Fleur Helsingor

Oakland, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
art by D-I-Y!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Fleur Helsingor
P.O. Box 30571
Oakland, California 94604

PLEASE NOTE: my post office box is very small. Please do not send packages or large envelopes.


Comment Wall:

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  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Fleur! And now for something completely different?? Yes, thanks for the latest card, and yes, it's all good: so thankyou very much.

    Are you a Monty Python fan? I'm not one of those Brits who can -- some 30 or 40 years after the series ended -- quote every line of the scripts, but I do have some MP books, and they are still really funny.

    I'll be mailing you something back soon.

    Thanks again and regards, Val


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Beautiful colors and flowers arrived in Greece today, Fleur! Thank you so much! I have it blogged:

    Spring BlogJam! Flowers and fun from Fleur, Postmuse, Karen Champli...

  • Susan McAllister

    Hey Fleur, ATC trading party in Oakland? Can you give me details? I'm kinda over ATCs, but I do have a lot of leftovers from the day. Might be fun to reconnect with folks. Thanks.
  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for the info on the ATC swap.
  • Carina

    Hi Fleur, I received your ATC's today! Wonderful surprising package :) Thank you!

    I haven't photographed them yet.. but I will share them soon!

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for the mail art. I do love those transparent envelopes.
  • Sandra Lefever

    Hey, Fleur. I've just posted both of your most recent mails to my Wordpress blog. Finishing up those birds delayed me a little bit...

    Best, Sandra

  • Sandra Lefever

    Fleur, your bird documentation has been posted here... Thanks for sending those photos!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Utopia! Definitely!

    Dear Fleur, many thanks for the Utopia or Dystopia card. All I have to do is to get the cats to lend me their small green rubber ball, and then I can play the game. Perhaps they will join me.

    Funny, but just yesyerday i was playing Bobby Vee's 'Rubber Ball' track on an LP. And now your Mail Art has come 'bouncin back to me'.

    I'll mail you something back soon.

    Thanks again, and wishing you a trés bon weekend,

    Regards, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour ma petite fleur!

    Thanks very much for the lil envelope and the lil packet therein and the lil 'arrange your own world' pieces therein.

    Ah, if only I could (re-arrange) my world so easily. Wanna be my analyst?

    I have an exhibition of my paintings here in sigean in July called 'Fleurs et Fruits'. Would you like to attend and give us all a Special Fleur Art Performance?

    I'll be mailing you something back soon.

    Thanks again, and Best Wishes, Val

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks, Fleur. I received your lovely ATC's. Thanks. The little envelopes are fun.
  • Amy Irwen

    Thank you Fleur, received your great mail art envelope. Loved the genius of the flowers peeping up into the trees! Awesome :o .
    The little puzzle will be great fun..a new way every day. Will blog soon.
    HUGS *!*
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir Ma Petite Fleur! Thanks for the first part of your 'Fleurs et Fruits' dyptich.

    The fruit has already arrived.

    And now I'm very excited awaiting part 2, the fleur -- BECAUSE IT MIGHT BE YOU!

    I hope that i won't be disappointed, and that you will fit in my mail box.

    I'll be mailing you something back soon.

    Thanks again! Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    And now, flowery Fleur, I have part 2 of your 'Fleurs et Fruits' piece. Mercy Buckets. I was sort of expecting a Real Live Fleur (Helsingor), but realise that this was now an unrealistic hope as you wouldn't have fitted in my Mail Box, alas.

    But your flowery card did, for which many thanks indeed.

    Something will be mailed back to you soon.

    Best wishes, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    I am very sorry but I cannot comment on 'hanky-panky'.

    Yours sincerely,


    PS What type of hanky-panky have you in mind? ANYTHING INTERESTING??!!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Chocolate, yes please: strawberry, perhaps. Have you any Vanilla Hanky-Panky?


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Caramel sauce, please. Can I have a post Hanky-Panky drink , too, please? Are there any Special Weekend Offers?


  • Amy Irwen

    These are special Fleur...received your 3 map ATCS..
    Love them..much thanks *!*
  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Fleur, received your ATC's today...super fun...just perused si will ck them out better later...the add n pass is awesome, very unique! Will blog everything soon *!*
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thank you, flowery Fleury for the lovely lil' stickers and the booklet which I enjoyerd reading. I'm glad Josefina liked the map of Sigean. Tell her that when she comes visiting she had better wear a collar with my address on it so that she won't get lost. Does she speak French? Bianca speaks French and Persian, and Trouble speaks French and Siamese. They are, of course, much smarter than me.

    I'll be mailing you something back at the weekend, Regards & thanks again, Val

  • Jim SantAmour

    THANKS for the wonderful art I received yesterday! I love the ways your photos work with the piece.  Again, more Oakland area photos?

    And what a great monkey weather vane! -Jim.

  • Sandra Lefever

    Yay! I've posted your last card here. I love it the antique map image!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hello again! Tha

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    Hello again! Thanks for the white horse going round and round card. it's very nice. When it stops going round and round, I will give it something to eat.

    Hope you have a gooooood summer!

    Bestest, Val....who will send you something back soon.


