"Mise En Boite" Collettiva Internazionale

dedicata a Christine Anne Tarantino, 1948-2012


-       The International Collective dedicated to Anne Christine Tarantino

Visit:  http://www.ophenvirtualart.it/mostra.php#


-       (My soul is a poem in bloom, presentation of Douglas Dawson)

Visit:  http://www.ophenvirtualart.it/presentazione.php



Per vedere tutte te opere del progetto dedicato a Christine Anne Tarantino

Visita:- To see all you works of the project dedicated to Anne Christine Tarantino Visit:


Tags: Anne, Art, Arte, Bonanno, Bongiani, Christine, Contemporanea, Dawson, Douglas, Gallery, More…Giovanni, Mail, Ophen, Salerno, Sandro, Spazio, Tarantino, Virtual, Wendell

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Poema visivo di Giovanni Bonanno

dedicato  a   Christine A. Tarantino



la vita è fatta di incubi

e di  strane certezze,

di desideri

e  di  profonde cadute,

in cui il  tempo passato

svanisce  veloce all’orizzonte

   e macchia  una intera stagione.


Esseri  mutanti

cavalcano  orgogliosi  il vento

e non si accorgono

che  le orme del passato

marciscono   ataviche  all’intemperie.


Sono cadaveri  nati dal nulla 

che lasciano   bave mucose 

e  tracce di fuoco rappreso

sopra  vecchie lastre di pietra abbandonate.


Vivere è svelare gli strani intrecci

 tra la provvisorietà

e l’inconsistenza di un momento.



L’ultima ora,

è ancora  più sfuggente,

ha la leggerezza dell’apparire

in un succedersi di  strani

eventi  in divenire.


Solo i profeti

condividono l’oscurità,

  e sanno trasformare  i dubbi

in arcane  memorie private.


Lasciati uscire  ancora  un   sorriso

che possa    diventare certezza

per chi  vorrà carpire  qualcosa di più

di ciò che eravamo e siamo diventati.


© Giovanni   Bonanno  2013



- Poesia di Francesco Mandrino  per Christine Anne Tarantino

- poesia di Jan Theuninck

- Poesia di Guido Vermeulen per Christine Anne Tarantino

- Poesia di Giovanni Bonanno per Christine Anne Tarantino


Visual poem of Giovanni  Bonanno 

dedicated to Christine Tarantino


Life is made of nightmares

and strange certainties,


and deep falls,

in which the time spent

fades fast horizon

and stain an entire season.


mutant beings

proud ride the wind

and do not notice

that the footsteps of the past

atavistic at weather..


Corpses are born from nothing

that leave burrs mucous

and traces of fire congealed

above old abandoned stone slabs.


To live is to unravel the strange twists

between the provisional

and the inconsistency of a moment.


The last hour,

is even more elusive,

has the lightness of appearance

in a succession of strange

events in the making.


Only the prophets

share the darkness,

and know how to transform the doubts

in arcane private memories.


Left out again a smile

it can become certainty

for those who want to steal something more

of what we were and we have become.

© Giovanni Bonanno 2013

MISE EN BOITE, Christine Anne Tarantino  (1948 - 2012)

Press Release

International group exhibition opens Sunday, December 7, 2014, at 18.00, entitled: "MISE EN BOITE / Almost a collective work" by Giovanni Bonanno, that Space Ophen Virtual Art Gallery of Salerno dedicated artist Christine Anne Tarantino exactly two years after his death (7 December 2012). There are 87 works by as many important international authors who wanted to be present at this special occasion the American artist.

Exactly two years after the death of the American artist (7 December 2012), is organized the first international collective dedicated to her friends with the participation of several international artists that had long been in contact. Anne Christine Tarantino was born in the Bronx December 3, 1948, His family soon moved to Framingham Massachusetts. He attended Fitchburg State College. Christine has chosen to live a life in contact with nature led by an essentially spiritual. The American artist has strongly believed in the transformative power of words, spoken and written. In view of what has created works for several decades "Fluxus" between image and word, between objectivity and visual poetry; a sort of cross between writing and collage with organic materials found, and above all, active participation in many international projects in a global art network in which art is expressed through participation and choral collective of artists, creating interesting works in unique editions , artist's books and other written texts. His performances in art consisted of artistic events and actions often in contact with nature. Only in 2012, before his death, Christine has been present in several important exhibitions in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Nepal, and the United States. The solitude and natural beauty of his farm in Wendell inspired his creativity and respect of nature. He loved to walk in the Quabbin and driving through the Berkshires, especially to go to art museums in North Adams and Williamstown. Christine Tarantino Wendell, (Massachusetts), only 64 years passed away December 7, 2012 at Hospice of the Fisher House in North Amherst, Massachusetts.

For this particular occasion there are 87 artists with more than 135 works and several poems by various authors dedicated to Anne Christine Tarantino and a critical presentation titled (My soul is a poem in bloom) friend Douglas Dawson.

Artists participating in this International Review: Christine Anne  Tarantino,  Anna Boschi, Paolo Scirpa,  Ruggero Maggi, C. Mehrl  Bennett, Simon Warren, Clemente Padin, Giovanni  Bonanno, Carlo Iacomucci,  Bruno Cassaglia, Daniel Daligand, Pier Roberto Bassi, Lamberto  Pignotti, Stathis Chrissicopulos, Marcello  Diotallevi, Fernanda Fedi, Eugenio Giannì, Alfonso Caccavale, Luc Fierens, Mauro  Molinari, Rosa Gravino, Marina Salmaso,  Lancillotto  Bellini, Tomaso Binga, Roland Halbritter, Paolo Carnevale, Rolando Zucchini, Fulgor C. Silvi, Fernando Andolcetti, Emilio Morandi, Carl  Baker, Claudio Parentela, Guido  Capuano, Claudio Grandinetti, Giancarlo Pucci, Mabi Col,  Antonio Sassu,  Maurizio Follin, Carmela  Corsitto, Adolfina De Stefani,  G. Franco Brambati, Claudio Romeo, Gino Gini, Gianni  Romeo, Giovanni Fontana,  I Santini Del  Prete, Ernesto Terlizzi, Roberto Scala, Jacob de Chirico, Francesco Mandrino,  Mario Manzoni Sala, Vittore Baroni, Luisa Bergamini, Virginia Milici, Fernando Aquiar, Walter Festuccia, Rosanna  Veronesi, Buz Blurr, Mariano  Bellarosa, Fausto Paci, Angela Caporaso, Renata e Giovanni Strada, Salvatore Starace, Elisa Battistella, Lamberto  Caravita, Pierpaolo Limongelli, Patrizia Battaglia, Domenico  Severino,  Antonio Baglivo, Pasquale Riccardi, Domenico Ferrara  Foria, M. P. Fanna  Roncoroni,  Francesco Aprile, Marta Caccaro,  Piero Barducci, Serse Luigetti, Roberto Zito, Gabriella  Gallo, Maria Teresa Cazzaro, Miguel  Zavarof, Rosa Biagi, Silvana  Alliri, Jan Theuninck, Carolina Bsquets, Lorenzo Cleffi, anonymous artist, Connie Jean.





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