I noticed in various contributions, that many artists (''artists'' perhaps ?) are using large number of other's people works, taken from newspapers, magazines, books,etc. That could inflict the copyrights. In many cases, nobody will discuss it, and no legal matters will arise. Still, I think it is not artistic to use so many of non-original work/s in your own work. I don't want to point my finger to any particular person, but I am sure it is wrong way to make something ''new'' or ''original''and to call it your own work. It is fine to source inspiration from others, but it is just totally opposite to blatantly take others works and make ''collages'' or whatever one could call such works. I also noticed there is not so much of original works, seems it is just easier to ''cut and paste'' or cut out and stick, than to draw or make your own work with your own hands and brains.
you are putting the words in my mouth, the most of what you wrote I barely mentioned, and if so, it was in different way with different meaning. I never wrote anything about what you wrote, especially ''entire process of collage'' etc. So your writing is basically on the same topic, but you did not comment what I wrote about. You should start your own topic and then others can comment. I don't have a time to comment on your miss-comments.
Noting CT Chew's neoist artistamps and recalling Ed Varney's collaborative set of Mona Lisa artistamps from the 1980s, I think it is time for a themed set of stamps titled "FAIR USE" with some surrealistic amusement rides and carny scenes.
lets do it, collect a bunch of willing artists and lets collect a collection of images for stamps and i will make an edition for all. "art evolves when humor arrives..."
Your avatar hurts my eyes.
Your eyes hurts my avatar.
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This message is from the one and only Valentine Mark Herman, aka “Val'n'Mark” (to his friends – nb plural – and animals).
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Am I alone in thinking it'srather sad -- if not desperate -- for Pedrag to have to use large bold font and an annoyingly moving logo-thing to get his point across?
Hahahahaha! LARGE bold font is berry good ! And my ''annoyingly'' moving logo is just FANTASTIC AND SO COOL !
You’re not alone, and it’s childish of him. Seems to need attention
YES, so childish of Margaret. Seems to need ATTENTION so much. How do they need Margaret is needing attention? Because she mingle in interesting topic created by someone else. How nice, like vanilla ice cream.
I needed your ''attention '' like chocolate needs garlic.
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