Flanders Fields Gallery
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  • Paulo Alexandre Rocha Teles
  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin
  • William M
  • Mikel Untzilla
  • Richard BAUDET
  • Dimitra Papatheodorou
  • nijianming
  • Diego Gallotti
  • Alexander Limarev
  • marek wysoczynski
  • Matthew Guzeev
  • Sarah Churchill
  • Claire (aka Cleo)

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Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
mail art about WW1 and its centenary, peace initiatives included
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Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 10:27am on December 2, 2019, Alexander Limarev said…

Hello Flanders Fields Gallery. I offer exchange аrtistamps. 2 sheets of A4 on 2 sheets of A4. Perforated, non-perforated or manually perforated. Various thematic content. I want to collect a small collection for the exhibition in the scientific library. About a year later. If I manage to collect the required amount of aristamps. Today, 140 artists from 26 countries of the world have given their consent to participate in the exhibition. Alexander

At 12:59am on September 11, 2014, Celestino Neto said…
At 8:07pm on February 26, 2013, Carlos I. Botana said…



Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project 
for the old prison of A Coruña to become a Selfmanaged Sociocultural Center.
The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
 It will take place inside or outside the prison, abandoned and disused at present.
A picture of each work will be uploaded in jailartproxectocarcere.wordpress.com
For further information please visit our blog: proxectocarcere.blogaliza.org 
or send an e-mail to proxectocarcere@gmail.com

Subject: Jail
Deadline: 1st June 2013
No measurement limits
Free technique
The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.

Send your works to:
Carlos Botana
Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
15006 - A Coruña
At 8:56am on February 1, 2013, Dean aka Artist in Seine said…

Dear Flanders,

      We are having a Banana Mail call for the following events.  

February 21 World Banana Day .

February 23 International Banana Bread Day in Candace Canada    

     Let me know if you want to be put on the list.     You can send to as many people on the list as you want.

     The goal is to try to have your piece arrive on the day of 21 or 23 February.

Go Bananas


At 5:33am on October 19, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Bonjour et bedankt voor 'Hill 60' Jan. It's very good, and Poppy Day is coming soon in the UK. I'll be mailing you something back in the next week or so. Beste wensen, Val

At 10:15pm on March 1, 2012, Guido Vermeulen said…

Dag Jan,

Natuurlijk zal ik jou vermelden als auteur van de foto!

Al mijn dichtbundels zijn samizdat mail art en geen commersjele uitgaven, steeds in eigen beheer, wil het niet anders en zal op dat vlak nooit veranderen, vrees ik!

Had verleden jaar 3 aanzoeken van Brusselse galerijen die interesse hadden om mijn visueel werk ten toon te stellen, heb ze allemaal naar de kl ... gestuurd want ik eiste

1> Geen enkele verkoop, wel de mogelijkheid tot ruilhandel

2> Geen individuele tentoonstelling maar enkel collectieve, het aangaan van een dialoog met andere kunstenaars die ik zelf zou uitnodigen

3> Opening naar het mail art netwerk

Tja. welke galerij kan zoiets aanvaarden? Geen! Die mensen moeten ook leven, ik begrijp dat wel, dus was zelfs niet eens boos, heb me eigenlijk rot geamuseerd met de confrontatie van vrije gedachten, grinnik!


At 6:17pm on February 29, 2012, Guido Vermeulen said…

Dag Jan, bedankt voor je wolkenzuiger! Mijn nieuwe dichtbundel in voorbereiding zal SPROOKJES IN DE WOLKEN heten, dus ik zou graag jouw foto reproduceren als je akkoord gaat ten minste. Alvast in de mail voor jou:

WAR multilpied by dollars, just look the other way@!

At 4:27am on February 16, 2012, Guido Vermeulen said…

Hoi Jan,

Heb je kaart en gedicht goed ontvangen en onmiddellijk op LAMUSAR gepubliceerd.

In de mail voor jou als antwoord: WAR OF THE ANTS (losjes gebaseerd op een keigoede scifi film uit de jaren 50: ten gevolge van Amerikaanse kernproeven in de woestijn, beginnen mieren zich te muteren tot grote monsters en vallen de menselijke samenleving aan, THEM heet die film als ik me goed herinner ten minste)

At 12:27am on January 25, 2012, liketelevisionsnow said…

Hi - is this the page of Jan Theuninck?  If it is, would you like me to use this as the link for the work submitted to the 12-12-12 End of the World Project?

At 7:05am on September 28, 2011, suzlee said…

Call for exhibition:

‘Works on Paper’

We invite artists from all over the world to contribute their work in this exhibition called Works on Paper.


Mail me your ‘Works on Paper’  on a A4 SIZE PAPER

(21 cm X 29.5 cm).





Deadline: 31 December 2011

Each artwork will be exhibited.



Exhibition: February 2012 at Gallery ASWARA, National  Arts & Heritage Academy (ASWARA)


Please send to: 



Faculty  of  Fine  Art

National  Arts  and  Heritage  Academy


464,  Jalan  Tun  Ismail

50480  Kuala  Lumpur



Email: suzlee@aswara.edu.my




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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-february-2026. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

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