De Villo Sloan


United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
There are those who are.
There are those who are not
-Robert Stone Dog Soldiers
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Please note my Auburn, New York USA pob is closed.
Send mail art to:
102 Meadow Drive
Elbridge, New York, USA 13060

Comment Wall:

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  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    ha ha ha - paranoid darling? (note: larf here) nope, not my usual polemics/wasn't critiquing cher, just curious as to what, particularly, impelled your choices...? I mean come on, that's an ex. of the "interactive" intent at work - how could it not stir my curiosity, oui?! %_^ For me, it was an interesting new way to look at it actually, and, as I sd., made me curious... Some of the pockets contained definite choices re separate elements (interesting: the top one you chose for instance, yet I don't even remember enclosing the draft of the poem. rather apropos though, as it's about the creative...); others filled as they were because of the look of the grouping. The filler sometimes arbitrary, in others I wanted to enclose a certain piece I wanted to share the particular beauty of...)(and that wasn't always easy, lemme tell ya! some of these beauties I've had for 30 years, and small scraps are all that's left, thus they're often quite "precious" to me...) Aaaanyway, I truly enjoyed your blog mon ami (and was flattered, indeed) - thanks again De Villo!

  • yves maraux

    about this japanise baby robot clip ? i was thinking about the possible implosion of the creation as this new generation will get out of time

  • yves maraux

    i will argue about your feedback but not fit for power point

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Very cool! Functional as well as visual, as I hoped... (being a craftsperson, I've always found it rather sad the vacuity function & art is treated w/ in the US. If a thing is "useful," then it's not worth much here (check out the price difference between "crafts" and "fine art." I've gotten as far career wise as to be in Abrams books & collected in museums, yet I have never made a cent - instead declared a loss every year I attempted to make some living from my work. Yes, gave up looong ago & decided it was a labour of love anyway....) This was why I loved Japan so. Studied ceramics there in 82, and great potters are often "national treasures" there, fetching thousands for a tiny sake cup. The idea of bringing beauty into every, even the most (seemingly...) mundane, element of life, - well, that's where it's at imnsho! I think it may be the "bored housewife hobby"* association that crafts have in amerika that makes "crafts" a pejorative word here. *Not a phrase I coined, an "art world" ism we were always railing against in our frustration when I worked at the Amercan Craft Museum. I think they finally caught on & changed the name to "The Mus. of Design" or something.) To be able to interact with something - use, wear, play - seems frigging wondrous to me! It brings it down to earth, as it were - people make art, why the hell shouldn't they be able to use it? It becomes a relationship..a warmth of communication... It humanizes. But the "art world" seems to prefer the untouchable/ethereal for their inane sense of "value." I wld. opine that that smacks of some (christian) body/soul dichotomy inheritance. Time we grew the f*ck out of it!

    btw - no need for further blogging - i.e., pls. don't feel a "duty" or anything! it's been seen quite a bit already. I have scans if you want them/like to archive your m.a. or anything. lmk -

    signed: your hyper-serious & ever-loquacious friend, C

  • Christopher Skinner

    De Villo, thank you for you kind comments and the write-up on MinXus Lynxus - much appreciated. I'm disappointed that it arrived damaged, but as you say, sometimes these things can add a little extra something to the piece. I will consider this as I package up any other more delicate work...

    I have some good images in my IUOMA albums if you you want to see the intended effect!

    Once again, thanks!


  • Christopher Skinner

    Ah, the 'what is art' debate has entered the world of mail art! My stock response to this type of question is that if you are the kind of person who needs to define it that accurately, you probably need to get out more (or do something else in grad school!) but personally I think that mail art needs to be able to include both – after all, a well packaged piece in a unique envelope is as relevant as the artefact presented as mail.

    I like the anticipation of well packaged mail; it should tantalise and raise an eyebrow by the postie – even when a simple letter or greetings card is packaged with care, one tends to assign it a higher value from the perception of the effort of sender.

