Lorraine Kwan

Ottawa Ontario


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
"An artist may be a lone wolf. She may occasionally run with the pack. Most often she is happy foraging on her own. She may be wily and alert to opportunity. She may know that adventure can bring out her best. There are times when she's out for blood. There are also times when she's as playful as a puppy." from description of an artist by Robert Genn
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
#305, 10 Rosemount Ave
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 4G9

Comment Wall:

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  • Wolfgang Skodd

  • Claudia Ligorria


    "Mi lugar en el Mundo"

  • Wolfgang Skodd

    Ho, Ho, thank you very much, lol. I'll post it on my blog: http://bananaunderground.blogspot.com/
  • Wolfgang Skodd

    If The Shoe Fits Bracelet - Margaux Lange
  • Claudio Romeo

    Photo Cube
  • Judy Skolnick

    Congratulations on your gallery mailart exhibit at the Eclipse Gallery in Algoma, WI, USA ! I am so glad I could participate and help out. FEED ME, I could use a frozen chocolate covered mint now, yes I freeze the chocolate covered after dinner mints, great that way!
  • virginia milici (virgy)

    Lorrain thanks very good Pinocchio:)
  • Claudio Romeo

    In recent months I have received many more cubes, will soon be added to the gallery!
  • virginia milici (virgy)

    Lorena Thanks Pinocchio is arrived you viev http://iopinocchioeimieiricordi.blogspot.com/
  • virginia milici (virgy)

    Thanks Lorraine:)
  • Claudia Ligorria



    Area, region, stall, area, place of belonging, residence, may be given endless definitions of where one chooses to be, by place of birth, which spends much of life, gestate emotions, situations, feelings, making we like being there.
    It is possible that we move for various reasons, which makes us to stop taking it in another physical space and its place in the World.
    Or that our place in the world a small space like a room, house or a landscape.
    One and only one set and choose where to belong. Where he expresses his wishes, his family or weapon projects.
    So we always have "our place in the World, by choice or fate or whoever that knows things, we were up there. Wherever we say "this is my place in the world"
    How, why and what's yours? Compartámoslo.

    Technique: Free
    Format: Mail Art - Maximum A4

    Deadline: October 31, 2010.

    Send to:
    Claudia Ligorria / Mail Art
    Constitution 1742 PB "A"
    (CP 1644) San Fernando
    Provincia de Buenos Aires

    Are discussed in this Blog.
    Sharing my place in the world with all participants, will be an exhibition of all work in my beloved San Fernando in "plural" - San Fernando.

    There will be a 2 nd exhibition of works in a room located in the City of Buenos Aires on a date to be determined.
    And which are invited.
    Documentation will be sent to all participants.
    From already thank you very much for participating, I hope your shipments.
    A hug from my place in the world, San Fernando, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.

    Claudia Ligorria
  • virginia milici (virgy)

    Thanks Lorraine
  • Thomai Kontou

    hi Lorraine,
    wishes from Greece
  • Nikki Soppelsa

    and NOW we can exchange mail art ;-))

    thank you dear LORRAINE
    The brain operates according to the instinct of any artist
    this time have coincided THE SAME IDEAS same feelings regardless of whether mile distance between us
    always want you Well
    I had sent you the best prints in the past mail art paper and postage
    so you have my art near you
    thank you again
  • Snappy

    Viewed your genius last evening with his nibs, and we both thought it genius .... Snappy, of course, looks fabulous .... only to be outdone by the Dame!
    Thanks a million...
    ciao, ciao,
  • De Villo Sloan

    This is a very exciting project. We have a bunch we're glad to part with. But we're going to first shoot holes in them with an airgun, so I'm not sure about sizes you'll take. I'll consult your mailart call.
  • Celestino Neto

    Hi Lorraine,

  • Test Tower

    Hi Lorraine - You know, it is rather funny you should send me that message when you did - I was in the midst of making a 'Fashion' card for your call. Just finished it and saw your remark. I'll send it out Monday morning and can't wait to get yours. Hope you like it! Nice to talk to you again after so long. Happy Mail, Test
  • Test Tower

    Glad you are enthusiastic about 'The Affair'. I am finding your Fashion call to be quite fun as well. You'll see what I mean when you get what I sent off to Vancouver today. A lot of fun dear girl! Cheers, Test
  • andytgeezer

    Excellent! I can't wait to put it on my REAL wall
  • Bernard Renno

    my email : bernard.renno@hotmail.com
  • Laurence Roberts

    Thanx Lorraine


    Happy holidays !



