Tarraa ta ta tarraaah! here goes nothing though I should say at first that I am not much in love with computers and only take to them as a last resort. To me they are like saws or alarm clocks; merely a convenient tool. Not that cutting something in half - or being on time - is without its pleasures but a blunt tooth or missed appointment will hardly ruin a life.
It has been a sunny morning and I have been multi-tasking (again) which is to say that I have been waiting for the postie to arrive and the latest piece of collage to dry whilst at the same time watching a film.
I was expecting my latest postcards to arrive from the printers but the mail man came and went without even a glance at my door.
The collage has dried and I can move on to the next part of the proceedings. I am trying to clear the mess in my (what I laughingly call) my studio. Having been unwell for some time things have gotten out of hand and I have several years of debris to clear away. I made the decision not to bin everything but transpose it all into 'art' hence acres of collage. I have been busy on several little books the latest being to do with my illness. The hospitals here like to keep their victims, sorry, patients, informed and so produce booklets on every possible ailment and procedure. Of course I have kept them all along with assorted letters, appointment cards, instructions, disclaimers, etc. etc and now I'm piling them all together into a nice little book or three. It is a new style for me as usually my material is chosen at random, spur of the moment stuff, speaking to the inner child and all that. This time I have a subject and a mountain of particular things to use.
The film was anew discovery and a great wonder that brought with it something of a disappointment.
It is a film about dada - German dada to be exact. It was made in 1967 or 8 or 9 (depending on what you read)
by Helmut Herbst and to my mind it is the best film of its kind I have seen. It should be taught in every school and copies given away free to every member of IUOMA. If I can manage the complexity of it I will put a link to it on here somewhere. The title is Germany - dada.
As for the disappointment well, one of my favorite films is The Falls by Peter Greenaway. A remarkable piece of inventive film making which, I now find, owes a deal of its structure to someone else. So nothing is entirely original - I should no that. I did know it but I keep forgetting.
So now my collage is waiting, the glue brush set like a palette knife once again. I have lots of envelopes waiting to be posted but the funds are slow coming, as are the postcards I was planning on sending at the same time.
Maybe tomorrow.
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