Charlotte Geister


37242 Bad Sooden-Allendorf


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
five years
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
because I love art and collage and sharing these with others
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Charlotte Geister
Obere Bergstraße 4
37242 Bad Sooden-Allendorf

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  • Debra Mulnick

    As always, I await your mail with anticipation!

    like you, I am getting tired of winter and cold weather.  I am doing well.

    I love the images below that you've posted - your work is so fantastic.  I am thinking of coming to Bremen this summer.......maybe late July or August.  That means I will hope that we can meet this summer as well. I hope you and I can figure out a time to meet, and have some fun, make some art!  Cheers to that.  Debra

  • Audrey Enough

    look forward to it charlotte and will definitely reply!  

    be well.

  • Audrey Enough

    will look for it charlotte - meet you in the mail!!

  • Audrey Enough

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Charlotte,

    I am so happy we are friends now.

    Can't wait to see what you send my way. I love stitching  on fabric and paper too.

    Hugs and enjoy your time away!

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Hi Charlotte, thank you for the beautiful card. I love that you are using different techniques and media for your work.

  • Sa Mue

    Liebe Charlotte, gerade habe ich eine mail art für dich fertiggemacht und da lese ich deine Nachricht. Witzig, wie sich unsere Gedanken überschneiden, nun schon zum 2. Mal. Morgen wirst du wohl etwas in deinem Briefkasten finden. Liebe Grüße


  • Debra Mulnick

    Sorry so slow to respond.  Such a busy time of year, with it being light here until almost 10PM!  Long summer days leads to an excess of activity - all good!  I've been busy drying sour cherries (50 lbs or 20kg?), making lots of art, riding my bike, gardening, and all the rest. Having some fun!  Hoping you are finally getting time to rest and have some fun too.  I can't believe I will be in Germany in just over a month.  I arrive Bremen late August 2nd, and stay until The 11th.  My friends are planning e-bike rides around their town and out from there.  Please let me know if there is a day in there that would work best for you so we can plan a visit.  Keeping my fingers crossed that we make something work.  Sending hugs and creative energy.  Debra

  • Debra Mulnick

    Greetings.  I received your most beautiful card two days ago.  I can hardly believe how special it is.  I love the print of the tree with the collage Buddha.  I got to work in a friend’s studio using “gelli plates” - do you know this technique?  I fooled around in her studio one day and made a bunch of stamp template sheets - hard to describe here, so I will send a photo.  This woman, Amy, is a professor at the university here in Boise, who teaches printmaking.  I may be able to audit her class starting n August, and it is both you and she that inspire me to want to learn more about printmaking.  I’ve been combining my rubber stamps with these printed sheets.  I showed her your fabulous works from the past years and she was in awe!  I will check with my friends Bettina and Marcel about our visit on August 4, and I will respond as soon as I hear from them.  I dry sour cherries with an electric dehydrator (we can find them often used in thrift stores as Mormons here in ID are BIG on food preserving).  Plus the climate is very dry here so it works really well.  To be continued.

    sending much creative energy your way.  Hugs coming back to you, Debra

  • Debra Mulnick

  • William M

    glad the card arrived and you liked it. i'll look forward to your response and have a grand time in the south of france!

  • Uwe Klein

    Hallo Charlotte,

    vielen Dank für dein nettes Schreiben. Ich geniese es auch deutsch schreiben zu können. Bei a&p ist eigentlich alles möglich, du kannst in bestehendes auch hineinarbeiten. Und wenn das Blatt voll ist kann man/frau es an den "Ursender" zurück schicken.

    Die leckere Collage ist aus einer "Catsup" Werbung der sechziger Jahre. Die Schreibweise entstammt der DelMonte Flasche, und ist kein Produkt meiner beschränkten Englischkenntnisse!

    Viel Spaß und gute Erholung in Frankreich - und hoffentlich noch viele schöne Mail Art Kontakte!


  • Sa Mue

    Liebe Charlotte,

    danke für den Braque+Myself, ich finde ihn sehr schön und den Titel sehr witzig! Vielen Dank, ich wünsche dir schöne Ferien, Erholung und ganz viele neue Ideen.

    Liebe Grüße


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Danke! Thanks for letting me know the "cat" arrived, here is the real Greek "MomKat":

    she is a stray cat in the back yard of my apt. building :-)

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Charlotte...I have 2 add n passes ready to head out... are you interested?

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Charlotte...found someone to take the APs but I would be happy to exchange some fiber art with you...I have your address and mine is on my page...happy arting!
  • Amber Scribble

    thanks Char!!!!!!!

  • Maria Consuelo Guacuto Blanco


    I invite    Nuevo%20Provecto%20ARTE%20CORREO.docx


    Maria  Consuelo

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Charlotte....received your wornderful paper/fiber piece "yellow bed"...I love it !

    Will blog with pics layer....thank you

  • Amy Irwen

  • Kathy Barnett

    Thank you! I am happy you like the kittens!!!

  • Debra Mulnick

    Hi Charlotte!  Yes we did have a wonderful, very hot day together.

