Bar codes are going MAD - from Dean Marks


Dean went MAD, and so went the bar codes. Lucky them. He says he made this card during a flight. I'm wondering, what does he bring on board? Does he collect all the bar codes beforehand and then assembles them in flight? Or does he carry piles of... what exactly, I can't even figure out where they come from and he won't tell. They look so nicely similar and different enough to make a great patchwork, leaving only un coin de ciel bleu, a patch of blue sky. A lot of work, I am sure, for a very poetic outcome and high visual impact... Well, the flight attendants must have found it a little less poetic, I know he left a mess of little bits behind him with all this chopping up of bar codes. Luckily, someone took care of that. See this interesting story here.
Dean, I think you will never come back from MAD, but this is all benefit for us, really, so all is well. I'm so happy to be the one who got the MAD tag, thank you for yet another amazing card!


Views: 127

Tags: Dean, Marks, bar codes


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on April 10, 2012 at 1:41pm

Cheryl, your first comment made me recall that alleged quote by a notorious Minnesota mail-artist. (I think Dean is originally from Minnesota too.) "I could train monkeys to do this. I think I will so I have more free time." I think that actually was meant to be about keeping mail-art open to all levels and preferences. The barcodes are very intricate and have a visual impact. You could never train a monkey to make these. No way.

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 10, 2012 at 1:36pm

Ah Janine, you have been busy editing all of this.  Very good, I am smiling from ear to ear.  Very funny.  But wait, OH LA LA look what Janine sent without an envelope!  Cheeky, very cheeky indeed.  Good one!



Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 10, 2012 at 11:46am

I think it's the Little Rascal if I recall. 

     All of the barcodes I use are from my items of personal / household consumption. (I don't go digging through trash bins.  I still have my limits for Mail Art.)  I noticed that they come in all colours.  So I sorted out the blue ones for this card.  As this card is in French, I thought of Marie, and besides, a corner of blue sky is a nice gift.  Besides, I was in the sky already, and the whole thing came together.  MAD isn't it? 

     OH and on the flight back, they took away my scissors, but I still had another one in my sewing kit … always have a plan B!  “B” as in barcodes.

Comment by cheryl penn on April 10, 2012 at 11:22am

Rascal? I'm laughing :-)) - you're making DD sound 12 :-)))! XX

Comment by Marie Wintzer on April 10, 2012 at 9:18am

They are VERY sturdy indeed! And blue, yes! He just won't tell where from, the rascal...

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on April 10, 2012 at 7:55am

MAD in Madrid and then off to the Canary Island...Dean leads a rough life :-)

How does he find BLUE bar codes???? And then cuts them up on the plane...well, Zombie Kitty helped clean up, at least. Then one of the barf bags arrived in Greece! (fortunately, empty of anything sickly!).

Dean is a whiz with-a-saw, too, when it comes to sending his art-in-the-mail! Super! 

Comment by cheryl penn on April 10, 2012 at 6:54am

This is getting so boring - but the fact that these mail-make it is astounding. I think if Dean spilled some of the glue he uses he would forever be stuck to the plane seat - for ever!!! And then we would be receiving things made from airplane food containers.  They would be called - well, I wonder what? Made after Consumption?  o no - thats MAC not MAD. 


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