De Villo Sloan


United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
There are those who are.
There are those who are not
-Robert Stone Dog Soldiers
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Please note my Auburn, New York USA pob is closed.
Send mail art to:
102 Meadow Drive
Elbridge, New York, USA 13060

Comment Wall:

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  • Jessie

    Great stuff from you today! Thank YOU!

  • Petrolpetal

    Glad you liked my stuff! Since your 'hair do' I can see nothing but hairdos everywhere i look. Stocking up pictures for next time (haha)...

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks, DeVillo, for the great mail.
  • Petrolpetal

    You made my day - thanks for all the am,amazing comments!!

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    DVS--thank you for your friend offer. I am very impressed with "Vertical Thoughts" and am grateful for your careful documentation of this masterful art work. Your efforts help to keep us all on the path of creative growth.

  • The Blessed Father

    Send me some mail art and I'll mail you a EH/BF rubber stamp. BF
  • Whitney Durden Arnold

    Hi there! I'm new to this site and am looking for people to exchange art with! Would you be interested in mailing each other?

  • A friend just shared this on fb, I thought you may like it too.

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi DVS--thanks for stye thumbs up on my mono print. This was my first experience with a Gelli-plate for printing and I was rewarded with some interesting effects.

  • Carina

    Back from a short vacation. Thanks for letting me know, DVS!

  • E

  • The Blessed Father

    Holy crap. . . I received your mail today. I guess I owe you a rubber stamp.  Rick aka BF

  • An. U.

    And more about trashbooks -

    one is going to you right now!!!!! :)

  • Richard BAUDET

    Hello devillosloan !

    You want to ,even if my knowleldge in your langage is poor ,I try to explain...

    1  I don't understand  " aka" , and the following "Dick,,, Bidet " Is it derision? why ?

    2  I never say that I received trash mailart ,never ! I don't permit me !

     But may I prefer  the  piece of mailart  in one unit , and to say it?

    3  I do not have any jugement on the work of every one !It always a great pleasure to receive all kind of any level of art , prof  or not !

    4 Finally, tell me what is the advantage  to send  photocop to people ?what is your point of wiew of old mailartist ?

     I try to use right words ,but I am not sure. Excuse me !

  • The Blessed Father

    The postcard I mailed you has two stamps stamps you can pick from. . . you'll receive a second post card with a third stamp. Let me know which one you want. You can email me.
    See you in the mail BF
  • Mail Art Martha

    Fantastic zine !  I shall enjoy a good read, I need  a rest from all this work, work ,work.As if.

  • The Blessed Father

    Let me know which stamp you want. Have you received both postcards??? BF
  • The Blessed Father

    You got it. I won't get to the post office until next week. . . sooo you'll have it soon. Rick aka BF
  • The Blessed Father

    P.S. I really enjoyed your mail, thanks again BF
  • Mail Art Martha

    oh thanks for poining them out, I missed them, I cannot get my mind away from the lovely sweet sewer rats, they are as big as otters. We haven't got anything like that here.

  • The Blessed Father

    I'm a night manager at a strip club. . . the photo was taken on the roof of the building next to the club. Got busted by the police a couple of years ago. . . he just gave us a verbal warning. Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    You do a hell of a blog. . . over 550 views, WOW. Thanks again Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    I'm not sure if folks want to see more of my art or. . . maybe they thought they going to see all of Mina, I wonder. Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    1250 views. . . this can't be right. Shit fire that would be everyone in IUOMA. Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    Some prude is screwing with us. I have pictures of Mina that would shock the shit out of them. Was the picture Moan Lisa posted more shocking then my picture of Mina??? Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    What happen to the blog of my postcards?? Someone killed it?? Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    Have you received the new Mina postcard??? Rick
  • Hey DVS, good to see you're back! Did an envelope from me make it to you?

  • Oh good! no rush.. I would have just been disappointed if you hadn't got it.

  • The Blessed Father

    How many years have you been active in mail art??? Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    I'm going to the post office on saturday to mail your stamp. . . finally. Rick
  • Brooke Cooks

    DV thanks for the ma.  I am inspired by your piece with the fringe from spiral bound notebook paper.  Is there a real name for that stuff?  I hate the fringe on it's own but in art it is a different story. Looking forward to more exchanges.  Thanks again. 

  • The Blessed Father

    I mailed your stamp today, should arrive on Friday or Saturday. . . sorry about the delay. The rubber has baby powder on it, rinse well and apply to backing and apply that to a wood block. . . enjoy. Rick
  • Richard Canard

    07.11.14 Dare DeVillo S.,'s absolutely amazing what we so-called artists don't really see..or is because we've all seen this image a hundred times & are not really looking???...i.e. You're right!" Cows don't have six legs"....& now that you mention it,...are those 5 more available spaces between the cow's" 6"...counting that tiny space in front of the lower part of the tail????...& dare I mention...the horns, the ear & the nose?..or am I beginning to split hairs? Thanx for your habitual awareness & tolerance. Richard C.

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    I have a couple of questions about something you wrote:

    Definitely, it would be considered mail-art. Many - including established veterans - are doing digital collage. Mike Dickau in CA and RCBz in Minn. come to mind right away. Most of Moan Lisa's vispo is digital.

    The questions are, firstly, how long must one be in the Mail Art community before one become a 'veteran', and, secondly, by what process does one become 'established'?

    Regards, Val

  • The Blessed Father

    Did you receive your rubber??????? Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    Shit. . . it was mailed from the post office, you should have received it. Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    That makes me feel better, I have a habit of not putting my return address on my envelops
    I asked them to hand stamp. . . safer that way. Happy Stamping Rick
  • Carina

    Hi DVS, I'm sending you a small package today.

  • borderlinegrafix

    Thanks for the link.  I've seen that quote from John Dean. 

  • borderlinegrafix

    I got as far as getting one hit on the link I sent you, but if you need to go further, I think the site asks for joining, with money involved.  So I haven't seen anything, just assume it is there.  Very mysterious circumstances.  I was in Bexar County yesterday on business and was thinking about it.

  • Linda French

    Thanks for the information on Rebecca Guyver's art. I appreciate the response.  --Linda

  • Linda French

    I make little books all the time, some themed, some not. Usually use about !/2 junk material --junk mail, scraps, paper bags -- that kind of thing. But I don't know if my things qualify as 'boekies'. Mostly they just make me happy.  --Linda

  • The Blessed Father

    Have you received my Holiday card yet??? It will piss a few folks off I'm sure. Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    My buddy set up his camera. . . when the crowd thinned out Shay and I climbed into the Nativity Scene at our City Park. Shay couldn't stop laughing. They have security so we had to time things just right. Glad you enjoyed it. . . you were the first to receive one. Your Pal Blessed Father Rick
  • Neil Gordon

    DVS, did ya get the stuff i sent you, something to do w/ skunk apes?????

    "Whats so funny about peace love and understanding"


  • The Blessed Father

    You'll find a Bottle Gram in your box soon.  Enjoy Rick

  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • The Blessed Father

    I started doing the Bottle Gram back in the early 90's, It fun because it doesn't need to be but in a box. Enjoy Rick
  • The Blessed Father

    I was hoping you might do one of your great blogs with the Bottle Gram. Rick