Pig Wings
  • Male
  • Londrina - Paraná
  • Brazil
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Pig Wings's Friends

  • Predrag Petrovic
  • HollyJo
  • A s l ı, The Turkish Agent
  • Shelly Tracy
  • Zipelít
  • J.A.D.
  • Pandu Purwadi
  • Zine Art Gippsland
  • Doctor dB Cooper
  • Jane Thorne
  • Margreet Beemsterboer
  • Alek Idle
  • Jade H
  • Charlotte Geister
  • Grethe Bjørnhaug

Pig Wings's Page

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Through the Fluxus group and book Neoist Manifestos/The Art Strike Papers by Stuart Home.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Rua Dionísio Kloster Sampaio, Nº 272 - Fundos
Cep 86070-060 - Londrina - Paraná - Brazil.

E-mail: s.i.l.l.v.i.o.d@gmail.com

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 9:55pm on March 17, 2017, Bob Jones said…
"..................not friends...only accomplices.................."
At 8:47am on March 10, 2017, Mail Art Martha said…

Thank you for the Pig it is super and sorry for the delay in answering, somehow i did not get a message in my email folder. i realize I missed several. I will download the pig and start a new blog with emailimages. or digiart or ... have to think of a title.

At 12:49pm on February 24, 2017, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Meu caro, eu não tenho como saber que você não esteve bem de saúde se você não o comenta.  Meu comentário teve apenas a finalidade de fazer um jogo de palavras, uma brincadeira inconsequente com a intenção de ir além da mera troca de arte postal e nunca com a  intenção de lhe incomodar-le da forma que fosse.  Como assim foi, lhe peço desculpas. Sinta-se a vontade para começar com qualquer um dos pés. 

At 10:18pm on February 23, 2017, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Cá entre nós, essas suas asas como máximo dão isso: um voo de porco.  Tenho esperado sentado frente à minha caixa postal desde julho do ano passado. Com o tempo a gente aprende por aqui que uma arte postal chega exatamente como esta frase diz: "quando chega".  Valeu londrinense!!!!!!!!!!! 

At 7:23pm on February 23, 2017, Bob Jones said…
"I do not have friends here at iuoma ...only accomplices ..."
At 5:00am on February 23, 2017, Pig Wings said…
Oh, Martha, I'm sorry for the delay and see your message in the bottle. I've been recovering from a hit, so I've been out of touch. As for the Olympics, still accounting for expenses and unnecessary losses ... How are things out there?
At 5:08pm on October 23, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 10:44pm on September 20, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 6:46am on August 18, 2016, Mail Art Martha said…

burning tiger

Welcome Pigs Wings. Intriguing name... You will find me defective in the Fluxus department but I will love to keep in touch. How is Brazil bearing up under the Olympics?

At 7:24pm on July 25, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia said…



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