  • Judy Skolnick

    Enjoy Winter
  • ejva:nsva

    hi Lorraine!

    i sent you the fashion packet from Shanghai :) good to make your acquaintance!



  • Snappy

    ... and, of course, I am her BFF, or whatever....


  • David Stafford

    Hi Lorraine,


    What was the dress mail call about?


  • jon foster

    Got your letter today about the show, it looks great. Let me know if you do any other shows in the future. Thanks for the letter.

  • Test Tower

    Hi Lorraine, thanks for sharing that awesome bodice you created from the mail art. I have to admit, you have had my attention on your art productions for some time. I'll be sending something for your current event soon. Thanks for being so entertaining - you seem to have a charming soul. Cheers, Test
  • John Tingey

    Hi Lorraine, thanks for the welcome. I love the piece of art that you sent recently - I fully intend to reciprocate in due course.
  • Test Tower

    Thanks for telling me about "E"'s mail call. I am rather surprised to know E is a she! I guess I'll just "Surrey down to a stoned soul picnic" - as was once brilliantly sang in those good old days. Thanks for the heads up - I better get busy!
  • Terry Reid

    Lorraine in beautiful Vancouver,
     please pass this on to friends:    here is the Korean show update for the SECREt eXCHANGE at the Tell Me Tell Me exhibition at MoCA, hope you are pARTicipating, and please let your friends know:  http://iuoma-network.ning.com/events/send-to-the-secret-exchange 

                                                                        Duchamp's not Klein Blue suit

    The Diary of a Young Girl
    Theme: a Mailart exhibition dedicated to Anna Frank and to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. January 27th, 1945: death camp Auschwitz was liberated
    Size and technique free
    No jury, no returns, no fees
    Exhibition in 2012 in Giulianova, Italy
    Documentation online gallery and catalogue to all participant if it will possibile (because of sponsor)
    All works via post, no email please.
    Info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com o image000@libero.it
    Deadline to be received January 2nd, 2012

    Isabella Branella
    via Giardino 12
    I- 64021 Giulianova Lido


  • cheryl penn

    Lorraine - please confirm your place in the VISPO collaborative  book.  2 sheets A4 paper, folded (8 sides), a copy sent to each of the participants.  Please put your address on the confirmation discussion. Many thanks :-) X

  • olgacorrales

    Hi permission to drop you a way to mail art invitation, best regards Olga Corrales

    mail Art


    We appreciate the participation and dissemination of project

    Techniques; Free (photographs, collage, paintings, prints, writings, poems, etc.

    Size: Free, depending on the resources of each place and each artist, you can also reach
    agreement if the country has a host-coordinator.

    Quantity: Free
    Closing date for receipt: 10/10/2012.

    The works must be coming to Bahia Blanca, Argentina in October

    No jury, no return, no works comercialización.Todas
    will be published online in the blog-http :/ / miradasypostales.blogspot.com.ar /

    We'll select all entries received that do not qualify unless the
    the criterion of the proposed theme.

    Participation in this call is free and implies knowledge
    and full acceptance of the conditions thereof.

    The Post should be sent in a sealed envelope along with personal information to this address before Sept. 10, 2012

    Olga Corrales
    Address: Libertad No 3756-Ing White
    Bahia Blanca-Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
    C.P. 8000

    IMPORTANT: Also send pictures in JPG format (preferably not too heavy) to the following e mail:
    Will be uploaded to the blog http://miradasypostales.blogspot.com.ar/

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for the postcard, Lorraine.


    Mailart project

    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society

    Free size, medium and technique

    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns

    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012,    

     November 23-25

    At Santa Maria Gualtieri during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012

    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia

    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted

    on the web sites under costruction in http://www.farepoesia.it/mail-art.html  

    info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com

    Artworks should be sent by snail mail

    DEADLINE to be received

    2012, November 10

    send to:


    Via Torino 37

    I-27100 Pavia


  • Celestino Neto

    “(BIG) Guarulhos” Biennale Internazionale del Piccolo Formato.

    Sono Invitati a Partecipare Artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo inviando le proprie opere d’arte per :

    “(BIG) Guarulhos “Biennale Internazionale del Piccolo Formato.