    I am doing great, busy still - finished with peaches, and now on to the last fruits - pears plums, and apples.  I will go to Crete again in two weeks to be with Bettina and her husband Marcel.  My friend, Roberto has decided to meet me, for a week of that time.  A surprise!  I've been working on mail most every day, and still enjoying it very much.  Sending love and hugs to you.  Debra

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you for the beautiful mail art!

    see the blog:

  • Kathy Barnett

    Thank you for you kind words!! I also love your art work, you are so creative!! I hope you feel better. Take care- :)

  • Debra Mulnick

    Good morning Charlotte!  It is morning here we have some frost on the ground also today.  It is becoming winter, but we still have our farmer's market until Chistmas (indoors now), and we are having warm-ish clear, sunny days.  I've been out walking most every afternoon.  So much mail to catch up with when I got home!  I had a fabulous trip, hanging out with Bettina and Marcel (her husband), and my friend, Roberto came later for x1 week.  It was perfect because I had time with my friends alone, time with them all together, two days alone with Roberto, and the last 3-4 days by MYSELF!  A dreamy itinerary for me.

    Visiting Maria's mail art exhibit in Athens was most inspiring and I feel motivated to plan for a mail art exhibit here in Boise, in 2019.  Stay tuned on that.  Of course, I would love to see you in the mail again, but it will likely be in 2019.  I cannot believe how fast time flies.  Meanwhile I send you love and hugs from Idaho.  Debra

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Charlotte, for the lovely winter print!

    see the blog:

  • Kathy Barnett

    Charlotte, thank you for the beautiful stars. I hung them in my at room, so nice!! And I love the card. I hope you had a really nice holiday! Happy New Year!-Kathy

  • Yayoi S.W.

    Thanks for the comment Charlotte! Your beautiful art arrived this week!

  • Kathy Barnett

    I'm happy you like the lady!!! 

  • Penny Reinecke

    Hi Charlotte.

    i am travelling at the moment.

    i will send mail art after I return. Hopefully next week.

    you can follow some of my travels on Instagram.

    it is


    if you have an Instagram page let me know?

    cheers Penny 

  • Kathy Barnett

    So happy you like the catapus!!

  • Penny Reinecke

    Glad it arrived and that you liked it.

    cheers Penny

  • Steph Dodson

    Hi Charlotte! I would love to exchange mail art with you! Thank you for reaching out - I'll look forward to seeing you in the mail. xS

  • Steph Dodson

    Thank you for the beautiful stitched collage postcard! It did pretty well on its voyage...and I didn't see the little lizard until I looked at it again the next day. He was hiding in plain sight. A return will be coming soon! xS

  • Kevin Geronimo Brandtner


    Ich bin in den letzten 3 Monaten 3x umgezogen und hatte die schwierigste Phase meines Lebens. In jeglicher Hinsicht. Aber jetzt bin ich zurück und stehe langsam wieder auf! Ich werde dir in den nächsten Tagen etwas senden, ist die Adresse dieselbe?

    Liebe Grüße, Kevin!

  • Kevin Geronimo Brandtner

    Freut mich dass dir die Arbeit gefällt! Bis bald :)

    Alles Liebe, Kevin!

  • Mary Anne

    Hi there Charlotte.  Last week I posted you something for H H's Birthday Box but irt seems that a huge amount of my mail sent out has gone missing.  Can you let me know when (if) it arrives please.

  • Mary Anne

    You should have had it by now - I fear it is lost.

    A replacement on its was as soon as I can.

  • Mary Anne

    That is wonderful news . . . I had really given up but . . . now where have all the others gone . . . so many that it can't be coincidence surely/  Maybe after all it is only a case of our post holding things up.  I find I am more confused than ever. I wonder if any m,ore will turn up?

    Hope you liked the little collage.

    There will be more to come . . .

  • Mary Anne

    We have our own bit of Merz not far from here - his last effort - preserved in a museum whilst the pig-sty he built it in is a sort of shrine even though its now empty.

    Kurt is a recent discovery of mine - that is to say, I knew his work but didn't think much of it till now.  Funny how things change!

  • FromMNQ

    Das freut mich! Adresse folgt. Und der Postweg ist nicht ganz so weit und sollte nicht allzu lange dauern...

  • FromMNQ

    Danke für deine herbstliche Karte! Schöne Farbkombination und interessante Muster. Die Natur ist doch immer das beste Vorbild!

  • Mary Anne

    I have learnt from experience that addresses, and hunting for addresses, can be a huge drain on time and patience but If you start a list at the beginning of a project and keep up with it, it works out OK.  I'm happy to do it for the group . . . nice to make a useful contribution and it keeps me out of mischief . . .

  • Steph Dodson

    Hi Charlotte, thank you for the postcard collage of colorful leaves - it arrived last week. The leaves are just starting to fall here, too. We may see the season change after all. I've not been very active here lately, but am glad for your mail art, thanks again!

  • FromMNQ

    Danke für deine s/w Zusammenstellung! Passend zum heutigen Regenwetter. Antwort folgt demnächst!

  • Mary Anne

    Hello Charlotte.  The address booklet has come out much better than I thought it would partly because the envelopes themselves have proved good material to work with.  My box is also on the large side although I have come up with a second one, this morning, which is smaller and might be better.  Some people do prefer to keep the envelopes and their contents together; it is just another way of doing things. 

    Everything is good.

  • FromMNQ

    Kein Stress! Ich habe auch gerade eine Erkältung hinter mir. Gute Besserung!

  • Petrolpetal


    I'd love to exchange mail with you. I'll be sending you something soon!

    Best regards


  • FromMNQ

    Danke für deine tolle Hotzenplotz-Karte! Da hast du das Feuerwerk-Thema wirklich auf den Punkt getroffen. Toll! Komm gut ins neue Jahr. Dann gibts wieder neue Post von mir.

  • Kathy Barnett

    I there!!! Happy New Year to you too! I am sorry you were so sick, but happy you are better. Take care, keep warm, and 'art your heart away'! (My kinders use to to tell me that when I taught art, "we are arting our hearts!"-Kathy