Xx Jones's Blog (137)

Two bookies from Katerina N.



Added by xx Jones on December 17, 2018 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Mail from Diane Keys

Diane was one of the first mail artists I ever correspondent with. She does not disappoint. A moody package arrived sometime in 2016, I think. I did not know there is such a thing as a black student's spiral bound note book. Did you know that these things are called "College Block" in German. One of many cases of fake English products terms in the…


Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 2:35pm — 3 Comments

Mail from Jon Foster

Great Mail from Jon Foster and various goodies, stickers, comics and a poster - or is it an add and pass? I find it particularly brave and hilarious, that as a teacher, he produced stickers (and I think T-shirts, if I remember right) saying "I learned nothing from Jon Foster". It reminds me of a teacher I met on a conference, who wore a t-shirt saying…


Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Mail from David Stafford

David Stafford is another faithful correspondent, who has not given up on me, sending cryptic messages, despite my slow responses - sending an ampersand to the rescue of poor old x! …


Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 2:28pm — 4 Comments

Mail from Richard Baudet

A gorgeous envelope from Richard Baudet arrived this summer, with great textures, colours, calligraphy and many French ladies! Thank you so much!

Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 2:16pm — No Comments

Mail from Nancy Bell Scott

Nancy makes these wonderful, and sometimes teeny tiny collages, small treasures to collect. I often wonder, what they would look like blown up to say 3x4 meters or so. These, again are from 2016. Thank you, Nancy!

Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Parrots in the mail from Mim and Laurence

Coincidentally, I received two/three parrots around the same time in…


Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Mail from Andreas Kuntner

Andreas Kuntner

Another Austrian Mail Artists I reached out to for the first time is Wolfgang Kuntner and his cabinet of curiosities (Wunderkammer). He replied with an envelope full of cool stamps and added leave…


Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Mail from Wilhelm Schramm

Recently I have made an effort to reach out to other Austrian mail artists. Here is a great print from Wilhelm Schramm that I got in return!

Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 1:28pm — No Comments

Mail from Torma Cauli

Randomly going though my archives, here is a postcard from Torma Cauli, from Budapest, and given that Budapest is only a few hours from Vienna my closest mail art neighbour and faithful correspondent. 

Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 1:00pm — No Comments

A drawing by Moan Lisa

Also, from my archive, a whacky and rare (?) drawing by Moan Lisa. Thank you, Moan!

Added by xx Jones on December 16, 2018 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Mail from Cuan Miles

Cuan Miles often sends a tidy little package with postcard sized collages, smaller collages and even smaller ATCs. These are from two letters quite a while ago.  

So far I have not been able to produce any ATCs myself…


Added by xx Jones on November 21, 2018 at 8:49pm — No Comments

Mail from Amalgamated Confusion

Here are two postcards sent by Amalgamated Confusion, sent many months apart. I love the minimalist approach. Three word poems, referencing history and the future! 

I only recently discovered, that I may be Keith who is behind the mystery of Amalgamated Confusion. Thank you,…


Added by xx Jones on November 20, 2018 at 9:25am — 1 Comment

Mail from Alan Brignull

Opening up my archives, and posting mail, which I have received, but not properly acknowledged, because ... life happened. Here is a lovely letter from Alan Brignull from Adanaland. I admire the neatness and precision of his envelopes and subtle details of his stamps and artistamps. But is there some madness lurking behind ? This collage may suggest…


Added by xx Jones on November 20, 2018 at 9:24am — 1 Comment

Mail from Carina

I received this invitation to the Banana World tour from Carina, but unfortunately I was not able to attend and the membership card has since expired. Still, I appreciate the invitation very much! Thank you, Carina!…


Added by xx Jones on November 20, 2018 at 9:00am — No Comments

Mail from Hansi Laschinkohl

  Johann “Hansi” Leschinkohl sent me a surprise letter and MEHL ART from Berlin, with a psychedelic marker drawing, which must have taken an insane amount of time to make, and a funny, black humoured story on the back. Danke…


Added by xx Jones on November 10, 2018 at 9:52pm — 2 Comments

Mail from Lorella Castagnini

A surprise letter came from Italy, from Lorella Castagnini from Genova, with a lovely little painting of the harbour of Portofino. I spent ten days this year in the mountains of Liguria, near Genova this year, and went to Portofrei man years ago!  Thank you, Lorella, I will try and return something to…


Added by xx Jones on November 10, 2018 at 9:48pm — 1 Comment

Mail from Erni Bär

Erni is still alive and well, even though sadly not at IUOMA any more. One day some mail art historian will have to uncover what really happened there. Here is his latest mailing, a large A4 piece, in unusual (for Erni)  subdued colours. It says “brain or mind” in German - interesting serendipity. My son just graduated from the Humboldt University in…


Added by xx Jones on November 10, 2018 at 9:41pm — 7 Comments

Mail from Katerina

Katerina and Erni are always the quickest to respond to any of my mailings. Impossible to keep up with. I like this autumn messages with leaves suggesting a stiff breeze. And did I ever mention that, I love Katerinas rubber stamp arrangements, they instantly cheer me up when an envelope arrives. I once saw an envelope she made for somebody with a… Continue

Added by xx Jones on November 10, 2018 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

From mail art to high art

I came across this article about the Peter Liversidge and his exhibition a couple of years ago. Artist Peter Liversidge sends unwrapped…


Added by xx Jones on November 9, 2018 at 11:39am — 10 Comments

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