What comes next after next 20 years?
I started more than 30 years ago -
what will be in next 30 years?

no discussion - just a thougth - going inside.

mail art is not jail art -
art ist start
stamp art is not vamp art!

hope you all will have a creative healthy 2009.

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Mail art = Art + Freedom + Worldwide Friendship. Here I am agree, if You keep friendship with other mail artists then You are mail artist! We have common point!
i am addicted to art and creating i love stamps as a child love the mail. i would go through coupons and junk mail just for fun!.

now i love the pysicalness of it. and hate when people mail me digital prints and digital work! i don't know what i hate seeing pixels and stuff so much. but you could just email me the file and i could print it or not.

i like that mail art relies on paper or wood or plastic and ink and glue and paint, etc. originals from one artist to the next. or compliations and collaborations.
i am only 21 and i know a lot of heavily involved mailartists around my age. and a lot of artist that love mail and aren't sure of "HOW MAIL-ART WORKS"

its Art... that you mail.

if you are mailing a banana. that is more of a conceptual enterprise.
not at all. Projects are just one aspect. Using communication as e medium in your art makes it something that comes in the same area. So when you don't participate in projects, you can still be a mail-artist. Don't let one person dictate a definition. There have been written hundreds of those.
OK, give me one of this hundreds! How You will define mail artist? He can not participate in mail art projects, OK. He must communicate? With whom? How? Can be mail artist out of mail art network and its activity? Why we call him mail artist then? Or anybody who is sending picture by e-mail to his mother (who are far from mail art network) is mail artist? It's important question about borders and definitions.
Yes, certainly mail art network has intellectual basis, otherwise it was destroyed long years ago. We all are independent and free, and You are mail artist, just because You are member of IUOMA (International Union of mail artists), and this IUOMA site is, no doubt, part of mail art network! 8-)
The rules are unwritten. When you write them down they will be broken. Also because mail-artists like to play with the communication forms. These unwritten rules only were used for mail-art projects. Only a small fraction of what mail-art is all about. Some only do projects, some play with communications. There are no rules when you talk about art.......
What about "NO JURI. NO RETURN. DOC TO ALL"? This words were written thousands times for almost all mail art projects. If rule "NO JURI" "is broken" - then it's not mail art, otherwise all exhibitions we must recognize as mail art, or what criteria for mail art exhibition? Works sent by postal service?

There are a lot of rules when we talk about art, even anarchists have their rules and theories.
Everything is art? Everything is mail art?All men are brothers? World is shit?
Please, Gik, don't become angry !!!

It seems to me that we come back to the beginning.
My first interest was in knowing how YOU practice mail art...
What are YOUR rules ? the rules you agree with, the rules you accept for being yours ?

Of course we all have rules.

I have my own rules :
- I never send an empty envelop.
- I never send something I'm not proud or glad o happy, or only satisfied to have done.
- I never mix money and mail art.

I see your rules are different from mine.

We don't need to quarrel about that..
Ruud, I would like to know how you made it, 20 years ago, to create this network...
How did you find other persons interested in mail art ? Get names and adresses to get in touch with them, and so on...
When I was younger, I never heard about this way of artistic expression...
I was living in a small town, far from Paris where the whole artistic life was concentrated.
I started to draw and paint very young because my father was a "peintre du dimanche" (=a week end painter ??) so I saw him drawing and painting. And he sometimes bought some art books (were very expansive for us...), so I knew all the great painters much better than my maths lessons !!

But I remember we both felt very alone in our social circle.
And that's why I finally gave up with mailarting about 1975-80.

TWo or three years ago, I heard about "art postal" in France, but it was made by embroiderers (what I am too). But I had no time to create embroided mails.

And then, last year, I fell into a mailartist blog...
and here I am !
I started in 1980. The IUOMA was a creation I did in 1988.

How I discovered mail-art is fully documented (and published on the internet and in bookform). I hardry write stories again. Every time I start to write a new text comes out.

I inventer the TAM-concept without connecting to the network. In 1983 I sent my mail-art to a newspaper and a journalist wrote an article and published that on the first page. That brought reactions, also from people inside the network. I got in contact with Guy Bleus, Ben vautier, Anna banana, etc. Started to communicate and got addresslist. All it took was lots of enegy, and the mail started to come in.

More detailed stories: just google a bit and discover 20-page long interview I gave.
p.s. you mention 'this network'. There are lots of mail-art networks that work besides eachother....
Wonderful! Yes, every mail artist has his network of correspondents, but they crossed each other and organize one big mail art network with "fathers", history, traditions, rules, activity, projects, sites as this, etc. We live in ONE world and have ONE mail art network, but every mail artist has own network of correspondents, it's different thing!



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