scritti sulla contemporaneità poetica e artistica

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Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on April 2, 2024 at 10:23pm

la Mail Art e oggi IUOMA, che mettono  in contatto artisti da tutto il globo, sono la prova

che questa ARTE non profit,  è un messaggio di pace, e funziona!!!

Non ho nemmeno più bisogno dei miei blogs...

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on April 2, 2024 at 9:36pm

art doesn't cure the soul, art builds the soul!

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on April 2, 2024 at 1:27am

2-4-24: everything that wasn't art until yesterday is art... this declaration is art!

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on April 1, 2024 at 5:54pm

According to some scientists, the universe was not born with the Big Bang, but would always be
Existed. What does art have to do with it? This fact
It would make philosophers and mystics discuss...
Also involving artists.
Especially the conceptual ones.

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on March 31, 2024 at 9:51pm

When eclecticism (From Paul Klee to Shilpa Kupta) is contained in a project, when it leads us

towards a common goal, it is never negative.

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on March 31, 2024 at 9:47pm

Quando l'eclettismo,( Da Paul Klee a Shilpa Kupta) viene contenuto in un progetto, quando ci conduce

ad un traguardo comune, non è mai negativo.

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on March 31, 2024 at 6:01pm

The conceptual artist Ian Wilson has moved from a minimalist sculpture to oral communication,

but he continued to define himself as an immaterial sculptor.

Definitions sometimes make the difference...

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on March 31, 2024 at 5:59pm

L'artista concettuale Ian Wilson, è passato da una scultura minimalista, alla comunicazione orale,

ma continuò a definirsi scultore immateriale.

Le definizioni, talvolta fanno la differenza...

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on March 30, 2024 at 10:36pm

Sometimes Cassaglia's images (paintings or photos) need captions (perhaps poetic)...

other times her images are poetic traces, behavioral traces that attempt to arrive at poetry in different ways... It seems that Poetry is always the ultimate goal, the point of arrival.

Thus his wabi-sabi actions are increasingly closer to poetic gestures, also because they are intimate.

Gina Isrehg

Comment by Bruno Cassaglia-poetartistfluxus on March 30, 2024 at 10:34pm

Talvolta le immagini di Cassaglia (dipinti o foto) hanno bisogno di didascalie (magari poetiche)...

altre volte le sue immagini sono tracce poetiche, tracce comportamentali che tentano di arrivare per vie diverse alla poesia...  Pare che la Poesia sia sempre il fine ultimo il puno di arrivo.

Così le sue azione wabi-sabi, sono sempre più vicine a gesti poetici, anche perchè sono intimi.

                                                                                              Gina Isrehg


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