'Memories are Made of This' mail art call

Event Details

'Memories are Made of This' mail art call

Time: February 23, 2013 at 6pm to December 31, 2013 at 7pm
Location: Pop up exhibitions Suffolk Uk and possibly beyond
Event Type: mail, art, call
Organized By: Rebecca Guyver
Latest Activity: Nov 30, 2013

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Comment by Rebecca Guyver on November 30, 2013 at 9:00pm

I took lots of photos.  Here are a few and I will post more in photos.  In some cases I could only hang one of your submissions as space was crowded.  I had boxes of alphabetized boxes so people could find your other pieces when they wanted to! 

the library was the perfect venue to introduce mail art to Suffolk. People looked in the windows and were intrigued and then came into the library to see what it was all about.  Many people looked and asked questions.  We had a steady stream of artists/mail artists who I know in the area and they were amazed by the breadth of work.  I gave out a handful of cards with IUOMA site address and we've been asked back to show more mail art at the library in six months or so. Again, thank you all!

Comment by Rebecca Guyver on November 30, 2013 at 8:50pm

2nd part of list:


Padin, Clemente (Uruguay)

Papatheodore, Dimitra (Greece)

Pelati, Linda (Italy)

Pendered, Mary (UK)

Penn, Cheryl (South Africa)

Petrè, Catherine (Belgium)

Petropetal (South Africa)

Phillips, Jennifer (USA)

Pinter, Klaus (Austria)

Plumb, David (UK)

Plesandra Lerrizuk, Luiza (Brasil)

Podod, Laura (USA)

Poltosi, Nádia (Brasil)

Positively Postal (UK)

Pullo, Kerri (USA)

RajaNut, Sarah (Malaysia)

Rodríguez, Guadalupe (Venezuela)

Rizzuto, Carmela (USA)

Ryosuke, Cohen (Japan)

SantAmour, Jim (USA)

Scala, Roberto (Italy)

Schulze, David (USA)

Serban, Mariana (Romania)

Silverman, Sharon (USA)

Sima, Cristian (Romania)

Sirwaite, Vaida (Lithuania)

Sloan, DeVillo (USA)

Soares, Claudette Picance (Brasil)

Soccol, Erminia Marasca (Brasil)

Solamito, Luigino (Italy)

Somodi, Bridgitta (Romania)

Sonaglio, Heloisa (Brasil)

Sonnenfeld, Mark (USA)

Stewart, Lindsay (Canada)

StraDA DA (Italy)

Stripygoose (UK)

Stolte, Matt (USA)

Sǔbrt, Jirĭ (Czech Republic)

Suus in Mokum (Netherlands)

Staroscik, Judy (USA)

Stewart, Lindsay (Canada)

Svozilik, Jaromir (Norway)

The Art High School students

Theedom, Annie (UK)

Theuninck, Jan (Belgium)

Thorne, Helen (UK)

Thys, Lavinia (Brasil)

Tictac post (Germany)

Tofu (USA)

Vermeulen, Guido (Belgium)

Veronesi, Rosanna (Italy)

Vigo, Paul (Spain)

Wagner, Michael (Germany)

Wahl, Svenja (Germany)

Warren, Simon (UK)

Weiss, Janine (Switzerland)

Williams, Theresa (USA)

Williams, Meeah (USA)

Wilson, Jane (USA)

Wintzer, Marie (Japan) 

Wyndham, Tamara (USA)

Yonatantsav, Yoni (Israel)

Comment by Rebecca Guyver on November 30, 2013 at 8:49pm

Here is the first part of the list of participants:

Aḡar, Meral (Turkey)

Alexandre, Hervè (Paris, France)

Anderson, Gail (USA)

Andrea, Turk (The Art High School, Romania)

Antonin, Grigori (USA)

An U Mail art (Latvia)

Anna Banana (Canada)

Araujo, Maria Darmeli (Brasil)

Aristide 3108 (France)

Barcelona Prisoners (Spain)

Bajkó, Renáta (The Art High School, Romania)

Baroni, Viittore (Italy)

BellScott, Nancy (USA)

Bericat, Pedro (Spain)

Blake, Stephanie (USA)

Blank, Cristina (Germany)

Blegas, C (Spain)

Block, Jay (USA)

Borderline Grafix (USA)

Bruns, Vizma (Australia)

Buz Blurr (USA)

CasaMayor de Planta, Chantal (France)

Satagnini, Lorella (Italy)  

Cernjul, Viviana (Argentina)

Chambers, Keith (USA)

Churchill, Sarah (Wales)

Colby, Eileen (USA)

Coles, E (UK)

Coley Ann (UK)

Cope, Angie (USA)

