Added by BRUNO CAPATTI on December 22, 2008 at 6:57pm —
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Se trata del billete moneda nacional argentina perdido en las devaluaciones, hoy los convoco a intervenirlo, hacer copias, y retornarlo a
Samuel Montalvetti, Av. Rivadavia 2109 1º dto 3
C1034ACA - C.A.Bs.As. Argentina.
Si aun no te ha llegado puedes descargarlo desde aquí.
todos los trabajos serán expuestos en
Added by Samuel Montalvetti on December 21, 2008 at 1:00pm —
1 Comment

Después de un año de recibir maravillas sobre los
trenes y vagones,
no solo he decidido dar una moratoria indefinida a este proyecto,
sino que ademas, hoy los convoco a intervenir, hacer copias, y retornar este trencito a
Samuel Montalvetti, Av. Rivadavia 2109 1º dto 3
C1034ACA - C.A.Bs.As. Argentina.
Si aun no te ha llegado puedes descargarlo desde aquí.
todos los…
Added by Samuel Montalvetti on December 21, 2008 at 12:30pm —
1 Comment
Judith has stopped doing email but she still enjoys getting snail mail with images of umbrellas.
Send your umbrella's to:
Judith Hoffberg
POB 3640
Santa Monica,
CA 90408 - USA
Judith is editor of the 31-years old magazine Umbrella's in which she always included a secton on mail-art. She has been diagnosed with cancer and is arranging things for her final journey. As a friend I start this call where you can send her some Umbrella's to join her in…
Added by Ruud Janssen on December 20, 2008 at 8:20pm —
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The concept of this platform is as open as it can get. Any member can invite anybody. An outsider though has to be invited by someone from inside to prevent spammers from taking over. It is the same as how mail-art works. You discover a person who is doing mail-art. Send him mail, and he opens the mail-art network bu sending you more details of the mail-art community. So this concept is simple and good. Open communities without memberships dont even last a week because all kind of spammers take…
Added by Ruud Janssen on December 20, 2008 at 2:31pm —
why is a membership required to read our post or
mail art comunication?
Is this not a
contradiction of our rules of no selection and everbody can participate?
I understand that a membership is required to have here an space and to avoid spam politics that other platforms of our mail art forums like messageboards, lists or yahoo groups are often victims, but reading and looking around what is happen here?
Is it…
Added by Hans Braumüller on December 20, 2008 at 11:00am —
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If anyone is interested I have signed a journal up with 1001 journals. It will be a traveling journal sent to anyone who signs up to write in it. The theme is Thankfulness. You can sign up at and I am journal #3322. Once you get the journal you have two weeks to complete your portion--1 to a few pages and then mail to the next person on the list. In the end the journal will come back to me and I will post all the pages on the website.
Jennifer Zoellner
Added by Jennifer Kosharek on December 20, 2008 at 2:31am —
Learn how you can get in jail by doing mail art.
............................... + ..................
Check this, please
................ + ..................................
European lesson. Chapter 2008 France mon Muroroa for progressing humanity toward a bright millenium of universal human rights in…
Added by Hans Braumüller on December 16, 2008 at 7:50pm —
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Ou l'histoire d'une amitié...
Vous avez Quartier libre
Pour m'envoyer Sans faute
Un mailart à L'accent grave
Ou aux relents d'un Jour de Fête
Sous forme d'Inventaire
De Composition française
Ou de Pater Noster...
Envoyez vos créations à :
Christine LE ROY
69 rue Armand Carrel
75019 PARIS
Date limite : 31 décembre 2009
Technique & format libres
Adresse et timbre du côté…
Added by Christine LE ROY on December 10, 2008 at 7:49pm —
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Life has many sides, people have many sides, mail… Continue
Added by Claudio Romeo on December 10, 2008 at 10:00am —
Guido aks all mail artists and poets to send contributions to the project "his death kills me" before May 29 to Robert Varlez, Modardstr 18, 4000 Liège, Belgium.
This project was conceived to honor the memory of the great French Belgian poet Jacques Izoard, who died in July and who was a personal friend. This is an open call however on how you deal with grief, mourning, loss, recovery and so on...
Added by Guido Vermeulen on December 9, 2008 at 6:59pm —
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from BEN:
George Brecht
(August 27, 1926. - December 5, 2008
Hello Fluxus friends
This is a small newsletter
concerning George Brecht
who just left us
George Brecht is the artist
in the world who's attitude towards art
got me thinking
and changed my mind
in other words influenced me the most.
at the time in 1962
I was interested in " the…
Added by BRUNO CAPATTI on December 9, 2008 at 6:06pm —
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CULTURE is the new project of the CRAB art gallery and social center.
Free medium and size. Deadline is 22 April 2009.
Exhibition at the gallery in May 2009.
Doc to all participants. Send to:
Galérie du Crabe, Yolande, Rue Sergent Sortet 23A, B-1370 Jodoigne, BELGIUM.
Just received the documentation in the form of the magazine of the center:more than 200 mail art pieces from 185 mail artists from 38 different countries will be exhibited between May 5 and…
Added by Guido Vermeulen on December 9, 2008 at 5:30pm —
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El mundo del Arte Postal posee como tema excluyente, las Estampillas de Artista, y en el intento de generar un espacio de consulta les pido a todos aquellos artistas que realizan estas joyitas que me envíen sus obras que serán desplegadas en:
Favor de incluir su nombre y dirección de correos postal y email detrás de la obra.
Added by Samuel Montalvetti on December 9, 2008 at 7:30am —
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Friour Magazine (mail art and poetry on peace related issues) is celebrating its 10th issue next year.
Send your contributions on the theme "PEACE? YOU NAME IT!" to:
Guido Vermeulen, Thomas Vinçottestreet 81, B-1030 Brussels, BELGIUM
before July 2009. Free medium. Maximum size: A4.
Added by Guido Vermeulen on December 8, 2008 at 7:00pm —
1 Comment
Theme: Ideas for maintaining a Healthy Planet
Format: postcard
Deadline: February 15, 2009
Mail to: Ideas for maintaining a Healthy Planet
Pati Bristow
PO BOX 3127
Los Altos, CA 94024 USA
In March of 2009, Foothill College will celebrate Women's History Month following the national theme of "Women taking the lead to save the Planet". This mailart project asks for your works on the ideas of ecology, environmental…
Added by pati bristow on December 8, 2008 at 2:28pm —
I received this communication from Sztuka Fabryka and with many pleasure spread over all the AIUOMA members
hello my old friends from mail art
ever wondered "where the hell" is Sztuka Fabryka ?
the story goes that due to some circumstances the past 1 and a half year - many changes occurred in their artistic activities - which made that they moved a bit from mail art / none the less still active in…
Added by BRUNO CAPATTI on December 7, 2008 at 5:58pm —
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Interesting blog dedicated to a Mail Art project
Il prisma Donna - Woman: the Prism

my work for the pj
all the best
Added by BRUNO CAPATTI on December 6, 2008 at 9:39pm —
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Deadline: 07.12.2008.
See details:
Added by Ervin Zsubori on December 5, 2008 at 7:13am —
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When you receive one of those rubberstamp sheets, please send them back to the archive. There are about 20,000+ sheets in the archive already from about 3000+ mail-artists during the last 25…
Added by Ruud Janssen on December 4, 2008 at 7:00am —
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