Adding photos from Flickr - receiving an error message.

Oops! Flickr can't find a valid callback URL.

An external application has requested your login credentials and permission to perform certain actions on your behalf, but has failed to include all the required data.

You don't really need to know what this means, except that you can't use the application until this problem is fixed. (It's a third-party problem, not a Flickr problem.)

There are lots of applications using the Flickr API. If you are curious about this, visit the Flickr Services page to see more examples of cool stuff. Otherwise, you might like to head to your home page...

Tags: error, flickr, photos

Views: 52

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm also getting this - have been for a while. Wonder when ing will fix this
It would be nice if they would fix it.
I tried to enter a new photo, but I did something wrong and goofed it up.  I want to start over, but it's still in the mode of looking for the picture I cancelled.  Not sure what to do.  Can the problem be solved through your end?  Sorry.



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