Moi Onni!
Mukava yllätys löytää nimesi IUOMAn jäsensivustolta. Meitä suomalaisjäseniä on kovin vähän, koska Mail Art ei täällä ole kovinkaan tunnettua. Osallistun kansainvälisiin näyttelyihin ja projekteihin sekä Mail Art rintamalla että muun taiteen parissa. Entäpä Sinä? Millaisia suunnitelmia/projekteja? Ehkä joskus jotakin yhteistyötä, jos olet kiinnostunut.
Ystävällisin terveisin Anja Mattila-Tolvanen Pälkäneeltä
Dear Onni, here an invitation for you, thanks in advance!!!!
"The Camel” International Mail Art Project Tenerife, Spain 2015
Open Call:
Hello Onni, I hope you're doing well. I mailed you something today. Will you please let me know when you receive it? :)
Hi Onni, great to meet you! Sure, I would like to exchange some mail art with you. I will mail something to you by end of next week. I will send you a message once it is mailed so you can expect it. :)
"Greetings from Finland! I am completely new in mail art and now trying to find some mail art friends. Your profile looked interesting, so if you are willing to exchange mail art, please let me know."
07.01.15 Dare Mister Onni Karkkainen, ...Didn't you have a somewhat different statement for "Why I am involved in Mail Art" yesterday??? ....I seem to recall making some sort of mental note (.....snicker, snicker or is that just my faulty memory) & was gonna write something your way...not that it ultimately matters...Welcome!!!( & all the pleasantries surrounding the process of saying "Hello")... Yes, there is lots to see & witness here at the IUOMA ...all one really has to do is just sit back & watch the world go by & yes, we in turn are most curious about you....but not to worry...only at your leisure & at your own pace. By chance,do you know of Ms. Carina Granlund in Petsmo??? Mayhaps , she could be helpful (although, I'm quite sure she is always busy) as she has much to offer.... & I assume you know about Ray Johnson??? ...I'll look around here for some old xerox copies pertaining to R. J. in case you are interested.... Best to you. Richard Canard
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