Jack Lattemann


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I find that creating and exchanging mail-art provides an opportunity to combine personal interests in photography, art, and graphic design. But there is a deeper explanation.
Just like any artistic expression, artistamps reinforce personal self-identity by sharing a vision and ideas with others. I value the contacts and the content of postal exchanges over the years, and especially meeting a few of my correspondents in person. The interplay of postal services and the internet have created an opportunity for a network of global democratic expression among at least those who can afford either postage or have access to a computer connection. It is my fervent hope and prayer that our exchanges can also create occasions that help give voice to the visions and ideas those who are unable, for various reasons, to contribute to the network.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
2649 NW 64th Street
Seattle, WA 98107-2456

Comment Wall:

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  • Maurizio Follin

    Thanks for your welcome Mail Art
    Your work has been published on http://itsonlymailartfriend.blogspot.com/
    Click on your behalf to see if the link is the right one or you have one to add
    A huge hello
  • Maurizio Follin

    Hi Jack
    Received and Posted to on http://itsonlymailartfriend.blogspot.com/
  • ginny lloyd

    Hi Jack, Would love to trade sheets. G
  • Ruud Janssen

    Thanks for Fluxus 1 Jack! Really loved it. Already published on some places a photo....... Mre to follow when the time is there. It is abit busy these last weeks/months.
  • Ruud Janssen

    Thanks Jack! Fluxus 1 is fully working here in Breda!
  • Carlos I. Botana

    Subject: Octopus...

    Collective book of mail art.

    Send 18 works of size 14.8 X 21 cm (A5 vertical), numbered and signed,
    for making up a series of volumes with different artists in each. Each
    volume will contain a minimum of 14 artworks, one per artist. Modify
    each copy in order to make them unique originals. All techniques:
    printings, drawings, paintings, photographs, collages...

    Each participant will receive a volume.

    Deadline: october, 2010.

    Send your art works to:

    Carlos Botana
    General Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 A Coruña
    Galicia - España/Spain


    Carlos Botana

  • Maurizio Follin

    Thanks and congratulations for your welcome Mail Art
    Your work has been published on http://itsonlymailartfriend.blogspot.com/
    Click on your behalf to see if the link is the right one or you have one to add

    A huge hello
  • James Chester

    Hello, The altered CD you sent me arrived today. I love it. The post office cancelled the "fake" stamps you put on one side twice but did not cancel the "real" stamps that were on the other.

  • Rachel Freeman

    Hi Jack...I have some mail art ready to send to you....although I may not make it to the post office for awhile because of all the snow we are getting!
    Happy holidays!
  • Jack Lattemann

    Hi Rachel,
    Today was clear and sunny in Seattle, will remain so through Sunday, a most benign Christmas weekend compared to the snow and ice of this time in 2008.
    ~Jack @ Cascadia Artpost
  • Maurizio Follin

    thanks for participating in No Commercial Potential, your works are published in http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/
    Click on your name to see if the link is the right one or you have one to replace
    A huge hello

    PS - of course, if you'll be happy, you can partecipate with your other works during the entire 2010
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    Jack, I just mailed you something Friday to the wrong address... will you get it?? Changed your address in my fancy mead notebook.... I hope you get my thing... !!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rachel Freeman

    Hi Jack...I really loved your security flap stamps! Very clever play on words too
  • James Chester

    Got your card today. Glad to hear my little box made it to you intact. I have several more boxes just like it ready to alter. Enjoy.
  • Celestino Neto

    Hi Jack,

  • Jennifer Kosharek

    I will try again--when I get a spare moment... cause I've been super super busy!
  • Maurizio Follin

    Can you tell me a e-mail address where we can send you the final report of the project?
  • Jennifer Kosharek

    mailing to you.... finally!!! :-)
  • James Chester

    thanks for the holiday letter.  I loved seeing so much of your work in one place.  I may "borrow" this idea next year myself.
  • Sharon Silverman

    I invite you to send a piece of your art to The Face of Jesus Mailart Gallery Exhibition. Check out my profile page for details and to see over 250 pieces of art already in the Exhibit.
  • Cuan Miles

    Hey Jack

    Thanks for the stunning artistamps. I wont be able to use them - they'll stay as a full sheet. They look so professional, especially the perforation.  This is Africa so the only perforator I have is my dog's teeth.  I love the wry humour too.




  • James Chester

    Got your card today. Thanks. I may have an open door image around somewhere. I probably do.
  • Terry Reid

     please pass this on to friends:    here is the Korean show update for the SECREt eXCHANGE at the Tell Me Tell Me exhibition at MoCA, hope you are pARTicipating, and please let your friends know:  http://iuoma-network.ning.com/events/send-to-the-secret-exchange 

                                                                        Duchamp's not Klein Blue suit

    The Diary of a Young Girl
    Theme: a Mailart exhibition dedicated to Anna Frank and to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. January 27th, 1945: death camp Auschwitz was liberated
    Size and technique free
    No jury, no returns, no fees
    Exhibition in 2012 in Giulianova, Italy
    Documentation online gallery and catalogue to all participant if it will possibile (because of sponsor)
    All works via post, no email please.
    Info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com o image000@libero.it
    Deadline to be received January 2nd, 2012

    Isabella Branella
    via Giardino 12
    I- 64021 Giulianova Lido

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi Jack ( oh dear, better start again)

    Dear Jack;

    Fancy finding you here, and many congratulations on your retirement. Now you really will work 24/7.

