Peggy huff
  • Female
  • San francisco
  • United States
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Peggy huff's Friends

  • Trisha Kummer
  • Kimberly Carpenter
  • Michael Moeller
  • Iver Zinaver
  • Ifé Niklaus
  • Amanda Becerra
  • Susan Weisberg
  • Elly Dallas
  • Carien van Hest
  • marlies wilding
  • Anna
  • Heide Monster
  • Rani G.
  • Mikel Untzilla
  • Terry Owenby

Peggy huff's Groups


Peggy huff's Page

Latest Activity

Mikel Untzilla left a comment for Peggy huff
Feb 18, 2023
Peggy huff replied to emily louise's discussion hurray for Dog Mailart in the group Dog Mailart
"i have an  interest in sending out some dog mailers.  where can  i find addresses? i just became member  of dog art group. thanks"
Jun 3, 2021
Peggy huff joined Angie's group

Dog Mailart

Many of us enjoy sending and receiving dog themed mailart. This group is a place for us to meet, discuss and post about our dogs and our dog mailart. See More
Jun 3, 2021
Richard BAUDET left a comment for Peggy huff
May 16, 2021
Amanda Becerra left a comment for Peggy huff
"<span;>Hi Peggy!  Thank you for the complement! I enjoy trading with you. To find people in groups, go to the top of the IUOMA page and click "Group Overview" you should see a Search bar and then you can search "Add &…"
May 12, 2021
dustincecil left a comment for Peggy huff
"Hi Peggy. I'm always open to add and passes.  or any type of mail art really.  my address is on my profile page here."
May 11, 2021
Peggy huff left a comment for Amanda Becerra
"Hi Amanda i continue to be flummoxed by this website.  you may know, how do i find the list of members to the  specific groups, like Add and Pass.  Always enjoy your mail imagery and thanks. Peggy"
May 11, 2021
Peggy huff left a comment for Paula S In New Mexico
"I have returned mail sent to you on Jeffrey rd.. Do you have a new address? Peggy H"
Apr 12, 2021
Peggy huff joined karuniko's group

blue roads

Questo gruppo creato da MARIANO FILIPPETTA è aperto a tutte le opere che una porzione di blu blu cobalto - blu ultramarina - blu prussiano - blu indaco solo blu cortoSee More
Mar 21, 2021
Laura P (spopod) left a comment for Peggy huff
"Peggy, I have done a lot of faux stamps but I don’t have any access to stamps from Japan, unfortunately! Welcome to the email art world. A few years ago I created and sent Mailart for 365 days. A big undertaking but fun!"
Mar 18, 2021
Carien van Hest commented on Peggy huff's photo

Delta Blues

"Love the depth and the feel of water."
Mar 16, 2021
Peggy huff posted a photo

Delta Blues

Water series inspired by the Everglades
Mar 16, 2021
Peggy huff updated their profile
Mar 16, 2021
Heide Monster left a comment for Peggy huff
"HI Peggy glad to meet you--send Mail! Heide"
Mar 11, 2021
Jan Hodgman left a comment for Peggy huff
"Delighted to share mail art with you."
Mar 10, 2021
Peggy huff commented on Ruud Janssen's group Ask Anything
"In order to find an address to send out mail art, do I need to request it from addressee?  I cannot find addresses on the menu.  thanks"
Mar 9, 2021

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
http://Peggyhuff instagram
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
As an artist sequestered at home due to lockdown, I want to be in touch with others.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

1644 grant ave
San Francisco California 94133

Peggy huff's Photos

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Comment Wall (13 comments)

You need to be a member of International Union of Mail-Artists to add comments!

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At 8:58pm on February 18, 2023, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 11:21am on May 16, 2021, Richard BAUDET said…

At 4:29am on May 12, 2021, Amanda Becerra said…

<span;>Hi Peggy!  Thank you for the complement! I enjoy trading with you. To find people in groups, go to the top of the IUOMA page and click "Group Overview" you should see a Search bar and then you can search "Add & Pass". Once you find the group... you can see a list of members.  I hope that makes sense!

At 5:54pm on May 11, 2021, dustincecil said…

Hi Peggy.

I'm always open to add and passes.  or any type of mail art really.  my address is on my profile page here.

At 12:45am on March 18, 2021, Laura P (spopod) said…
I have done a lot of faux stamps but I don’t have any access to stamps from Japan, unfortunately! Welcome to the email art world. A few years ago I created and sent Mailart for 365 days. A big undertaking but fun!
At 6:06pm on March 11, 2021, Heide Monster said…

HI Peggy

glad to meet you--send Mail!


At 1:13am on March 10, 2021, Jan Hodgman said…

Delighted to share mail art with you.

At 1:47pm on February 25, 2021, Trisha Kummer said…

Hi, I got the add and pass art just a day or so ago.  Who do I send it to next?  Are there rules somewhere?  I'm relatively new to this.

At 2:16am on February 25, 2021, Stephen Rife said…

Gratzi Ms. Huff! I'm glad you liked the imagery (and even shot a picture of it; which is the only way I document my stuff - if the recipients shoot or scan it). Will post more if you like...  

At 1:16am on February 8, 2021, Amanda Becerra said…

Thanks so much for your great mail art piece! A return is on its way!



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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-february-2026. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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