    Tutte le categorie delle Arti :disegno, pittura, scultura …,Libro.. oggetto, montaggio, installazione, grafica, fotografia, arte elettronica e arte di strada: Formato massimo di 10 cm x 15 cm per opere bidimensionali, 15 x 15 x 15 cm opere tridimensionali, opere video deve essere di almeno 15 secondi a 1 minuto come un mpeg.

    TEMA :Libero

    Tutta la documentazione in linea. Nessuna giuria, , nessuna selezione/ senza quota di iscrizione le opere ricevute non verranno restituite ,andranno a fare parte della raccolta Biennale (BIG Guaruhlos” )

    Tutto con le regole MAILART .

    Scadenza 30 Novembre La Biennale è prevista per 8 Dicembre 2012 Anniversario della città di GUARULHOS… si consiglia di inviare al più presto possibile visto che i tempi postali per il Brasile sono calcolati in una media di 20 giorni di viaggio.

    La Biennale nasce sotto forma ironica , lasciando libero il tema della Biennale ,perché il solo organizzare ufficialmente una Biennale In uno stato di fragile democrazia può essere rischioso
    GRAZIE ……………………Vi aspettiamo numerosi
    Date Esposizione : 08 Dicembre 2012 e 08 Febbraio de 2013 Location Amorexperimental Versão Beta, Ateliê Conexão, Ateliê Coletivo 308, Ecatú Ateliê, LádaMata e Toca do Lobo, em Guarulhos-SP, Mairiporã e Recife – PE, e nos espaços virtuaishttp://bigpequenoformato.blogspot.com.br/. E no canal youtube do I BIG:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfaGo9z62nt73C-UrFieBxg?feature=mhee
    Indirizzo Postale x spedizione opere:
    I BIG
    AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopoúva – CXP 1004
    07051 970
    Guarulhos– SP

    onvocatória Simplificada \ Simple call
    Qualquer pessoa pode participar, artistas, artistas postais ou qualquer outra pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando o trabalho para a I Bienal Internacional de Guarulhos do Pequeno Formato, nas modalidades desenho, pintura, escultura, objeto, assemblage, instalação, gravura, fotografia, arte eletrônica e arte ur

    bana: As dimensões dos trabalhos deverão ter, no m
    áximo, 10 x 15 cm para obras bidimensionais, 15 x 15 x 15 cm para obras tridimensionais;As obras na modalidade vídeo deverão ter duração mínima de 15 segundos e máxima de até 1 minuto, em formato mpeg.Não haverá júri nem taxas e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos, devendo ficar para o acervo da Bienal.
    Documentação on-line para todos os participantes.
    Enviar trabalhos para:

    I BIG
    AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopoúva – CXP 1004
    07051 970
    Guarulhos– SP

    Artistas / correo artistas / cualquier persona de todo el mundo están invitados a enviar obras de arte para (BIG) Bienal Internacional Guarulhos del Pequeño Formato.
    Los trabajos incluidos en las modalidades de dibujo, pintura, escultura…, objeto, ensamblaje, instalación, grabado, fotografía, arte electrónico y arte urbano: debe tener no más de 10 cm x 15 cm para las obras bidimensionales, 15 x 15 x 15 cm obras tridimensionales, las obras de vídeo debe tener por lo menos 15 segundos y hasta 1 minuto en formato mpeg. Documentación en línea. Ningún jurado, sin tasas, No hay vuelta Postal / No hay tasas de inscripción.

    Enviar trabajos a:
    I BIG
    Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emilio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopouva – Caixa Postal 1004
    07051 970

    Artists / mail artists / anyone from around the world are invited to send artwork for Guarulhos International Biennial of Small Format Artworks

    The works included in the modalities of drawing, painting, sculpture, object, assemblage, installati

  • Celestino Neto

    Grupo Toca do Lobo - Mail Art Call



    Convidamos voces para participarem do nosso Projeto de
    Arte Postal
    Mago ou Magi, plural da palavra Persa antiga magus,
    significando tanto imagem quanto "um homem sábio",
    que vêm do verbo cuja raiz é "meh", significando grande, e em sânscrito,
    “maha". Mago usualmente denota aquele que pratica a magia ou ocultismo;
    no entanto, pode indicar também alguém que possui conhecimentos e habilidades
    superiores como, por exemplo, quando se diz que um músico é um "mago dos teclados",
    pois toca com perfeição o instrumento musical.

