Dimitra Papatheodorou




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I am a painter and a collage artist. I like the idea to send and receive visual art through the international postal system. I hope to meet interesting people all over the world!!! You can see more about me at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dimitra-Papatheodorou/136411099875287
instagram @mailart_dp
Amici Italiani mi far`a molto piacere scambiare idee ,discussioni ed arte postale in ITALIANO perch`e la lingua Italiana `e importante per me quasi come la mia madre lingua.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Dimitra Papatheodorou
P.O.Box 3019
23 Zaimi street
26110 Patra

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  • chimerastone

    Hi thanks for the friend request I work with collage too often use images from magazine, leaflets.

  • Petrolpetal

    Hi there

    I would love to exchange mail art with you. I have sent my request by snail mail!

  • M. Nelson

    Thanks for the welcome Dimitra. That would be great if you sent some mail art for our exhibition here! If you wouldn't mind sharing the event with friends, that would be great, the more mail art, the better! I will be sure to send you some mail art of my own too, as soon as I can!

  • Claudia Garcia

    Hello Dimitra!!!!

    Today I received your especial mail art!!!!! Thanks a lot. I love it. My favourite colour is blue. And your colour work is fantastic. Congratulations!!!! I like the texture too.

    Did you use acrylic or oil?

    Soon, I post it!!!

    Did you receive mine? Because I sent you on August 28

    Happy weekend!!!!

    Many kisses

  • Roberto Scala

    Scrivi e parli italiano bene vedo io sono stato amico di un artista greco oggi famoso Miltos Manetas abbiamo fatto lo stesso corso di pittuta da Diego Esposito dei Nuovi Nuovi gruppo concettuale presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti Di Brera di Milano sono anche amico di Vanessa Beecroft ora vive a Los Angles

    ciao a presto

  • Claudia Garcia

    Hi Dimitra: Today I sent you a mail art. I hope you receive it soon. Love

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    GRAZIE!!!!!!!!!!! mi fa molto piacere il tuo giudizio ... io oggi credo molto in questo

    lavorare sul web... non so se si può chiamare web art... ma io sento il web come un immenso tacchuino  su cui possiamo lavorare liberamente , per questo ho coniato il logo " free electronic  experiments"  ti abbraccio con affetto , bruno .poetamailartfluxus  ;-)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Buona domenica anche a te . ti abbraccio , bruno

  • crisispanty

    Thank you so much for the lovely piece you sent me and the note! 

    I'm so curious about the postcard that was attached to mine...I mailed yours from 

    a mailbox in my neighborhood. Anyway, a great story! 

    Looking forward to more mail art exchanges with you!

  • Jaspals

    Dear Dimitra Papatheodorou  today is a special day for me, now you are mt friend... Iam bit late to be a part of your mail art project... if you could give me some time then I will post my works in your name and address... please write in my name... jaspals09@gmail.com   please intimate me if you give a little time... thanks.. my bests for you... jaspals, India...

  • Claudia Garcia

    Hello Dimitra!!!!

    Today I received your beautiful mail art!!!!! I like so much your paintings!!!!! I love the texture in this!!!!  Thanksssss a lot!!!! Did you received mine?  I hope you are well!!!!!

    many kisses!!!

    soon, I post it

  • Petrolpetal

    Hi there!Thanks for the mail art - love the stamps and my Greek name! Expect a reply soon

  • PIRO

    Yes you can publish address, I prefer just HUMACAO, PUERTO RICO if possible.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    October 26:

  • Lorella

    thank you Dimitra certainty you can pubblish my address

  • Edna Toffoli

    Dimitra Hello, I visited your blog and I realized that art postcard I sent to call "parla italiano" did not arrive in Greece? already a while since I sent! anything let me know. A hug.

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Dimitra--Your Coffee Love journal arrived in my post box today. It will go to Amy Irwen next week. Thank you for starting this project!

  • Gail Anderson

    Happy Belated Birthday!  Sorry that I did not e-mail you sooner, but I had a very busy Halloween.  I dressed up in a costume that I put together myself - I was a hippie this year.  And then my children went out trick-or-treating and I stayed home and gave candy to other children who came here trick-or-treating.  - Gail

  • stripygoose

  • fátima queiroz

    Welcome,Dimitra! Hugs

  • carl baker

    colour my world*****

    i will send to yr colourful world,

    mail-art for colours, special colour scheme

    in yr mail-box, good luck, carl baker>

  • Raphael'L

    Thanks Dimitra for your wonderful blue painting arrived this week during my absence! Et à bientôt pour le doré et l'argenté de Décembre.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Dimitra for "colours" for November...beautiful!


