October mailart meet-up - brischris, mailart martha and stripygoose in the Morpeth Arms in London - great fun (and Vic Chris's hubby managed to keep himself entertained as we got into the mailart). Here's what we made together - all in the post to various round-the-world destinations...

Sadly not everyone got the dress-code email...


Views: 121


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Comment by stripygoose on November 12, 2013 at 6:53pm
Facinating xx great idea and yes let's keep the meet-up open and see who is around when the time comes. It was great fun and the more the merrier.
Comment by xx Jones on November 12, 2013 at 10:03am

Hey, Erni Bär just sent this interesting link - http://www.guestprojects.com/overview/

It is an intitiative by Yinka Shonibare (he made the Ship in a Bottle for the Fourth Plinth on Trafalgar Square, if you remember). Groups of artists can apply for a room/project space/exhibition space.
"Guest Projects is an initiative conceived by Shonibare Studio to offer the opportunity for artistic practitioners, of any artistic discipline (dance, visual arts, music), to have access to a free project space with office facility for 1 month.
"Alongside Regent’s Canal, Yinka Shonibare’s space at 1 Andrews Road E8 4QL, provides an alternative universe and playground for artists. It is a laboratory of ideas; a testing ground for new thoughts and actions."

Maybe one day we could have a month of Mail Art meetups and Mail Art exhibition in London!

Comment by xx Jones on November 12, 2013 at 9:48am

When I come to London next, I will let you know!

Comment by Mail Art Martha on November 12, 2013 at 9:16am

Thanks Stripygoose for the posting. It was such fun and a very collaborative effort, quite in the spirit of mail art. The Morpeth Arms is a nice pub and they kindly tolerate us and our mess so perhaps we could make this happening every time anybody is coming to London. Please let us know and we will arrange a get together if at all possible. You will have to wear red anoraks of course...

Comment by Amy Irwen on November 11, 2013 at 4:51pm

love them!

Comment by stripygoose on November 11, 2013 at 3:42pm
Yes Suus she is - Christine Jones - back in Australia now!
Comment by Suus in Mokum on November 11, 2013 at 12:23pm

Great initiative. Would like to attend one of those meetings one day! Is BrisChris also on IUOMA?

Comment by Carina on November 11, 2013 at 8:22am

Hi Stripygoose, Chris and Martha! Thank you for the lovely postcard!

Comment by Rebecca Guyver on November 10, 2013 at 5:08pm

Love the matchy matchy coats. Sorry Suffolk wasn't represented.  Next time!


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