Svenja Wahl




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail-Art works! And since I joined IUOMA nearly every day is a happy mail day! Kunst macht glücklich!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Svenja Wahl
Max-Wolf-Str. 9
D-69120 Heidelberg

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  • Valentine Mark Herman


    Sometimes I'm amazed HOW the addressed mail ever gets to me, as the address is so interwoven in the art.

    Don't worry about sending mail to yourself. You only need to really worry when you start replying to yourself! (Then you don't need IUOMA).

    Here's one of my favourite quotes (that I used in last year's Envelope exhibition):

    "I can't remember the last time I sent a letter to myself. Generally, the act of auto-mailing is committed only a) if you are entirely friendless, but particularly want to pretend otherwise; b) in quite complicated legal circumstances when a sealed, registered envelope can be used in proof of dating; or c) when drunk."

    Of the 3, I hope c) is most appropriate!

    Bon weekend!

    Liberté, Egalité et diaPositives!


  • Terry Reid

    Svenja, you may not have this link: 

    if you did not get details for the eXCHANGE, the address for Korea is:-

    Tell Me Tell Me SECREts; MoCA; San 58-4, Makgye-dong; Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do; Seoul, Korea 427-701

    the show will go to February 19

    pass it on to your friends

  • vizma bruns

    Thanks for all your compliments, Svenja!

  • DKeys

    Svenja, your fantastic envelope arrived and I am mesmerized with the wonderful things you sent me. Unbound trashbook? It makes me think of what Sue just sent Angie=emphemera to make a trashbook because she said she hasn't been able to make one yet. I particularly love the Violet Candy wrapper as I love anything to do with Violets and that's not a very popular scent/fragrance/flavor here in the us. Thank you so much I will be blogging it all soon. Apparently I have started this nasty rumor that you are a cougar. Can you please confirm or deny?  

  • DKeys

    Yes, now from the first picture it seems to prove you ARE a cougar AND a rabbit wife. Your rabbit husband must be quite a bit younger (ten years at least to qualify you as a cougar). He looks very nice! I hope he cleans up after himself

  • yves maraux

    hello ! enchanté !

    more to come about this project files on my greatmother Readers digest subscription for a monument ;

    actualy i collect @bout Readers digest

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Madamme President,

    I am writing to thank you for your contribution to our ever-ongoing European venture, which, I hate to say, is more than can be said for your Dear Madamme Chancellor these days (although she and the Dear French President may have rescued the € this morning -- who knows? who cares anymore?). Specifically, Dear Madamme President, I wish to thank you for the 4 German Arty Slides that you sent me.

    They are great! Really good. And I congratulate you on finding the first evervtoothbrush. (Did you know there is a Museum of Dental Hygiene in Dreisden?)

    And it's very nice to know that someone else is inviolved in this project.

    I'll send you some of my Arty Slides back soon -- perhaps some doubles, this time.

    Thanks again, and

    Liberté, Egalité et Arty Slides!


    PS Last night I counted up what I have (and need) for my 2 Arty Slide Exhibitions next year:

    * I have 70 20 x20 cm canvasses to exhibit single Arty Slides (4/canvas). The canvasses are prepared, but the slides are not mounted.

    * I have 100 19 x 24 cm canvasses on order to exhibit double Arty Slides (3/canvas). The canvasses should arrive this week.

    *I have 264 single Arty Slides, enough to fill 66 canvasses

    * I have 291 double Arty Slides, enough to fill 97 canvasses

    * That's 555 Arty Slides in total! (I must be mad. 'Yes', she says, 'You are mad'.)

    * I still need more single and double Arty Slides as there is a 'do-it-yourself' element to my Exhibitions, and attendees will be asked to group Arty Slides on canvasses. So I have to keep on going.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    You're welcome, and thank YOU for the headless rabbit with goodies inside! Yes, I DO know where his head is. But I'll never tell. :--}

  • laurence gillot

    Your profile photo is funny too. I love it ! 

    I love your work too.

    Do you want to become my IUOMA friend ?! 

  • cheryl penn

    Hey Svenja - please confirm your participation in the VISPO collaborative book - put your address in the Collaborative Books confirmation discussion.  2 sheets A4 paper folded - 8 sides. Copies to be sent to all participants  - thank you :-) X

  • Kerri Pullo

    Thank you Svenja for the beautiful post card!

  • Jim SantAmour

    viel danke für die's is great!

  • Kyra Matustik

    Great works here Svenja, postcard from me to you on its way.

  • PIRO

    Hi Svenja

    GOTIJ !!!!!!! Recieved your card today. Liked it very much. Thank you.

  • Marie Wintzer

    Hi Svenja, thank you for letting me know! Glad you like it. 

    About vispo... well, I chickened out of the project after a couple of hours :-)) so I'm not on any of the books so far. It's very difficult to chose an artist isn't it! I'm sure you will come up with something amazing, I have no doubt about it....

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    You are so welcome. I just loved the different shoes in the two photos. Girls and shoes.

  • Amy Irwen

    Svenja, will look forward to the surprise!
  • Victoria Barvenko

    Svenja))))) I am very glad that chapter has reached by mail in time))) thanks are good news))) with Christmas and New year)))) my best wishes))))) Victoria

  • Amy Irwen

    Svenja, received your ATC's in the fantastic envelope on 12.30.11...That pepper smell is so AWESOME....very clever in using it for the envelope... Posted on ATC Rebel and Trashpo so everyone could see the envelope...