Coppa, Christine (USA)

Courcelle, Thom (USA)

Craftgasm, Melissa (USA)

Crisispanty, (USA)

Cristina Zaval (The Art High School, Romania)

Csaba Pál (Hungary)

de Fiori, Giuliana (Brasil)

Dellafiora, David - Field Study (Australia)

Della Vedova, Michel (France)

De Oliveira, Maria Da Gloria a Jesus (Brasil)

De Palma Caly (USA)

De Pulla, Daniel (Spain)

Dewi (Canada)

Dartes, Nolwenn (Switzerland)

Debiagi Consuelo Margarida (Brasil)

Dentoni, Sarah, (USA)

Dinsmore, Claire (USA)

Donaudi, Giovanni (Italy)

Dornelles, Nancy (Brasil)

E (France)

Femenias, Victor, (Chile)

Filipetta, Mariana (Italy)

Foster, Jon (USA)

Garcia, Claudìa (Argentina)

Granlund, Carina (Finland)

Gravino, Rosa (Argentina)

Guimarāes, Elisabeth Karam (Brasil)

Guyver, Figgy (Scotland)

Guyver, Hudson (UK)

Guyver, Olivia (USA)

Guyver, Rebecca (UK)

H. Cheryl (USA)

Hamby, Dustin (USA)

Hayes, Jim (USA)

Heed, Niklas (Sweden)

Hendy, Ella (UK)

Herman, Valentine Mark (France)

Hobbs, Sue (South Africa)

Horn, Andreas (Gemany)

Hjuler, Kommissar (Germany)

Ilis, Erni (Brasil)

Isaila, Ion (Germany)

Irwen, Amy (USA)

Iversen, Lisa (USA)

James, Dr Chris (Australia)

Janssen, Ruud (Netherlands)

Johns, A (USA)

Jones, Christine (Australia)

Jones, JJalltheway (USA)

Keen, Marguerite  (USA)

Kehoe, Katy (USA)

Kehoe, Molly (USA)

Keys, Diane (USA)

Kiner, Louise (Canada)

King, Sam (USA)

Krstevski, Zlatko (Macedonia)

L, Raphael (USA)

Laurence Gillot (France)

Leigh, Michael (UK)

Lewis, Jane (UK)

Lock, Harry (South Africa)

Loydell, Rupert (UK)

Luigetti, Serse (Italy)

Lynch, Taidgh (Ireland)

McAllister, Susan (USA)

Mad Madge (USA)

Mailart Martha (UK)

Mailarta, Dame (Canada)

Marinho, Dorian Ribas (Brasil)

Mariuti, Lilian (Brasil)

Marks, Dean (France)

Marques, Katia Andrea (Brasil)

Marques, Tamiko Akutso (Brasil)

Marsdon, Sue (UK)

Matarrese, Pietro Romano (Italy)

Mim (USA)

Moan Lisa (USA)

Montlvetti, Samuel (Argentina)

Moss, Beci (UK)

Moss, Jan (USA)

Newkirk, Christine, (USA)

Nidham, M. (Oman)

Nikoltsou, Katerina (Greece)

Norton, Ken (USA)

Not Hi NG (USA)

Comment by Rebecca Guyver on November 4, 2013 at 8:45pm

Lots of new things have come into memories since my last comment.  Just love this from Pedro Bericat. It will be perfect for the pop up exhibition at Hadleigh library (Suffolk UK) on the last weekend in November!


Comment by Rebecca Guyver on October 11, 2013 at 9:18pm

I'm hoping to organise another pop up exhibition in the southwest of England in November.  I will know definately soon! In the meantime, many thanks for wonderful memories from all over.  Latest are instalments 110-113 from Simon Warren and an 'icon' from Zlatko Krstevski.

Comment by Rebecca Guyver on September 12, 2013 at 9:48pm

Great to get more memories!  Thsi arrived from Claudia Garcia.  


Comment by Rebecca Guyver on September 3, 2013 at 9:33pm

Many thanks to Kat for sending me a red hot summer memory!

To see the back and all of Kat's wonderful stamps, visit:


Comment by Caly DePalma on July 27, 2013 at 2:11pm

Thank you Rebecca. Would love to send you more in the future. 8-)

Comment by Rebecca Guyver on July 27, 2013 at 2:32am
Caly sent this remarkable card, full of memories and rain. thank you Caly!
Comment by Rebecca Guyver on July 12, 2013 at 10:59pm

Maria and Caly, I look forward to receiving your memories.  I will be hosting aother pop up show after the summer.  Or you can send me something in Maine:

PO Box 84

Cranberry Isles Maine



 and I will try to do something there too!

Attending (20)

Might attend (3)


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