

The Embassy of Utopia and "E" started this group … We would like to reconstitute the totality of sheets "brain cell" since N°1. For the archives of the embassy, thank you for sending to us "brain cell" of Ryosuke Cohen. 

In december 2017 the 1000th brain cell was produced. The production continues....... We collect all traces here.

Members: 340
Latest Activity: Feb 18

L’Ambassade d’Utopia et « E » ont besoin de votre aide… Nous voudrions reconstituer  la totalité des feuilles « brain cell » depuis la N°1. Pour les archives de l’ambassade, merci de nous envoyer des « brain cell » de Ryosuke Cohen. Originaux ou bons scans avec la liste des participants. La totalité des feuilles « brain cell » recensées sera affichée sur ce blog


The Embassy of Utopia and "E" need your help … We would like to reconstitute the totality of sheets "brain cell" since N°1. For the archives of the embassy, thank you for sending to us "brain cell" of Ryosuke Cohen. Original or good scans with the list of the participants. The totality of sheets "brain cell" listed will be posted on this blog


Discussion Forum

Have You Met Mr. Ryosuke Cohen in Person? 6 Replies

Hello from Osaka, Japan!I am wondering who in this group have met Mr. Ryosuke Cohen in person  ? Tomoe-san, a fellow IUOMA member, has met him in person. I have never met him in person yet. I live…Continue

Started by Kiki. Last reply by Kiki Feb 18, 2024.

Kiki in Japan Wanting Mail Art Friends through IUOMA Platform 2 Replies

Hello, greetings from Japan!Some of you may already know me through Mr. Cohen's Brain Cell participations from several months ago, but I am actually a very new member on IUOMA site. I now am wanting…Continue

Started by Kiki. Last reply by Kiki Apr 17, 2023.

Book Cover 3 Replies


Started by Oh Boy. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Apr 23, 2018.

Jackie Loves Art for Braincell

April 2018, Jackie Loves Art, drawing by Tiina from Finland going to Braincell project of…Continue

Tags: mail, drawings, Project, Braincell, art

Started by Tiina Kainulainen Apr 22, 2018.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of BRAIN CELL - RYOSUKE COHEN - COMPILATION to add comments!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on January 19, 2018 at 9:28am

How do you store Brain Cells?

This last amazing batch from Ryosuke is from Jan.2017 until Nov.2017, so the whole year, about 33-35 pages, are now in a folder with clear plastic sleeves. This way I can page through and see both upper and lower, or right and left sides, and have the participants list inside too. My very first Brain Cell was dated 2008, so there are several folders!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on January 17, 2018 at 7:01pm

And a special collage of strips and tears by Ryosuke,30x40cm,

dated Nov.25,2017 (my name's day in Greece!)

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on January 17, 2018 at 6:57pm

#1000 Brain Cell, dated Nov.20,2017,

arrived in Greece TODAY Jan.17,2018...

but no complaints as it came with another 33 Brain Cells from Ryosuke:

# 966-1000! Wow!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on January 4, 2018 at 7:38pm

It's a RAY Reindeer for the Holidays on Brain Cell #1003!

Thank you ,Heleen, for posting it.

I have yet to receive Nos. 999-1003 in Greece :-(

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on January 4, 2018 at 1:54am

Brain Cell Life Form ~ 1003 

(Including my version of the other guardian.)

The list of participants:

Orion Soup: 

Thank you very much, Ryosuke, and all other artists who make these brain cell connections going on!

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on January 4, 2018 at 1:49am

Brain Cell Life form ~ 1001 

The list: 

I am so happy to join # 1001 !
First I was worried that # 1000 would be a milestone after which it would be logical for the project to end. Fortunately Brain Cell is continuing - and lucky me participating in one of my favourite numbers, by not only one of the two Temple Guardians, but also in the Orion Soup:

Thank you so very much, Ryosuke!!!

Comment by Ruud Janssen on December 28, 2017 at 3:52pm

#1000 arrived

Comment by Ruud Janssen on December 28, 2017 at 11:10am

On Facebook Ryosuke just wrote to Chuck Welsh (28-12-2017):

Ryosuke Cohen Chuck Welch Always every day, I am making Brain Cell in the order they arrived at my home. (Not even a reserve) Recently your participation is 992. 993. 994. 996. 1001. 1003. 1004. I already sent them to you (of course all the participant mail artists) Now, I am making 1005 issue. Sal mail seems to take a long time in December.

Comment by Ruud Janssen on December 23, 2017 at 4:24pm

Comment by Ruud Janssen on December 23, 2017 at 4:24pm

Today received an enveloppe from Ryosuke Cohen with in it Brain Cells 980 till 1000.


Members (340)



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