A Book With an Identity Crisis by Cheryl Penn

Reached the limit for photo posting so will put the beginning pages in the comment section sorry it's backwards. I think Nancy Bell Scott's suggestion is a good one to only photograph a select number of pages out of trashbooks to avoid scannitis, but this book from Cheryl needed to be shown in its' entirety as it is the journey of a soul searching book. 



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Comment by cheryl penn on October 20, 2011 at 4:02pm
DK - I don't think you've left anything for DVS to say! - FAB!!! If he comes up with anything new I will GIVE DW a pair of shoes :-) X
Comment by DKeys on October 20, 2011 at 3:56pm

Cheryl, you might want to rethink that offer. DW will steal all your shoes. I'm imagining a trashbook of the dead to smell like formaldehyde but then I'm probably being far too literal. Cheryl's observations are excellent.

Trashbooks generally consist of, but are not limited to: shopping lists,  magazine bits, shop slips, reject art, cereal boxes, messages (with and without meaning), typically grungy and messy, torn, tattered,stamped, consisting of multiple textures such as felt, bubble wrap, envelopes, cardboard, ribbon, string, paper towel, dryer sheets, plastic, postcards, vellum, etc. with a binding-typically sewn. What makes a trashbook a trashbook, is that the creator intended it to be a trashbook (with or without the acknowledgement by the book itself that it is a trashbook), and that the materials are things typically discarded, without immediate value, and unconventional in some way. Items can be found, extraneous (spell chick can edit this post), rejected, dejected, forgotten, abandoned, discarded, unappreciated, cast off, put aside, or have hidden value seen only to other trashpo artists, if such a thing exists. Now that Cheryl has validated it as a genre, and I have used far too many commas, DVS will receive many many trashbooks. He will blog them and uncover layers and meaning that were purely unconscious, unintentional, or non-existent, and trashbooks will appreciated in a whole new way. If trashbooks were a character, they would be the underdog. And some people can not help but root for the underdog. 

Comment by cheryl penn on October 20, 2011 at 3:37pm
Shame DW, has no-one claimed you yet? Ok, you can come home with me - you just have to PROMISE to be kind to Chocolate, Marshmallow and Jelly Bean :- ) XX
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 20, 2011 at 3:33pm
Comment by cheryl penn on October 20, 2011 at 3:29pm
Yes, I'll be DEAD before you're done !! :-))))))XXX
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 20, 2011 at 3:25pm
Cheryl, I don't think so. D-Kentral is the global trash route. I seriously want to write a definitive piece on Trash Books. I'm sure I have one in my Kat file. Now that you have entered the field, I am considering it a genre. Nice work on this, BTW. And great that DK could scan for all to see. AND I am doing a Trash Book of the Dead - that's my concept! Please give me a chance! Only, given my low output, it will take some time.
Comment by cheryl penn on October 20, 2011 at 3:20pm
DVS -  you're going to have a rush in your own aisles with your request :-) X
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 20, 2011 at 3:18pm
Spill check on aisle #4. It's amazing what Cheryl managed to do on a shoestring budget.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 20, 2011 at 3:14pm
very nice shoes in this rashbook. like the golden arches
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 20, 2011 at 2:00pm
This a great piece. This is going to sound really self-centered: Has anyone sent me a Trash Book? I SO much want to write a blog about a Trash Book or two. I think maybe Kat did. Maybe someone else - it could be mixed in with my Asemics 16 chapters that aren't all organized yet. I do think the Trash Book is becoming an artform.


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