    I have seen a few of those ‘purist’ mail art pieces and admire them for a variety of reasons; their honesty, their lack of respect for accepted mailing formats, and quite often, simply for their chutzpah!

    As long as there are senders and receivers, there will be mail art, in whatever form it takes.

    I look forward to further exchanges.

    All the best,

    Prof. Christopher Skinner MA, MIfL

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    (you know DVS, today I've noticed that you're quite correct - ephemera seems to be popping up everywhere suddenly...)

  • Mail Rat

    Thanks De Villo!  Posted on my blog at Rat Mail.

  • Medwolf

    David Zacks "death certificate says nothing..just his name and is dated on april fools day..put that together with this~ Michael Leigh,an artist in the UK got..

    A postcard from Dave Zack from Mexico where he lived at the time. Sent in 1984. On the reverse Zack writes- " Michael- This is too vital to my Correspondence History to plan out or prefabricate, let alone prevaricate in any way. I have refused to give the Tapia family the cash Christmas gift they demand. They lowered and I still refused. Three times I went to my parents with the Tapias. These lovable and living ancestors of mine smiled lovably and pointed at me. Cesario refused to take Genovera's last month's pay, holding out for the Christmas present. I said my festival as a ULC minister is not Christmas, but April 1st. He said he never heard of it. I told him to watch out for it, it'd be better than bullfighting. This isn't bad, sometimes people get killed." I find this interesting lol
  • Not Hi Ng

    Hi De Villo, I'm glad to see you received the Yin/Yang piece.

    I'm intrigued by the Shooting Gallery Project you're working on. It sounds like it's somewhat akin to my nail gun poetry but in collaboration with others. Collaboration always adds so much more depth to the work. 

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    I just received zine 3: I just wanted to say that your vispo is among my favorite pages in the zine - really, really wondrous DVS!

  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

    Grazie Caro Amico , un caro abbraccio , bruno .poetamailartfluxus

  • Celestino Neto

    “(BIG) Guarulhos” Biennale Internazionale del Piccolo Formato.

    Sono Invitati a Partecipare Artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo inviando le proprie opere d’arte per :

    “(BIG) Guarulhos “Biennale Internazionale del Piccolo Formato.

    Tutte le categorie delle Arti :disegno, pittura, scultura …,Libro.. oggetto, montaggio, installazione, grafica, fotografia, arte elettronica e arte di strada: Formato massimo di 10 cm x 15 cm per opere bidimensionali, 15 x 15 x 15 cm opere tridimensionali, opere video deve essere di almeno 15 secondi a 1 minuto come un mpeg.

    TEMA :Libero

    Tutta la documentazione in linea. Nessuna giuria, , nessuna selezione/ senza quota di iscrizione le opere ricevute non verranno restituite ,andranno a fare parte della raccolta Biennale (BIG Guaruhlos” )

    Tutto con le regole MAILART .

    Scadenza 30 Novembre La Biennale è prevista per 8 Dicembre 2012 Anniversario della città di GUARULHOS… si consiglia di inviare al più presto possibile visto che i tempi postali per il Brasile sono calcolati in una media di 20 giorni di viaggio.

    La Biennale nasce sotto forma ironica , lasciando libero il tema della Biennale ,perché il solo organizzare ufficialmente una Biennale In uno stato di fragile democrazia può essere rischioso
    GRAZIE ……………………Vi aspettiamo numerosi
    Date Esposizione : 08 Dicembre 2012 e 08 Febbraio de 2013 Location Amorexperimental Versão Beta, Ateliê Conexão, Ateliê Coletivo 308, Ecatú Ateliê, LádaMata e Toca do Lobo, em Guarulhos-SP, Mairiporã e Recife – PE, e nos espaços virtuais E no canal youtube do I BIG:
    Indirizzo Postale x spedizione opere:
    I BIG
    AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopoúva – CXP 1004
    07051 970
    Guarulhos– SP

