Susanna Lakner's Comments

Comment Wall (156 comments)

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At 12:11am on July 31, 2012, olgacorrales said…

  Hola ! permiso paso a dejar una invitación de arte postal ,saludos cordiales Olga.

Mail art for non-violence against women.

Thank you very much, I'm hoping to have the support of the mail art movement.

We appreciate the participation and dissemination of project

Techniques; Free (photographs, collage, paintings, prints, writings, poems, etc.)
All writings, poems, verses, sentences must be passed into English and Spanish.

Size: Free, depending on the resources of each place and each artist, you can also reach
agreement if the country has a host-coordinator.

Quantity: Free

Closing date for receipt: 10/09/2012.

Artists lxs created and / or postcards intervene on one side, leaving the adverse side
target for intervention of the public who visit the exhibition.

The works must be coming to Bahia Blanca, Argentina in August-September

No jury, no return, no works comercialización.Todas
will be published online in the blog-http :/ / /

We'll select all entries received that do not qualify unless the
the criterion of the proposed theme.

Participation in this call is free and implies knowledge
and full acceptance of the conditions thereof.

Each country will have a host who is responsible for advising participating artists lxs
Explaining type of paper, weights, measurements, date and mode of delivery, and in the case of countries that do not have, at the discretion of each artist.
The Post should be sent in a sealed envelope along with personal information to this address before Sept. 10, 2012

Olga Corrales
Address: Libertad No 3756-Ing White
Bahia Blanca-Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
C.P. 8000

IMPORTANT: Also send pictures in JPG format (preferably not too heavy) to the following e mail:
Will be uploaded to the blog

For people who want to reflect the situations of women in our land, with those structures dehumanised, to be the art who will educate, inform, salv
e, and denature such violence
Showing doors outside, inside, down the carpet, and what happens in the room q, in the kitchen, with phobias killer, what happens in the q networks around the world, in politics, in lxs infiltradxs with our desterradxs origins, that involves us all the comrades, that is personal, that is political, q is social.
Looks and Postcards

At 6:18pm on July 7, 2012, stan askew said…

hi susanna ~ yes ... i believe these photos are all from the same extended family. will include more in the next mailing. incidentally, i love your stamp sheets ... they are fantastic.

take good care,


At 11:46pm on June 29, 2012, stan askew said…

finally putting something in the mail to you, today!  best to you!  


At 10:31pm on May 29, 2012, PIRO said…

Thanks Susanna, isn't it cute, lol

At 6:23pm on May 29, 2012, Svenja Wahl said…

Liebe Susanna, ooh, New York, wie wunderbar! Freu mich auf Post von dir, keine Eile! Lieber Gruß Svenja

At 2:40pm on May 29, 2012, Cristian Sima said…

At 2:54pm on May 16, 2012, Jenn Grosso said…

thanks susanna! ya it's been waaayyyyy too long! i'll be getting a new PO Box address soon and will send you something kewl in the meatime! until then take care!

At 8:56pm on May 1, 2012, jon foster said…

Got your pack of goodies in the mail today. Gonna add a few things to the cards you sent and then shoot them back to you very soon. Also, thanks for the printed postcards. Soon!

At 7:06am on April 4, 2012, Marianne Laimer said…
Thank you for the tip Susanna :-)

I will check out the the site. I love your stamps they are absolutely gorgeous.
At 11:44am on March 27, 2012, Carina said…

Glad to hear, Susanna! It's a small ship, the bigger is on the way soon...

I did a small blog of your mail..

Have a great week!

At 3:05pm on March 16, 2012, cheryl penn said…

#23 arrived - as TICTAC says - its an eye feast - many thanks, its a delight to be involved in this project.  More pages underway :-) X

At 8:10pm on March 9, 2012, Ptrzia (TICTAC) said…

WoW'nderful 22 arrived for the joy of my eyes!  :-)

Thank you very much Susanna! 

something your way in the mail.


At 2:26pm on March 8, 2012, Nancy Bell Scott said…

Thanks for the friendship, Susanna!

At 10:13am on March 6, 2012, cheryl penn said…

GREAT!! I will start on new pages :-) XX

At 5:16am on March 6, 2012, cheryl penn said…

I received your fantastic package yesterday - MANY MANY thanks - something coming your way :-) X

At 9:52pm on February 25, 2012, Jen said…

I'm glad you got it Susanna! Hope you liked my recycled travel mailart.  I'm going to put it in a blog post with the mailart and a link to your blog.  Will send ya the link when it's done. Just been super busy with planning my wedding to post stuff.  Take care.

At 2:58pm on February 9, 2012, Karen Champlin said…

Susanna, Thank you so much for the Papertailor Of Susanna.  It's amazing!  I am honored to own a copy.

At 1:17pm on January 26, 2012, stan askew said…

hello susanna ~ i received "the ghost of utopia parkway", your toner book, and the wonderful collage, yesterday. they arrived safely and are absolute treasures!!! thank you so much! as to inspiration ... it is most definitely a two way street. collage coming your way soon. with warm regards, stan

At 1:26am on January 16, 2012, Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas said…
Thanks Susanna. Greetings from Brazil, and happy new year!
At 1:25am on January 16, 2012, Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas said…
Thanks Susanna. Greetings from Brazil.


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