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    we do not succeed in changing things according to our desire, but gradually our desire changes.

    i like this sentence on your card, very closed to my reality:)

    best regards

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    thank you so much!

  • Mail Art Martha

    gret, we will also try our best to be available then

  • James Chester

    The Ambrose Bierce book arrived late last week.  Thank you.  It's a marvelous piece.  I'll have something in the mail to you early next week.

  • James Chester

    Just in case you have an spare 1.5 million lying around, the Abrose Bierce house in St. Helena is up for sale.


    I've been past it many times.  It's a decent location, a few blocks from downtown, but it's on a busy street.  ;-)

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thanks for the extrordinary book. Very interesting and also inspirational. I was looking for a new subject and had half decided to work on Novalis book about the blue flower, forgot the proper title, so now I shall get going with a series of watercolours first, a book later. I put your book in my blog and it will get into an eBook later. A book within a book?

    I will send you the first watercolour but when I don't know.



    Mailart project

    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society

    Free size, medium and technique

    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns

    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012,    

     November 23-25

    At Santa Maria Gualtieri during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012

    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia

    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted

    on the web sites under costruction in http://www.farepoesia.it/mail-art.html  

    info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com

    Artworks should be sent by snail mail

    DEADLINE to be received

    2012, November 10

    send to:


    Via Torino 37

    I-27100 Pavia


  • Celestino Neto

    Grupo Toca do Lobo - Mail Art Call



    Convidamos voces para participarem do nosso Projeto de
    Arte Postal
    Mago ou Magi, plural da palavra Persa antiga magus,
    significando tanto imagem quanto "um homem sábio",
    que vêm do verbo cuja raiz é "meh", significando grande, e em sânscrito,
    “maha". Mago usualmente denota aquele que pratica a magia ou ocultismo;
    no entanto, pode indicar também alguém que possui conhecimentos e habilidades
    superiores como, por exemplo, quando se diz que um músico é um "mago dos teclados",
    pois toca com perfeição o instrumento musical.

    Tema: Mago
    Técnica: Livre
    Tamanho: A4 ( no máximo)
    Inicio do Projeto: 2010
    Término do Projeto: 3 / 11 / 2013

    Qualquer pessoa pode participar,
    Artistas e qualquer pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando trabalhos com o tema “Mago”.
    Não Haverá Júri e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos.
    Os Trabalhos serão catalogados e estarão disponível no blog da Toca do Lobo sem valor comercial.
    Exposição dos trabalhos online no blog oficial da Toca do Lobo e exposição em espaço público.
    Os trabalhos podem ser enviado para o endereço:

    Grupo Toca do Lobo
    Rua: Nossa Senhora Aparecida, novo Nº69 (antigo 28) Apto 21
    Vila Fátima – Guarulhos – São Paulo
    Cep: 07191-191
    email: tocadoloboartepostal@hotmail.com
    blog: www.tocadoloboartepostal.blogspot.com
  • Pamela Gerard

    You are welcome, Jack. Hum....some seedy mail coming my way? that sounds interesting...

  • Pamela Gerard

    Jack--the SEEDY card arrived yesterday looking a little worse for wear but it will get planted! Thanks.

  • Test Tower

    Hi Jack - Thanks for being a friend.  Next time you pass by Centralia, please stop on by.  I can always manage a pie and coffee if nothing else. Would love to chat it up.  Just let me know ahead of time. This last turkey day found me with a dreadful cold (or something funky), so this time around wouldn't have been my best moment to entertain. But anytime my friend, anytime. Would love to have you over.

  • GinaVisione

    Hi Jack - You are lovely!  Thank you for the fabulous POSTAARPEX Mail!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    hi Jack, received your splendid MA today - thank you so much for everything! My future envelopes will relish the stamps indeed! ^_^

    btw, where do you get perforated stamp sheets? They're great!And: are they lazer printed, or do the pages have that semi-gloss finish?

  • E

  • Tallie Jones

    Hi Jack - the Yes Men are wonderful. Great stamps, great presentation. Thank you. I've lost your change of address, will you message me with it please? I have something to send to you.
  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi Jack I have just now received your wonderful postcards, two of them, I am sure there must have been a mistake but never mind, I am very happy with both of them. The stamps are superb too. There are all in my blog now. Thanks so much it was such a lovely surprise.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Jack I certainly will join your project. Plans to sell our Royal Mail are being finalized right now. They promised it would not happen. The first sign was to raise the postage, so the future buyer would tempted by high profits. Be afraid, be very afraid!


  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

    Ciao Jack! arrivata Tua Lettera ! ti rispondo al più presto! un caro abbraccio , bruno .... poetamailartfluxus ;-)


  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

  • Juan Carlos Vargas

    I invite you to participate in www.mailartunidosporlapaz.blogspot.com.co

  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

  • David Repunto