    onvocatória Simplificada \ Simple call
    Qualquer pessoa pode participar, artistas, artistas postais ou qualquer outra pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando o trabalho para a I Bienal Internacional de Guarulhos do Pequeno Formato, nas modalidades desenho, pintura, escultura, objeto, assemblage, instalação, gravura, fotografia, arte eletrônica e arte ur

    bana: As dimensões dos trabalhos deverão ter, no m
    áximo, 10 x 15 cm para obras bidimensionais, 15 x 15 x 15 cm para obras tridimensionais;As obras na modalidade vídeo deverão ter duração mínima de 15 segundos e máxima de até 1 minuto, em formato mpeg.Não haverá júri nem taxas e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos, devendo ficar para o acervo da Bienal.
    Documentação on-line para todos os participantes.
    Enviar trabalhos para:

    I BIG
    AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopoúva – CXP 1004
    07051 970
    Guarulhos– SP

    Artistas / correo artistas / cualquier persona de todo el mundo están invitados a enviar obras de arte para (BIG) Bienal Internacional Guarulhos del Pequeño Formato.
    Los trabajos incluidos en las modalidades de dibujo, pintura, escultura…, objeto, ensamblaje, instalación, grabado, fotografía, arte electrónico y arte urbano: debe tener no más de 10 cm x 15 cm para las obras bidimensionales, 15 x 15 x 15 cm obras tridimensionales, las obras de vídeo debe tener por lo menos 15 segundos y hasta 1 minuto en formato mpeg. Documentación en línea. Ningún jurado, sin tasas, No hay vuelta Postal / No hay tasas de inscripción.

    Enviar trabajos a:
    I BIG
    Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emilio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopouva – Caixa Postal 1004
    07051 970

    Artists / mail artists / anyone from around the world are invited to send artwork for Guarulhos International Biennial of Small Format Artworks

    The works included in the modalities of drawing, painting, sculpture, object, assemblage, installati

  • Celestino Neto

    “(BIG) Guarulhos” Biennale Internazionale del Piccolo Formato.

    Sono Invitati a Partecipare Artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo inviando le proprie opere d’arte per :

    “(BIG) Guarulhos “Biennale Internazionale del Piccolo Formato.

    Tutte le categorie delle Arti :disegno, pittura, scultura …,Libro.. oggetto, montaggio, installazione, grafica, fotografia, arte elettronica e arte di strada: Formato massimo di 10 cm x 15 cm per opere bidimensionali, 15 x 15 x 15 cm opere tridimensionali, opere video deve essere di almeno 15 secondi a 1 minuto come un mpeg.

    TEMA :Libero

    Tutta la documentazione in linea. Nessuna giuria, , nessuna selezione/ senza quota di iscrizione le opere ricevute non verranno restituite ,andranno a fare parte della raccolta Biennale (BIG Guaruhlos” )

    Tutto con le regole MAILART .

    Scadenza 30 Novembre La Biennale è prevista per 8 Dicembre 2012 Anniversario della città di GUARULHOS… si consiglia di inviare al più presto possibile visto che i tempi postali per il Brasile sono calcolati in una media di 20 giorni di viaggio.

    La Biennale nasce sotto forma ironica , lasciando libero il tema della Biennale ,perché il solo organizzare ufficialmente una Biennale In uno stato di fragile democrazia può essere rischioso
    GRAZIE ……………………Vi aspettiamo numerosi
    Date Esposizione : 08 Dicembre 2012 e 08 Febbraio de 2013 Location Amorexperimental Versão Beta, Ateliê Conexão, Ateliê Coletivo 308, Ecatú Ateliê, LádaMata e Toca do Lobo, em Guarulhos-SP, Mairiporã e Recife – PE, e nos espaços virtuais E no canal youtube do I BIG:
    Indirizzo Postale x spedizione opere:
    I BIG
    AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopoúva – CXP 1004
    07051 970
    Guarulhos– SP

