My husband and I took the train up to Washington, DC, for a day tri...

Right now, I'm not happy with the fact that I can't rotate the images,  Sorry. 

I can't turn this right way, sorry! I'm afraid you'll have to tip y...

I like how they enlarged the Ryosuke Cohen piece behind

the text for the wall graphic.I made a piece of mail art while there to send to

The Cracker Jack Kid.
Isn't this terrific. BuZ Blurr gave me the info H.R. Fricker as the...

who wrote this. Ruud had conversations with him starting in 1994. 

I took a photo of something to do with Clemente Padin

to show one of the Vitrines.

 (Oh wow, type not red now! But type size changed. Sorry.)

Mainly small vitrines with the work displayed.

The work was from The Archives of American Art, which I'd never heard of before.

It was curated by a Prof. at the Universtiy of Kentucky (USA)

with her students in her course on TA DA The International Mail Art Movement.

How cool is that!

There were pieces from and to various Mail Artists. Richard C,

Anna Banana, John Held, Jr.

and more. I wish I'd taken more photos. 

We were very happy to be able to see this small but impressive exhibit.

Views: 110

Tags: Art, Kentucky, Mail, Smithsonian_Institution, University, WashingtonDC, of


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Comment by andytgeezer on December 24, 2018 at 10:28pm

This looks like great fun Mim! Wish I was there with you

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on December 24, 2018 at 4:09pm

Tis just a fine blog, Mim! How exciting to see mail art at the Smithsonian!

Some grand mail artists there. How's this:

did it come upright???

Comment by PATRICIA LANDON on December 24, 2018 at 1:09am


Comment by De Villo Sloan on December 24, 2018 at 12:26am

nice work, mim

Comment by Mim Golub Scalin on December 23, 2018 at 6:55pm

I tried to fix things, did the edit bit, but, oh well, I did what I could. Glad you can see the photos. OH, IF you click on the photo, you get to see it right side up!

Comment by Mim Golub Scalin on December 23, 2018 at 6:50pm

Oh dear, somehow I didn't do this post quite right,

You can't see my entire comments. Oh well.

You get the gist of it anyway.


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