only snailmailers. With me looking ridiculously happy. Anybody can download it and alter it adding personal information.

    And here is one I made myself.

  • Heleen de Vaan

    You had a good reason to look happy! Love that photo :-)

    I am amazed about the colours, it makes me think of the 60ies, early 70ies, but I think this membership card must be from the 80ies, is it?

  • Mail Art Martha

    I do  not remember, I never remember dates Heleen. It was pre Interent I think as I know it came by post. It was on card and I cannot find it.

    May be Ruud can throw light on it!