    Happy New Year!!!  *!*


    Hello Svenja, I'm glad you liked the latest and I'll send you some more Max Wolf stamps so that you can use them on your mail art. The circle is made from wallpaper that my friend's company makes. Best wishes, Edward
  • vizma bruns

    I'm really happy that you love it Svenja! I just had to send a wolf story to Wolf Street!

  • David Stafford

    You anticipated my question. I read somewhere here that you changed your address recently and I thought perhaps I'd sent it to your old one. Glad you enjoyed them. I find them fascinating on many levels...political, historical, cultural, aesthetic....Like Frank Sinatra's music in the Columbia years they scream a certain kind of industrial optimism. The naivete of the advertising pitches is also charming. A window into a different world and in many sad ways the same...

  • Penetralis

    What a fantastic package!

    I admired your wordpress blog, but found no way of commenting.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Svenja, the first mail art out of Maine in almost a month left here on Friday and is on its way to You.

  • Victoria Barvenko

    Svenja, thanks))) I am glad to our cooperation))

  • Penetralis

    A mutual exchange of visual flux is welcome. :)

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Liebe Swenja

    ich danke dir für das nette kompliment! Leider mein Deutsch ist nicht gut komplexe Vorgänge zu erklären, aber ... hättest du was dagegen, wenn wir Englisch verwenden? Ich würde dir gerne erklären wie habe Ich es gemacht.

    Danke für die Informationen, meine VISPO-buch ist nicht gebunden entweder...Ich werde es so dann lassen. :-)

    Liebe Grüße Patrizia

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    :-)))..i'll try a bit deutsch a bit english a bit google-translate, we'll make it!

    i'll send you an email on iuoma.


  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Oh Svenja, I'm very glad you like it (and I'm sorry it was so late, you were patient :--) Now you've taught me two new German words (am especially fond of zauberhaft). I can't wait to see your Vispo 2 pages and will let you know as soon as they arrive. Thanks so much for the "between" piece that arrived here a few days ago--I love anything from you and this is no exception.

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    i've been having this postfach for 3 years and all went well until this week when I received a letter from the deutsche post inquiring for my new home address...i have no idea how all this has happened as i still live at the same address and i do not intend to move either. today i called the hotline and all was can send it back, if you don't mind . the postfach address you have is right.

    sorry Svenja for the trouble! :-)

    it's always so exciting to find new artists. Glad you liked my work. Joan Brossa is one of my favourites, I specially connect with his sense of irony.


  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    ich schätze es, danke dir. freue mich auf deine vispo. :-)

  • Jen

    I'll be sending you something. I will ask them to define it for me. Thanks!

  • PIRO

    Hi Svenja

    Thanks for your wonderful trashbook.  It's awesome, i am enjoying each page and detail of it.

  • Alicia Starr

    Svenja. Goodie goodie. Hope they are the right size. Heading to my desk to create some resemblance of order. The perpetual question: How does one organize all these little scraps and junket? 

  • vizma bruns

    Svenja! Thanks again for your great Stoekie, I really appreciate the effort you went to for me! I also love the guys scared of coconuts ATC!! And what is the inchie? What do I put on it? Do I fill it up or just do a little bit? I've never seen one!

  • Nuno + Nela

    see you soon (by mail)! N+N

  • E

  • Marie Wintzer

    Svenja! Got your envelope. Beautiful art from you, as usual. And that article, what a laugh! :-))) Great stuff! Thank you!

  • laurence gillot

    Your young deer is arrived ! Thank you, Svenja !

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Svenja, for the nice birthday wishes and I really like your "slide art" birthday greeting! Soon some 5x5 cm inchies coming to you! xxx

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Thanks, and indeed! It will be a bit as all my studio stuff is in storage, but I'm getting there.. ^-^

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Svenja, I am happy they arrived ok and you like them. Now to begin work on more arty slides for Valentine's group! TINY...BUT FUN!

  • cheryl penn

    Jiggling inchies - the mind boggles :-))! X

  • Carina

    What a wonderful surprise! I am beginning already waiting, mail from Germany is fast ... fortune I. I hope I can return the surprise.

  • cheryl penn

    Svenja - those are vispo pages from Reed Altemus - Alice in vispoland? I am sorry - it appears that I left the note out of a few peoples envelopes :-(  X

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Oh, look at your bright new profile thingy. Wow, I love it--and love even more the MA you sent me. It's wonderful, all of it, thank you very much, Svenja! It will be blogged, in March methinks. The sandals picture made me laugh out loud. I guess I'll have to forward it ... darn it ...

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Svenja, for the new two arty slides! I posted them at our group, but I also blogged your wonderful envelope! Here:

    'Leap Day, Feb 29, mail art from the ladies! Art-of-the-Envelope, too!'

  • cheryl penn

    Thank you for your card - GOOD to see you in the mail  :-) X

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Danke, Svenja ~ so glad you like them. I say the same of yours, you know. You made my night.

  • DKeys

    Thank you Svenja for the wonderful bits of ephemera etc you sent-they feel like things that would come out of a wonderful antique shop. the book binding is great in particular. They will all be used !