Luciana Padilha
  • Female
  • Olinda, Brazil
  • Brazil
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Luciana Padilha's Friends

  • A s l ı, The Turkish Agent
  • M. Nelson
  • Galerie du Crabe
  • Cynthia Miles
  • jazzie
  • vizma bruns
  • Braulov Sasha
  • gustavo vazquez king
  • Nancy Bell Scott
  • Bruno Cassaglia
  • Ana Garcia
  • Eduardo Cardoso
  • Dr. Baron Joseph A. Uphoff, Jr.
  • david-baptiste chirot
  • Ruud Janssen

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Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
To share art and part of the network of artists who use the mail art exchange for creative art in an alternative manner.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Av Fagundes Varela 456/104 - Jardim Atlântico - Olinda PE cep: 53140-080 and

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 8:45pm on January 24, 2016, Carlos I. Botana said…


Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog":
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 5:44pm on November 5, 2015, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 10:13pm on June 20, 2015, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Oi Luciana: Gostaria muito de convidar você para participar numa convocatória internacional da qual sou curador.  O tema é "Arte Postal Transpessoal".  Os trabalhos recebidos serão exibidos durante o Congresso Transpessoal Internacional, saiba mais em. :                      

  http://www.alubrateventos com/pt#.VYXSxPlViko

O evento é patrocinado pela ALUBRAT-Associação Luso-Brasileira de Transpessoal e terá lugar no Hote Stella Maris, Salvador-BA nos dias 4 a 7 de setembro de 2015.  ALUBRAT enviará certificados de participação a todos os participantes. Caso seja do seu interesse participar nesta convocatoria, por favor me envie um e-mail ao endereço: e lhe mandarei informações adicionais por e-mail.  Esteja bem. Patricio, Escriba 

At 6:39pm on September 7, 2014, Celestino Neto said…
At 10:15am on March 16, 2014, Richard BAUDET said…

Bonjour ! I like your collages-ma , seen on your photo's ! So I am pleased to composite a

ma for you ..hoping to have an exchange  ! Best regards , Richard

At 4:19pm on January 14, 2014, Celestino Neto said…

O Projeto de livro coletivo continua aqui com endereço atualizado: 

Proposed Project:
Creating an Artist Book Collective
where the page can be figurative or abstract.
Each artist may submit as many pages like;
Etching Technique: Monotype on paper
Size: A3
Objective: Show a production art collective,
approach with a plastic (book).
Exhibiting in a Private Room and Book Online;
Recognize the Arts and Visual Artists
Shipping Address of Work:
Group Wolf's Lair
A/C Celestino Neto
Alameda Amélia, 834 APTO 33 A B 1
Jardim Gopoúva - Guarulhos - SP
Cep.: 07092-010
At 9:36pm on September 7, 2013, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 9:20pm on September 2, 2013, Bruno Cassaglia said…

free electronic experiments

At 7:34pm on July 26, 2013, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Terráquea, quando entrou para IUOMA no dia 21 de junho eu estava numa viagem celestial nos confins da Via Láctea. Agora estou de volta ao Planeta Terra e desde a capital mais fria do Brasil quero lhe as mais cálidas boas vindas ao Ethernal Network, uma república de artistas postais cuja moeda de curso legal é a troca da sua arte. Quando achar que é o tempo adequado e nutritivo de trocar arte postal quero ter o privilegio ser mais um dos seus parceiros nisso. Quando sentir que chegou a hora de começar mande algo do que sua criatividade produz para:

O Escriba Celestial
Embaixada Terrenal
República Celestial de Patland
Caixa Postal 24827

Assim que receber o que me envia lhe avisarei. A seguir farei a minha parte, o trabalho de casa que cabe a um artista postal da República de Patland, o lugar no Universo onde este escriba se convocou para nascer. Esta é uma promessa celestial. Sou Patricio, Escriba Celestial e Provedor de Envelopes.

At 4:59am on July 2, 2013, Valentine Mark Herman said…


You can send the postcard to me as it is if you like. But if it is 'fragile' in any way -- it might, for example, be sewn or have things stuck on it, or be of an unconventional size -- then put it in in an envelope. Enjoy SP, +...

Bestest, Val



Want to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?

The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-february-2026. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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