Patricio - The Celestial Scribe's Comments

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At 5:23pm on January 20, 2013, Catalina Rozas said…

Hola Patricio! en cualquier momento te mandaré algo de lo que estoy haciendo. En este momento tengo solo fanzines, pero me sentaré a crear otras cosillas. Muchas gracias por dejarme tu dirección postal. te dejo la mía

Ancoa 5090 - San Joaquín

Santiago - Chile

Muchos Saludos amigo postal!

At 10:18am on January 19, 2013, Melissa Hughes said…

I will keep you posted and hope to have something equally magical to post back soon.

At 4:48pm on January 18, 2013, Laura Bucci said…

Hi Patricio, and thank you for the wonderful welcome. I don't think can resist such a wonderful invitation to exchange postal you'll be getting something from me sooner rather than later.

At 10:32pm on January 17, 2013, Donald Kolberg said…

Thank you for the gracious welcome. I look forward to sending connections.

At 3:40am on January 14, 2013, servat c said…


At 1:01am on January 12, 2013, Lauren Jean-Marie Nocheck said…

Hello Patricio. I was very happy to receive your comment and I am very happy to have my first person to send art to be a celestial scribe. Hopefully within a week I will be sending mail art to you since I am very excited to make my first exchange. Thank you for your comment and welcome.

At 12:12pm on January 9, 2013, Yulia-Fruit-Ananas said…

Hello!!! Very happy to see first comment in my "mail -art- world")thank you!! and i`m gonna send to you from Siberia))i hope You will get it because Russian Post is not best one))hehh

At 2:44am on January 9, 2013, Michael Wilson said…
Thanks it is a joy...
At 10:12pm on January 7, 2013, James L. Weaver said…
Patricio: Thank you for the warm welcome.
At 3:10am on January 5, 2013, Lyss said…

Hi Patricio,

Just finished your mail art!

At 8:26pm on January 4, 2013, Carmela Rizzuto said…

HI Patricio,

Received your messages. Will keep my eyes on the heavens watching for your eagerly awaited missive. 

At 1:40am on January 1, 2013, fátima queiroz said…

Um grande abraço, Patricio!

Saúde e paz para você e sua família!

At 6:20pm on December 31, 2012, Patricia Milanes said…

I'll send you one after the holidays! Happy new year, Patricio! :)

At 3:50am on December 31, 2012, fátima queiroz said…

At 2:32am on December 31, 2012, Cernjul Viviana María said…

Que la Bendición de Dios,
Su Gran Amor y Fortaleza,
te acompañen todo el año,
y que el 2013 sea
para dar y recibir,
para plantar y cosechar,
para crecer y perdonar,
para olvidar y emprender nuevos retos,
para agradecer,
para confiar y en Él descansar,
para no desaprovechar las oportunidades,
para esforzarse y continuar la marcha,
para levantarte cuando te caes,
para superar la adversidad,
para que disfrutes la vida en plenitud...
...Vive sin miedo
a enfrentar el día a día.
Desafía tus grandes temores.
...Lo peor que puede pasar
es que no hagas nada!!!

At 5:32pm on December 29, 2012, matri schembari said…


patricio x tu bienvenida, y encantada harè llegar un envìo ya que la emociòn infantil inolvidable del correo acaba de regresar a mì, claramente! Como si fuera magia,

papeles de colores se han ido reuniendo en mi escritorio estos dìas, harè circular la energìa. No conozco tu planeta, sì dos que se llaman Vitòpolis y Xulòpolis que habitan mis hijos y al leer tu carta se me ocurre que sean de la misma galaxia, quizà. En estos dìas me dedico a recibir los trabajos para la 6a. convocatoria del MAB, tema "playa", estàs enterado verdad? Tienes la direcciòn? Que comiences bien el nuevo año!

At 8:21pm on December 28, 2012, Marie-Claude Leclerc said…

I just shovel a little path with blue salt that shines under the sun

for the mail man. :) Feliz Ano Novo,Patricio!

At 6:31pm on December 28, 2012, Carmela Rizzuto said…

Feliz Ano Novo,Patricio! Just want to let you know that if you sent a piece of mail art that it has not arrived. Also,I noticed that in the past you have sent 'test messages'. Comments sent to me wait for my approval before they are posted. So do not be alarmed by any delays in your messages reaching me. Hope to receive mail from you soon. Have a creative new year!

At 6:29pm on December 28, 2012, Matthias BRUGGER said…

Um feliz 2013 desejo

Matthias Brugger

At 11:52pm on December 27, 2012, Marie-Claude Leclerc said…

Ending my intensive mail art "duties" for 2012. Big snow out here so good time for it. Invitation meanwhile in your @ 7 I'll try to send a card in 2013.


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