    Mailart project
    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society
    Free size, medium and technique
    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns
    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012, October 19-21
    At Santa Maria Gualtieri
    during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012
    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia
    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted
    on the web sites under costruction in:
    info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com
    Artworks should be sent by snail mail
    DEADLINE to be received
    2012, September 30

    send to:
    Via Torino 37
    I-27100 Pavia

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour again, Fleur!

    Thanks for the add'n'pass you sent me. There's some very interesting stuff there.

    As I always do as I am told (ha!) I have duly added and passed.

    And I'll s end you something back soon.

    Hope your summer is turning out to be a good one.

    Regards, Val

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Fleur...received your "random words" photo postcard...Lovely as always... great photos.. xxoo

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Fleur!

    Many thanks for your beatutiful card. The words might have been random, but the images certainly weren't. It's all very summery -- even if the words didn't quite (or even at all) match up with the images.

    I'll bmaking some Mail Art stuff up this weekend, and will send you something back soon.

    I hope that you're having a good summer, and that it's not too hot for you in Oakland.

    Thanks again and best wishes,

  • Amy Irwen

    Fleur, just to let you know I received your photo booklet...awesome!!! the photos were so cool...my husband even recognized one photo from Oakland...We actually lived in Oakland for maybe 6 months from 1974-1975 (Navy) and then returned to the Bay Area in 1980-1981....

    I am going to try to get out and about, so I can send some good architecture your way from MN...hugs *!*

  • Amy Irwen

    We really didn't have enough time to see much..my husband was going to school on Treasure Island...I do remember taking drives in the Berkeley hills...we came from Montana, so a big city was a little daunting for us.Haha!
  • Sandra Lefever

    Hi Fleur! Hope all is well. I'm back from vacation (which was great!), catching up on my stuff. I've posted some of your mail here. It's such a neato little book. I like the idea of the city photos in that accordion format.  I have something in mind to send in return as soon as I get it together.

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Fleur...both my husband and I grew up in Deer Lodge, state prison city. My Aunt and cousins live in Great Falls and Black Eagle...my dads Dad lived in Missoula while he was alive..I now have an older brother and family there. Two more brothers are in Helena..

    Have not been back in about 4 years...
  • Amy Irwen

    Oops! Forgot to let you know i received your photo ATC's...loved them, thank you *!*
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Fleur once again! This time, thank you very much for the Venice Beach card --the simplicity of it makes it feeling very beautiful. I went to Venice many years ago, and I'll be going to my local beachh in about 93.25 minutes time. It's a pleasantly hot summer here. i hope your summer is good too,

    Regards, Val (who will be mailing you back something soon -- if he manages to drag himself from the ebach and get semi-organised)

  • Mail Art Martha

    Yes Fleur the Cat was beautiful and she was very loyal to us, but sweet is a word that doen't come to mind when I think of her. As a young cat I used to take her around in a harness and lead but had to stop after she started chasing dogs, with me hanging on the lead. Very embarrasing.

  • Amy Irwen

    Beautiful photo "Summer in Berkeley, California 3/4....thank you!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Such a good idea, I got unique for the u immediately but the r has me puzzled. I will give it a little more time and what about a graphic poem?

  • Mail Art Martha

    tss! your R words are better than my choice. any how here there is a 'pom' for you. This collaboration was exciting to do. Great idea, Fleur.

    On the back there is a oil I painted, of Fleur. Can I have your permission to send this card to the Cat Lovers group, from both of us of course?

  • Neil Gordon

    Thanks for the scrap add/pass; what a brilliant idea!!! Art coming your way soon.... All the best! Did you photograph the palm tree w. red flowers? Nice!

  • Mail Art Martha

    I have added you beautiful mini hanging to my blog, Fleur, thank you it is so lovely. The cat is gorgeous too.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you for the great card, Fleur.

    'Love the wording very much.

    Here on a Blue Blog :

    Happy Blues in the mail box from Suus and Mim and Fleur!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Fleur, Thank you! Your 'Everyday Beauty' little booklet. It is very lovely. I especially like the decorated stick 'thing' on the last page. 'Summer in Oakland' does, indeed, look very beautiful.

    If, and when, I can tear myself away from the beach and my Sea Monsters, I'll send you something back soon. It should be before we get to 'Winter in Sigean' -- which has a strange beauty of it's own.

    As, of course, do I.

    Modestly (!) Val

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Fleur...the new ATC's arrived and they are awesome...love the paper texture. I will blog soon...hugs *!*
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Flowery Fleury, I got your little book, and will add and pass as requested to .... who will be the lucky recipient? I don't know yet. Hope you are well. Bestest, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    I do love your little stickers and yippeeee! I'm going to get some more; And something neon. And a surprise...hurry up, UPS, cos I ain't good at waiting.

    Bestest, Val

  • Judy Staroscik

    Sending you something today!!!

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Fleur, thank you for the photo spread of "Uptown Oakland"..great little ATC boekie!
    And I was so tickled to get all the little envelope attachments..awesome :)
    Will blog soon..much thanks..hugs..Amy
  • Judy Staroscik

    That would be great!  Thank you so much.  I'll keep working on my art!


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Fleur! Beautiful flowers in my mail box today xxx

    Nice transparent sleeve...the post gal got a chance to see the flowers, and the butterfly stamps, made her smile, too!

  • Medwolf

    your mail art goodies landed in my mail box today...Thank you so much