    onvocatória Simplificada \ Simple call
    Qualquer pessoa pode participar, artistas, artistas postais ou qualquer outra pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando o trabalho para a I Bienal Internacional de Guarulhos do Pequeno Formato, nas modalidades desenho, pintura, escultura, objeto, assemblage, instalação, gravura, fotografia, arte eletrônica e arte ur

    bana: As dimensões dos trabalhos deverão ter, no m
    áximo, 10 x 15 cm para obras bidimensionais, 15 x 15 x 15 cm para obras tridimensionais;As obras na modalidade vídeo deverão ter duração mínima de 15 segundos e máxima de até 1 minuto, em formato mpeg.Não haverá júri nem taxas e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos, devendo ficar para o acervo da Bienal.
    Documentação on-line para todos os participantes.
    Enviar trabalhos para:

    I BIG
    AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopoúva – CXP 1004
    07051 970
    Guarulhos– SP

    Artistas / correo artistas / cualquier persona de todo el mundo están invitados a enviar obras de arte para (BIG) Bienal Internacional Guarulhos del Pequeño Formato.
    Los trabajos incluidos en las modalidades de dibujo, pintura, escultura…, objeto, ensamblaje, instalación, grabado, fotografía, arte electrónico y arte urbano: debe tener no más de 10 cm x 15 cm para las obras bidimensionales, 15 x 15 x 15 cm obras tridimensionales, las obras de vídeo debe tener por lo menos 15 segundos y hasta 1 minuto en formato mpeg. Documentación en línea. Ningún jurado, sin tasas, No hay vuelta Postal / No hay tasas de inscripción.

    Enviar trabajos a:
    I BIG
    Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
    Avenida Emilio Ribas, 2115
    Agência Gopouva – Caixa Postal 1004
    07051 970

    Artists / mail artists / anyone from around the world are invited to send artwork for Guarulhos International Biennial of Small Format Artworks

    The works included in the modalities of drawing, painting, sculpture, object, assemblage, installati

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Enjoyed your "See Horses" fish peice you sent to Granny.  Very clever.

  • E

  • E

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Please, please forgive me for the betrayal my love -- I promise I'll find a way to make it up to you...(ideas are already brewing cher...heh-heh-heh...) (%$#! he's one frigging demanding man!) (she emits a visceral sigh.....I still love him though.....)

  • Bifidus Jones

    thanks for the write-up about the rat pack piece. you are a master word-slinger, Mr. Sloan. I'm back in town, jet lagged as hell, but of course, hugely inspired by my travels to create more mail art. Cheers.

  • Carina

  • vizma bruns

    Ha ha! Thanks for that write-up! I laughed, especially at the 'current events' bit!! 1923, yeah!(guffaw guffaw!) Looking forward to DW's Beauty School mail...

    Y'all come back now, ya hear?


  • vizma bruns

    Oh I knew you would've seen the date! Even the language used gave it away. Some of the octogenarians (and older ones, don't know the word for 90arians, nonagenarians?? in the town still speak that way, as if they've been attendants to the queen.

    I have more sheets of current events if the Bunk Hands need educating. Poor things, what happened to their real hands?

  • Jen Staggs

    Hey there ole buddy ole pal!  I've missed you!  Just moved to Nashville and I'm finally getting settled enough to start making art again.  Hope all is well with you!

  • fátima queiroz

    Hello, De Villo Sloan

    Only today I read the comments made by you!
    I am happy to know that the work came in his hands (I'd forgotten ...) I apologize ... I was sick and when I enter the site still lose myself a little ...
    I appreciate the comments and I'll soon be sending some work for you!
    A hug and thank you

  • xx Jones

  • Karen Champlin

    Thanks DVS.  I'm slowly pulling it together.  I'm ready to make you a piece!

  • E

    De nada Sloan.

  • Wilma Duguay

    You do feel inferior to women and probably hate them. I deliberately used that phrase on porn to get your reaction and I "pulled you right in." You may be charming to some women but I see right through people like you!!! You are too easy to read so it's really no more fun to throw out more comments to get your reaction. So, go back and be a nice little boy to all the girls who fawn on you and vice versa.


