
Postcrossing Users

This group is for anyone who is also a member of Postcrossing

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Members: 95
Latest Activity: Jan 25, 2023

do you also send your mail art through postcrossing?
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Comment by Ryusho Jeffus on September 24, 2017 at 4:24am
Several people wondered where to get touristy postcards. Recently I stumbled on vintage, some like over 100 years old, postcards sold in large quantities, and cheap. I bought 100+ old unused cards from Niagara Falls: about $12.00. I also found close to 100 unused cards from all over the US and some from England and France, I think I paid roughly $8.00. Sometimes I doctor them up by adding something very modern to the very old Niagara Falls postcards. Or I have framed them in a cell phone. Nothing fancy or clever. It's nice to have a ready supply. And if your interested I also bought about 200 prestamped US postal cards from the time when postage was only 1¢ or 2¢. Of course you need to supplement the postage. For those I paid roughly only a penny or two to each, way less than the cost of a card.
Comment by Ryusho Jeffus on June 22, 2016 at 2:41am

Yes, I just began doing the postcrossing thingy back in April, you know, way way back in April.  Anyway it is nice, but I notice some of the people ar very particular about what they want for a post card and I can't help but compare it to mail art where the gift is appreciated as long as it goes through the mail.  It is an interesting contrast.

Comment by Poison Label Productions on May 21, 2015 at 3:28pm

hey Jazzie

regarding the search for touristy postcards.

i like value village and antique stores....
old photos and cereal boxes...
call girl ads and Marijuana tourist maps...

i send anything i can cut into a postcard shape!
i mostly pretend i am from other places...

I make schtuff up & Why Not....

Why does Postcrossing have to be so serious?
You came to mailart to express yourself - Do It!

Be a rebel and actively resist within their rules.

Viva La MailArt!!!!

Comment by Poison Label Productions on May 21, 2015 at 3:20pm

I have been a member of post crossing for almost 10 years...
after getting in trouble with them initially .....
i discovered that the back of the postcard is my space.
They are only interested in the front.

as a form of active resistance, 

I still send handmades to people who, when reviewing their outbound" seem cool.

I still send a regular postcard with the mailart to "Follow The Rules"
or attack the back of the card.

Comment by Sevda on February 28, 2015 at 9:33pm
Just joint postcrossing and send out my first five cards. But unfortunately the most does not want handmade one. Or do you have other experiences?
Comment by Blaine Waterman on February 21, 2014 at 1:48am

Just joined both IUOMA and Postcrossing!

Comment by chimerastone on October 9, 2013 at 7:51pm

They don't mind my hamsters who always seem to invade the page when I start working and lovely Totoro character stamps. I have to be careful not over stamp otherwise there won't be much space to write.

Comment by Aerling on October 4, 2013 at 7:47pm

:) I just draw new addresses and got a lady who wrote that she would prefer handmade card. But yea...these are few. I thing that I only had similar profile once before in my postcrossing history. But you are right jazzie, most of them don't mind when you draw to other side of postcard instead of writing.

Comment by jazzie on October 4, 2013 at 7:05pm

I'm new to Postcrossing and before I joined I thought it would be a great place to use the handmade postcards I have as my stack keeps growing taller! The majority of profiles I've read don't favor handmade, and that's ok, I decided not to send something I spent a lot of time on to someone who doesn't want it. Most people want to find out more about you or your country.

I live in a vacation destination so you'd think finding touristy postcards would be easy, right? I can't find any new ones and don't have any idea where to look and keep my eyes peeled everywhere I go but so far the only place I've found any are at a thrift store. The price was great and I managed to figure out a story about photographs that related to me. I also "decorated" the writing side with some mailart. One card has gotten through and the receiver was delighted with everything -the card, the story, the art.


Comment by Aerling on October 1, 2013 at 5:10pm

In addition, there is MailArt tag thread in Postcrossing forum! I also send decorated envelopes when participating in item's tag!


Members (95)



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