Kayenderes's Comments

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At 4:39am on September 12, 2017, Maria Gallardo said…

Hello Kay! Saw your post in the Envelopes group! I can swap with you handmade envelopes and handmade postcards! Just let me know if you're interested. I am in Costa Rica :-)

Comment by kayenderes on August 26, 2017 at 8:38pm

I would love to join and swap hand made envelopes.   Is this at all possible.

Please let me know.   also does anyone swap paper post cards hand made?

Please anyone?

At 12:29am on September 10, 2017, david-baptiste chirot said…

Dear Friend--many many eons ago i went to your rez with my first wife--i was part of the Mohawk world--stood with a gun taking my shift to watch enemy borders, usa and quebec--i had never touched a gun before--oh yes i too love jokes and can most certainly take them!! so many people who participate in venues and lists that advocate Freedom of Spirit--damn! they are so CONSTIPATED--take everything so literally--that they are paranoid and see completely  wrong and threatening meanings in the slightest very small joke--i remember the shock of so many non-indians--that indians laugh and joke so much!! what are they supposed to--cigar store stoic silent indians--of course a SILENT indian is so much more preferred to one who laughs--especially a woman!!~ (i read long ago a great essay by as i recall audre lorde (?)--maybe not her--writing re the masculine terror, fear, shock--at women's laughter--as they always suspect--and ironically very often rightly--that that laughter is extremely subversive! oh yes i will keep in touch and send you things often (just provide an address or box--which ever you use)----isolation can exist anywhere even in a huge speeding crowd in midst of the world's most loud and eye blinding city--hen there is truly an isolation of places such as where you-are--ih have lived many places very isolated-- no electricity no running water except in the streams-- way out in the woods--in vermont in sweden--it can be incredibly restoring and i miss vermont and sweden so many ;.,laces so much yet find always some places here in milwaukee good to walk and sit looking out over the Lake--swamped with projects these days--oh--do you remember the collection of indian works called shaking the pumpkin?--by Jerome Rothenberg--i recall dimly that he was involved or contributed or at least read--as we used to--the Akwa--forgive the spelling just left my brain--akwasaskie News--swhen the book came out i remember a lot of critique and making jokes re it T TH Indian House at Dartmouth College--this was very long ago--actually Jerry R saw something i wrote re the Outsider in art and writing (western)-replying to a query he had made--i thought right after i shd never have sent--but to my shock really---he was so take with what i wrote that he has been using things of mine at his blog which some  day is going to be--maybe not who knows--another volume in his series of books POEMS FOR THE MILLENNIUM--i had deeply respected and admired early works of his which came out when i was barely a teenager--had big influence on me in terms that it set me off on my own researches--though re shakin the pumpkin every time i see it it all comes back to me my wife and others cracking jokes about--though  they had not read it--jerry R has sent me lot of great poetry books--been a big help that he actually thinks so very highly of what i write and think--i am sure you know that  feeling a good deal if not all of your life--"a voice crying in the wilderness"--ah--the sun is sinking and i better get out--have barely been out today due to circumstances--more later and soon!! thank you so much for your invite and response!!!--david (mohawk name i have written down--in English means He-Who-Shakes-the-Sky  (NOT the pumpkin!)--

At 7:49pm on August 26, 2017, carl baker said…

hello kay, thanks for asking,

i will send mail soon, acme>>>>>

At 6:15am on August 14, 2017, Mail Art Martha said…

Which of your addresses you rather use? The cost is the same from England.  

At 5:05pm on June 21, 2017, Amy Irwen said…
Hi..thanks for the friending...will try to get these out to you tomorrow or Friday...have a great day *!*
At 7:14pm on June 17, 2017, Norma Soulet said…

Hi Kayenderes,

I didn't know you were in this group!

So happy that you are.


At 1:28pm on September 7, 2014, Celestino Neto said…
At 9:16pm on April 26, 2014, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Earthling, this is the last but certainly not the least welcome message to IUOMA you receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland. When you joined IUOMA on April 09 I was unable to welcome you on board.  At the time I was in a Celestial Journey far beyond the Milky Way. Now, back to planet Earth, I´d love to be the other end if you wish to trade mail art with a celestial mail artist. If this is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

The Celestial Scribe

Terrene Embassy

Republik van Patland

Caixa Postal 24827




I look forward to see a piece of yours in our terrene mailbox. I´ll do my homework after receiving your artwork. This is nothing less than a Celestial Promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Republik van Patland Official Envelope Provider.

At 12:54pm on April 12, 2014, Giannis Stamenitis said…


From Hellas...

Giannis Stamenitis


At 10:26pm on April 9, 2014, Jessie said…


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