    Tema: Mago
    Técnica: Livre
    Tamanho: A4 ( no máximo)
    Inicio do Projeto: 2010
    Término do Projeto: 3 / 11 / 2013

    Qualquer pessoa pode participar,
    Artistas e qualquer pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando trabalhos com o tema “Mago”.
    Não Haverá Júri e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos.
    Os Trabalhos serão catalogados e estarão disponível no blog da Toca do Lobo sem valor comercial.
    Exposição dos trabalhos online no blog oficial da Toca do Lobo e exposição em espaço público.
    Os trabalhos podem ser enviado para o endereço:

    Grupo Toca do Lobo
    Rua: Nossa Senhora Aparecida, novo Nº69 (antigo 28) Apto 21
    Vila Fátima – Guarulhos – São Paulo
    Cep: 07191-191
    email: tocadoloboartepostal@hotmail.com
    blog: www.tocadoloboartepostal.blogspot.com
  • Susan McAllister

    Very cool postcard, Lorraine. Thanks so much.
  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Are you still in the MAil Art picture?

  • Carlos I. Botana



    Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project 
    for the old prison of A Coruña to become a Selfmanaged Sociocultural Center.
    The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
     It will take place inside or outside the prison, abandoned and disused at present.
    A picture of each work will be uploaded in jailartproxectocarcere.wordpress.com
    For further information please visit our blog: proxectocarcere.blogaliza.org 
    or send an e-mail to proxectocarcere@gmail.com

    Subject: Jail
    Deadline: 1st June 2013
    No measurement limits
    Free technique
    The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.

    Send your works to:
    Carlos Botana
    Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 - A Coruña
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir! Thank you -- and Kathryn too -- for your very witty "Dialosauros boothus" post card for my forthcoming Phone Box invitation.

    Do the (dreaded) EU acronyms WEEE and RoHS mean anything to you?

    Merci beaucoup! Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi! I saw from the back of your phone box card various references to electronics' goods recycling, and thought that you might be in this line of business. WEEE stands for Waste from Electrical & Electronics Equipment, and RoHS for the Removal of Hazardous Substances (from WEEE). They both refer to at the time (circa 2004) controversial EU laws. As a spokesman for the ITC industry in Europe, I spent an enormous part of 15 or so years of my life lobbying against these measures.


    Regards, Val

  • Celestino Neto

    Grupo Toca do Lobo - Mail Art Call



    Convidamos voces para participarem do nosso Projeto de
    Arte Postal
    Mago ou Magi, plural da palavra Persa antiga magus,
    significando tanto imagem quanto "um homem sábio",
    que vêm do verbo cuja raiz é "meh", significando grande, e em sânscrito,
    “maha". Mago usualmente denota aquele que pratica a magia ou ocultismo;
    no entanto, pode indicar também alguém que possui conhecimentos e habilidades
    superiores como, por exemplo, quando se diz que um músico é um "mago dos teclados",
    pois toca com perfeição o instrumento musical.

    Tema: Mago
    Técnica: Livre
    Tamanho: A4 ( no máximo)
    Inicio do Projeto: 2010
    Término do Projeto: 3 / 11 / 2013

    Qualquer pessoa pode participar,
    Artistas e qualquer pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando trabalhos com o tema “Mago”.
    Não Haverá Júri e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos.
    Os Trabalhos serão catalogados e estarão disponível no blog da Toca do Lobo sem valor comercial.
    Exposição dos trabalhos online no blog oficial da Toca do Lobo e exposição em espaço público.
    Os trabalhos podem ser enviado para o endereço:

    Grupo Toca do Lobo
    Rua: Nossa Senhora Aparecida, novo Nº69 (antigo 28) Apto 21
    Vila Fátima – Guarulhos – São Paulo
    Cep: 07191-191
    email: tocadoloboartepostal@hotmail.com
    blog: www.tocadoloboartepostal.blogspot.com
  • Mariana Serban

    Hello Lorraine,

    I'm glad you received my mail maps !

    My ad.  Republicii str. 22/15 cod 540110

    Targu Mures / Romania

  • Mariana Serban

    Nice works on you Wall, Lorraine !!!!Ilike them !

  • Linda French

    Lorraine, for your project, is it impressions/images of handmade stamps you are looking for as well as postage stamps?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Lorraine! Sending you mach boxes soon!

    see blog:

  • Celestino Neto