INVESTIGATIVE MAIL-ART: Deep Inside the DKULT with KDJ & Diane Keys (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Cover: July 2011 issue of the DKULTNY (DKULT-New York) fanzine


November 25, 2011 - Posing as an adoring fan injured in the infamous D-Koder Ring Scandal, I infiltrated the D-KULT (a mail-art movement based on the enigmatic and charismatic mail-artist Diane Keys (Illinois, USA), following a slippery chain of command to its highest levels. My findings are deeply disturbing.


Once headquartered in Elgin, Illinois, DKULT "problems cases" are now routed to an address in Orlando, Florida (USA). This is managed under the iron hand of DK's current "Lieutenant": KDJ (aka DKDJ). DK now barely communicates with the growing throng of her international fans. Instead, insiders say her time is devoted to courting corporate sponsorship of her increasingly extravagant performance pieces. A shadowy character known as "Heath" has risen to a high position in the organization.


Most of the trash that drives her thriving industry, that she previously collected herself in the streets of Elgin, is now imported from the U.S. State of Maine where a regional DKULT operation has sprung up under the leadership of Nancy Bell Scott, known to have ties to the controversial and alleged cultist Trungpa Rinpoche. DK's trash cartel can be traced further to Hamburg, Germany, and probably beyond. An unidentified DKULT watcher claims a major partnership is in the works with Grigori Antonin of Minnesota.


In response to my request for a new D-Koder ring I received a baffling document, prefaced by this letter and followed with page upon page of forms to complete:


Now the second page:



I regret I cannot reproduce the voluminous reports I am requested to complete. Clearly, the average mail-artist is powerless against the D-KULT. Here is an example of some of the contents:


Exhibit H is alleged to be a psychological test designed by Grigori Antonin (Minnesota, USA).

I cannot imagine what Exhibit C has to do with a defective D-Koder Ring. The slick marketing that helped the D-KULT's rise to the top is still being used to its advantage. The bad news came to me in this wonderful envelope:



D-KULT marketing and recruitment is clearly as slick as ever. Has a once benevolent mail-art movement evolved in a dangerous kult of personality? I will leave that for readers to decide.


Mail-artists are encouraged to monitor the official Diane Keys blog and report any strange or unusual activities:




Mink schnitzel


Don't take it out of the bag, Louise. It's not normal.


The proper remedy is catwalk maroon. waffles or waffling


Snooker's Mink Ranch.


Bifidus has found the key to the 13th dimension. The signs were always there.




You don't look that good in red anyway. Sleeve it alone.


Coffee cups & doughnut holes.


He asked for a white handkerchief & an orange. Max knew him in Queens. It was the noise of the chainsaw that bothered me the most. No, the other Max.


Harvey Brown. Yet another genius from Cleveland.


Ray says the Glimmer Twins are back.

Views: 1176

Tags: Ministry-of-Fun, Sloan, Trashpo, Trungpa-Rinpoche-Club


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 29, 2011 at 2:40am

This priceless. My earlier comment about blowing out my ears with loud music has caused a rumor: I am deaf and thus can only communicate people with people online. Not. My hearing is mostly intact. I'm not a Fluxus Beethoven. 


Erni, I've been to some great Indian music concerts. Hamburg sure gets some good music.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 29, 2011 at 12:54am

Tomorrow is D Day

Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 28, 2011 at 7:51pm



Those are the socks of the Russian. Where is the Russian?


Tomorrow is the Queen's bathday.

Comment by DKeys on November 28, 2011 at 6:57pm

DW, I'm very glad your dog enjoyed my cake. Can I explain this culinary disaster? I made my own buttercream frosting because I didn't have any pre-made cans in the house. Why that looks disgusting, well, I don't really remember why that happened. But the bottom layer was vanilla cake and I thought it would be cool to make the top layer chocolate. The problem was that I didn't realize it wasn't a chocolate cake mix, it was for brownies. I'm pretty sure my kids wouldn't touch it.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 28, 2011 at 6:51pm

Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 28, 2011 at 6:42pm

We are in agreement, Erni. In my long history of having my hearing destroyed (and it is in fact slightly damaged) from attending many concerts, John McLaughlin is the greatest guitar player I have ever heard. Wow, and you saw the line-up with Cobham and Hammer. And I'm sure you appreciate the improvisational aspect of what they did. Great stuff.

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on November 28, 2011 at 3:10pm

Yes...tomorrrow is DK Day!

(and me getting the trashpo cake ready...without road kill flavor)

Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 28, 2011 at 2:45pm

Carlos Satana.


Erni, yes, Shakti was great. John McLaughlin gave up the crowds, the amps, & the distortion peddles to return to being a jazz player, where he began & still "shines on like the moon & the stars & the sun."


Rolling Stone just released a much-publicized "Top 100 List of Guitar Players," and JM is in there with the luminaries of all time.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 28, 2011 at 2:37pm

Tomorrow is DK Day.

Comment by DKeys on November 28, 2011 at 2:35pm

Your town looks charming!


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