Yay Yarn!
Especially for the ones for whom yarn bombing takes too much time (by the sizes needed), Mail Art is the way to go!
You can knit and send lighthouses, snowmen, envelopes, or simply knit.
You can weave or even crochet mail art cards (thank you again, Thom!).
Some months ago I rediscovered Spool Knitting (also known as Punniken, Tricotin, Strickliesel, リリヤン, Caterinetta, Bobentrikilo - anyone who knows the word in other languages?).
While creating, suddenly this Snail Mail Snail shown above appeared.
Below there was a new snail-to-be born (temporary put on a public transport chair, here) but suddenly I decided to give the result to a little girl who was watching very interested and who might be our mail art colleague within 15 years or so :-)
Thank you, Val!
And yes, the three punnik threads have been sewn together, as have the eyes. The antennas have been braided. No, the butterfly came out of a punniked caterpillar.
But yes, also you can sew pieces of gepunnikt thread together, supposing that you have a needle at your disposal (if not: please let me know, then I'll send one to you [supposing that needles are allowed to pass the customers freely] or ask your neighbours).
(So no, I don't believe you couldn't sew! :-)
Luverly Flutterby!
Is it sewn togeather? (I can't sew, alas)
My second ever spool knit Butterfly! (Also posted there.)
Inspiring! PunnikVal
A beautiful envelope arrived! An turquoise knitted envelope with orange button. Greatly created by Eva.
With very nice content (among them an inspiring-for-knitting Giraffe, and a paper named Controle nr 21; 21 is my favourite number, great!).
And look, the 'Magyar posta' logo, and see, those 'Par Avion' stickers!
Funny is that the heart-in-box looks 3 dimensional on this photo, but in real it's really a 2D picture! And how coincidentally, the Lily of the Valley: I happened to be in Paris on 1st of May (when this mail art was travelling), and we saw these delicious smelling flowers (Muguet in French) being sold and held everywhere. 'Bonheur' a French lady replied when I asked her what meaning this flower has on this day.
I'm completely happy. Greast work, thank you very much, Eva!!
Thank you all for your kind comments!
I was busy preparing mail snails for all of you, too, and I had the spool-knitted yarn almost ready.
However... (for Thom: 'again', sorry!..) please have some more patience. Because, concerning my yarn projects: I have to first finish a rather complicated subject...
We've got a Cube-solver in da family, and I was asked to knit a Rubik's cube asap...
This is the result so far (while da family member solves cubes, I have to solve confused threads :-)
As soon as this has been finished, I'm going back to the punnik-mail-snails. To be continued!..
The eternal knitwork!
These are great! I love-love-LOVE the snail! Such a cute guy!
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