    It is on this blog:

    November = "Colour My World" from Dimitra in Patra, Greece

  • Dorina Harangus

    Great works Dimitra ! :)

  • Jaspals

    I wish to see your creative Camera photography work in our forthcoming Guild Photography art show in India in the month of Feb/ March 2014... if you are interested then send me four to five of your high resolution photography work in my name... along with your CV n personal photograph... through email in my name, I will prepare those prints of your photography work, mount n frame and exhibit in our show in India... this is an International Photography Show, 2014 in India...If any other your creative photo artist friend is interested tell him... Free entry... open subject... it is a Catalog based show... in a Gallery... I am eagerly waiting for your positive reply... my email address is     jaspals09@gmail.com   www.jaspalsarts.com

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Dimitra..thank you for the friend request...have a great mail art new year!
  • Dorina Harangus

    Hi Dimitra , thanks for your friendship ! Have a happy happy new year !

  • Dan Mouer

    May your world (and your mail box) be full of color in 2014, Dimitra!

  • Claudia Garcia

    Hello Dimitra:  Today I sent you my Mail art. I hope you receive it soon.  Love!!!

  • Prairie Kittin

    Post card on it's way to you... just for fun! :-)

  • Jenny Kennedy

    Thank you and a very Happy 2014 to you!


  • Edna Toffoli

    Convocatória: Um sopro de vida!

    Mail art call: One breath of life!


    A arte para compreender,

    o sofrimento para aprender...

    The art for understanding,

    the suffering for learning…


    Envie uma arte postal para as pessoas com câncer, os trabalhos recebidos serão distribuídos para os pacientes em tratamento do Hospital Hélio Angotti da cidade de Uberaba – MG – Brasil.


    Send a mail art for people with cancer, the jobs received will be distributed to the patients in treatment Hélio Angotti Hospital of Uberaba - MG - Brazil.


    Enviar para: Edna Toffoli

                       Rua. Hiago Reis Leite, 31

                       B. Jd. São Bento

                       Uberaba - MG



    Tamanho, técnica e quantidade: livre

    Data: Julho de 2014 - 07/2014

    Os trabalhos serão publicados no blog:


    Certificado de participação via e-mail.


    Size, technical and quantity: Free

    Date: July 2014/07/2014

    The work will be published in the blog:


    Certificate of participation via email.


  • Carmela Rizzuto


    Regarding Calls for Mail Art.

    • It is common courtesy to thank someone who sends mail art in response to a call for entries-can be done on iuoma if participant is a member.
    • Send mail art in return if said you would do so. This can be onerous if you have hundreds of submissions-so don't offer if you can't handle it. Some organizers send a postcard saying that the submission has been received and 'thanks'. This can be expensive, especially if there lots of foreign entries.
    • Some organizers set up a blog offline from iuoma and show entries and have of list of participants.
    • If there is an exhibition of the mail art, some organizers send out the final list of participants using snail mail--but an online list is OK.
    • View the Blog on my page on iuoma. It has an example of a participant list and documentation of the exhibit. You don't have to do this, but it is an easy way to document the activity.
  • Petrolpetal

    Hi there - yes I did receive your lovely mail. I did thank you on October 24. Or are you meaning another piece? I would love to receive some more mail art from you, and will also be sending some your way!
  • Daniel de Culla

    Dimitra, Season's Greetings, Blessed Be, and a Kiss.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Ευχαριστώ Δήμητρα! 

  • Bill Porter

    Hi Dimitra,

    Glad that we are friends now. And that you've joined the wide, wonderful world of mail art. Thanks too for the Envelopes group!

    All my best to you!!

    The Olathe Poste

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Thanks for the friend invite Dimtra. I love the painting you sent to Kat Gold with sand. It is beautiful and full of energy!! Will work on something for you in the next week.

  • Cerulean

    Hi Dimitra, welcome and thanks for your friendship.

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Dimitra--Colorful mail art headed your way tomorrow.

  • Petrolpetal

    Mail out!
  • carl baker

    hello dimitra,

    received yr mail-art, post cards today,

    wonderful, thank u,

    will post on my iuoma page.

    cheerio, cb.

  • Richard BAUDET

    Hellooo  Dimitra ! I sent you ,end of january,  a ""black § white  ""mail art , and don't see it on your page ...I would be sad if you did not received it,  Tell me, please. Friendly, Richard

  • Prairie Kittin

    I'm sending you a blue postcard. My mother's birthday is July 21 (she'll be 95). So, I'm doing her birthday month and sending it off early. :-)

    Prairie Kittin

  • Prairie Kittin

    2 pink postcards are on their way! :-)

  • Richard BAUDET

    Dear Dimitra,  a rose envelope has been sent from Marseille to color your world !

  • Gail Anderson

    Just wanted to let you know that I received your postcards for both Week 1 and Week 2 of the swap today. Thank you - both cards are really nice!  And I just mailed you the postcard from me for week 4 of the swap. - Gail

  • Gail Anderson

    Glad to see that you like the cards I have been sending you.  I will let you know when I receive more cards from you.  - Gail