  • E

    Superbe affiche !

    J'espère ne pas faire peur à Marie Antoinette.....

  • Lynn Radford

    Just popping in to begin the monumental task of "Catching Up!" Having taken an unexpected hiatus from the world of IUOMA recently, I was delighted to see that you received Cowboy Willie and that he made the trip safely. It seems like ages ago... Glad the Mink Ranch was able to find a special place for him. :D

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    uid you get my Mail Art? Where's mine from you? Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Correction! The last lessage should read:

    Did you get my Mail Art? Where's mine from you? Val

  • Svenja Wahl

    Thank you, DVS!  I'm so happy that you like it. And yes, it's a linocut, made after an advert. - As always: It's so great to read what YOU see in the pieces I'm sending you! XXX

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Svenja: have you EVER received any mail art from De Velo Sloan? If so, you must be one of the lucky ones here. (I'm unlucky) Val

  • jon foster

    Thanks so much for the kind words about the Nostrils project. I'm pretty much finished with the second disc, but I'm going to let another few months go by...just collect more songs.


    I will for sure add your blog to my list on my site, and post what you've presented here. Thanks for your kind mail-art friendship. See you in the mail.

  • E

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi, there! thanks for the trashpo, intriguinly poetic. I will have to work hard to match this but it will be in my blog soon and you will get a trashpo emanation from me. I am going out to comb the streets now to see what I find for you.

  • Mail Art Martha

    In my time trashpo was called arte povero, but I only dabbled with a dead pigeon. I did get lovely material this morning, it is hung up to dry and a lot of thought is needed.

    It will take a while...

  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

    Dear De Villo Sloan! THANKS for warm words about my work Asemik 16! I too want you to please with the book which we publish and we will receive from printing house in December. I will surely send you the book, we in it wrote you words of gratitude and exposed your work.)) THANK YOU - that YOU OPENED for us who we are are Flyxus!) With big love and respect your friends From Russia Svetlana And Victoria! We opened Fluxrus galleru Belka

  • Mail Art Martha

    Well if my trashpo doesn't fit in one of your blogs it will surely fit in your trash bin! I am slowly perfecting it.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! I got your package today -- letter, poket card, Barbie, Karen Eliot stuff, and all. Many thanks! I hope that John Cage helps you find your body soon. The mysterious Signor Antonin sent me something the other day -- I thought at first that it might have been your other body, but am not so sure now.

    I'm off to the UK tomorrow for a couple of weeks, and will send you something when I get back.

    Meanwhile, thanks again & regards, Val (& French Barbie)

  • Carina

    DVS, What a response! This is the best thing I've read and seen for a long time :)  I love Pip's decorating, so playful and just right. I humbly thank you for allowing me to look (OMG) into Pips's world. I see that the carpet comes in handy. A thanksgiving to remember, but here it's just an ordinary world Thursday.

  • Carina

    (Williams, Arizona)

  • E

    Hi DVS,

    Thanks for Order of the Tangerine Mink !

  • jon foster

    Thanks so much for the approval and the great mail.

  • Karen Redgreene

    thanks so much! your kindness and comments are well appreciated...



  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Thank you for that beautiful poem, De Villo!!!!

  • Amy Irwen

    My Dear Mr. Sloan, thank you so much for the chance to participate in the newest Add'n'Pass started my Ms. Susan McAllister.  You do me great honor in including me in the small group of mail artists from Minnesota that was considered for this project.

    I have taken this challenge very seriously and hope to live up to your esteem.

    And, as to the rodent, famous as he is, target portraiture, I believe I did dabble a while back in that art venue.  So kind of you to mention my very small contribution.

    Yours in Art,

    Ms. Amy *!*

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! have you seen my Discussion on Moaning Lisa? I thought her accomplice might have been you, but I was wrong!

    Regards, Val

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Welcome back mon cher!!! ^_^ I missed your daily quips immensely I must say! It's one of the great things about the IUOMA site pour moi!