
Katerina has suggested that we have a Special Mailing for Valentine's Day.

The theme would be,of course, Valentine's Day. Any treatment of it is allowed, but please try and give it some historic dimension.

(The only thing that is not allowed is using the image of any shape or form of Him in Sigean called Valentine)

Please let me know if you would like to participate. the 'obligation' involved is that all participants mail all other participants bon the 14th.

So far we have 2 people committed to this:

1; Katerina,

2. Him in Sigean.


Do let me know,

Regards, Val (only 26 days to go to my Saint's Day! Only three hundred and fifty odd shopping days to next Christmas)

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Hmmmm....we can mail ON the 14 February, but if there is a strike in Greece ( a weekly event ;-), maybe I can send so the mail art ARRIVES by the 14 Feb? In oher word, maybe I should mail NOW...what say HIM in Sigean? It would be nice to get a Valentine to Valentine on Valentine's DAY ;-)

It did occur to me to set it up so that we got mail ON the 14th, but the vagaries of our national postal systems will undoubtedly sabotage this -- it seems to take 3 weeks to send a letter air mail (via Saturn?) to south Africa, and even 4 days to get a letter from one side of Sigean to the other.

So, if this is acceptable -- and I'm sure you will tell me if it isn't -- i) you have to tell me by 5 February at the latest if you are in the mailing, and ii) you can mail anytime between the 5th and 14th of February. A post-mark on or before the 14th will be seen as an indication of your love. One after and, well....there's other Mail Artists out there!

And please don't forget the Historic aspect of this.

Regards, Mark


People committed to date:

1. Katerina

2. Val

I am committed to this!  I loooove love.

There are now THREE Valentines:

1. Katerina

2; Valentine Mark

3. Jen Staggs.


With more to come, I hope

please include me! assuage my expatriate holiday-void!

中国 (CHINA)
40号 1604室

2399 N. Guyang Road
Bldg 40, #1604
Songjiang District, Shanghai
PRC (China) 201620



Every year since 1973, the USA Postal Service has issued a special "Love" stamp just before Valentine's Day.

The very first US "LOVE" stamp was the design from the art of Robert Indiana.

I have not been able to find the issue dates of many of the stamps shown above, if anyone knows when and how, please post. Many, many, many stamps with "Puppy Love", "Love" written with flower-letters, and "Love" with rainbow colors...exist in bags and boxes here at Glinou 20 ;-) Sign up for the Special Valentine Mailing, and you could have one.. or a few !

Starting at the top Row1 and moving left to right

the 2nd stamp was issued: 1/31/1984


Row2: stamp 1, 1/30/1987, stamp2 7/4/88, stamp 3, 8/8/88, stamp4, 1/18/90

Row3: stamp 1, 2/6/92, stamp 2 6/11/94, stamp3, 5/9/91. stamp 4 2/14/94, stamp 5 5/9/91


Row 4: stamp 1 2/2/95 and 5/12/95, stamp 2 5/12/95 stamp 3, 2/4/97, stamp 4 2/4/97, stamp 5 1/28/99, stamp 6 1/28/99


Row 5: stamp 1 2/14/01, stamp2, 2/14/01, stamp4 8/16/02


Row 6 stamp 1 and 2, 3/4/04 (not really part of the Love series) stamp 4 and 5 3/1/06 (not part of Love  series ...(Weddings) 


The King and Queen of Hearts are in fact the Love stamps for the year 2009. The Pansies for 2010. They don't appear to be issuing a new one for this year.   


This is the Love stamp from 2006:  72157...  (the birds on the B ATC). I made this and traded it so no longer have the stamp.  


I have a couple others like the Hershey's Kiss that says Love and Kisses 39 cents from 2007. Also from 2007 but not in the Love series (I think Weddings) are a  Lilac 41 cent heart and a pink 58 cent heart.


From 2008 it is the 42 cent :All Heart (big red heart in the hands of a man on a field of grass). and the Wedding hearts that are green (42 cents) and buff (59 cents)...These hearts look the same as the Lilac and Pink hearts from the previous year. 


The Wedding stamps for 2009 were the 44 cent rings and the 61 cent Cake.

For this year, I think that the Love Stamp is this one. It may have been issued in 2010.

And a series of USA stamps from the comics have been issued. This "Archie" stamp that came on a mail art envelope in yesterday's mail, it is definitely a "Love" stamp!

The US Postal Service also issues many, many Love Stamps for wedding invitation mailings,

and other occasions. 'Hoping to receive some of these during the Valentine mailing!


That's a fantastic collection of Love stamps, Katerina! I'm jealous; and wonder if i am in love...

Regards, Val

Okay, I'll give it a shot....

Please send us your address for the mailing, David.

Thanks, Val



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