Mail Art Martha


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1986, when I met David Dellafiora and joined Field Study.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail Art saves!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
12 River Grove Park

Comment Wall:

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  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    "a bear's jog" What irony!


    g=b, of course.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    We? you and the bear? Or you and I?


    Several comments down. "It's a bear's jog". You can't miss it.



  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Wonderful Show! Would love to swap. Interesed or able (given how many people you write to )? Nadine
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Well, POOH! Nasty old hay fever!! 

    And it was a bear's joB, mind yu, to grow his tummy and enjoy taking life easy.

    Hope you can find a way of taking life easy where you are. As fo rthe server issue, it would seem toomany of us are experiencing variable service quality, so one can't help but think this is not s singular issue for one and only one service provider.

    Hmmmm the plot thickens......

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    hi, dear martha
    you are too kind!
    i didn't made a artistic card, coz i do not know what it is, but i am interested in all kinds of things about mailart! i think i'd like to try!
    i like to make rubber stamps, really fun, i started to do that just couple months ago, but now i am totally into it!!! i will send you when i make some new:)
    best regards!
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Dear Martha,

    Hey, thanks for the words. That completely sucks about the po box. The 'show' was something I started with some friends here before I started as a Union member. I'd still like to try it. A tiny art show says a couple of things to me. Post Card Art is a wonderful concept and it also is free and unfettered by the Art Cartel so the idea of a tiny show appeals to me (as opposed to a big, 'important' show). I used to do ATC's but now this seems to fit me better. Occationally I'll send them still if I'm in the mood. I'm doing some catching up tonight so expect something coming your way girl! N

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    hi, thanks for your explanation of ATC!

    i am moving to a new apartment now, will tell you about my new address soon, and you could better send after i get my address:)

    thank you


  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Ahh. How frustrating. I'll wait to hear.
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    many thanks Martha I'm glad you liked it! it was a fun project with lots of great mailart.

    I really enjoyed it!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Not hug, dear, but J-O-B.


    It's a bear's JOB to relax and let his tummy grow prominently soft.


    Quite frankly, I think that's what some politicians are doing,but that's another story entirely. ;)

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    hi, dear martha, i am glad you got my last mailart, the moon day wishes. and i appreciate all the things you sent to me, thank you!

    i have to say, i've been very lazy too, do not update my pages and website for a long time, hard to find enough time to do all the things that i wanna to do, too much competition and pressures in the society. but the mailart bring me happy and friendship, that's why i keep doing it, it let the life more interesting.

    i am preparing to do a mailart project for 'room 13', a class that help poor children to learn art and other things, i was asked to be a volunteer there, i'd like  they invite me to do that, and i think it is a good thing to help the children ,so i will do a project for them. it will begins on october, hope i can have enough time by then


    best wishes


  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    a photo i taken when i walk in my city
  • suzlee

    Call for exhibition:

    ‘Works on Paper’

    We invite artists from all over the world to contribute their work in this exhibition called Works on Paper.


    Mail me your  ‘Works on Paper’  on a A4 SIZE PAPER

    (21 cm X 29.5 cm).




    Deadline: 31 December 2011

    Each artwork will be exhibited.

  • Judy Skolnick

    What fun Queen Mail Art Martha, never stop.
  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Thanks Martha! I love your shopping trolley genre.... I will send you something soon!
  • Carla Cryptic

    I'm so glad you put these photos up!  They're truly wonderful.  Thanks for sharing them with us.  I loved them all.
  • David Dellafiora

    Hi Martha

    The photos look great. Wonderful to see you at the start of the year, works coming in for the 2011 Field Report, looking forward to your emanation.

    best wishes


  • Lancillotto Bellini


    Thank you Martha! I started with Recycling art project in 1991 and  it is still running... Your recycling works will be welcome...

    thanks once again!


  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    I am posting mail to you tomorrow, should take about a week I think.
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Julian, you share the same sort of life-style as moi. Miaou. Val
  • Carla Cryptic

    Thanks for responding to Martha's question, Sharon!  I only got in here today. :D
  • Terry Reid

    dear MAM,
     please pass this on to friends:    here is the Korean show update for the SECREt eXCHANGE at the Tell Me Tell Me exhibition at MoCA, hope you are pARTicipating, and please let your friends know: 

                                                                        Duchamp's not Klein Blue suit
  • I.P. Nitely

    Thanks so much! I will be working on a piece to send you this week :)
  • cheryl penn

    GREAT ZALOP from you! Posting later today in the group - THANK YOU :-) X

  • cheryl penn

    Morning :-) I will send you Mona first :-) - in your ZALOP envelope - the City is waiting to be redrawn - people were getting SLITHERS of building once the final cut-up happened - so I have to get a new town planner ;-)) X

  • Emmy Verschoor

    Hi Martha,

    Thank you and nice to meet you!

    Wonderful pictures on your site!

    I will send you something tomorrow!

    Have a nice evening!

    Greetings Emmy

  • Emmy Verschoor

    Thank you, Martha, today I received your lovely envelope with all the beautiful little details. I  love the story about King Harold, hahah!

    Have a nice and creative weekend.

    greetings Emmy

  • cheryl penn

    Hey mmm :-) - the SMELL of art - nothing quite like it - o - except the fragrance of Lalique de Perles!  Say a month? I am making a book of this, so the collecting takes forever - when you're ready - glad you like! :-) X

  • Emmy Verschoor

    Dear Martha,

    Oh, thank you so much for your message.

    I am glad it arrived safely, I already lost MA  in the mail and I was wondering

    if yours was gone too.

    Have a wonderful and creative day, Martha.

    Greetings Emmy



  • Emmy Verschoor

    Thanks, dear Martha, what a nice thought!


  • Emmy Verschoor

    Beautiful pictures, really lovely, Martha.

    Nice to see my card on the trolley!

    Thanks! The weather is much nicer at your place, we have storm and rain!


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    I see, I see, Martha! How nice to be on the shopping trolley! ( "shopping cart" to us Yankees ;-) I love the photo with you and the cart at the red Brit! I still have my paper shopping trolley. What a grand idea!

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    Dear Martha, thank you so much! my work can sit on you car!!!!!!! wonderful

    did you see the red moon? just tonight, really fantastic!

  • Emmy Verschoor

    Thanks, Martha, I showed the trolley to my husband! He loved it and he loved the car as well! Must be a female one, lol!

    Such a nice idea that my card-in such good company- is moving around in the UK. Have a lovely evening, Martha!

    Hugs Emmy

  • suzlee

    dear Mail Art Martha, thank you very much for your mail art. We received a few days ago and just display on the web. Please log on to:

    thanks again. Regards, suzlee (

  • Glenda Kotchish

    Thank you for the Christmas Card!   Here's one for you!

  • Louise Kiner

    Received Zombie Kitty Kawaii!'s letter from you.Thank you so much. I will forward it to her when I find out where she is. I know she will be able to use a bit of  Retailia cash and I plan to build the cart and ship it out, so she should be ready to tour your lovely Queendom.
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    I just love your photos that are proof that not all postal correspondance is going the way of the land line. Here in California they are closing 100 post offices. They can't blame it on US!

  • Louise Kiner

    Well, thank you very much for your kind words. I'm sure Zombie Kitty Kawaii! would be very pleased at getting a Nobel Prize for Physics and not Comedy for a change. Let me know of the details, if you find out.

  • Steven Fossiant

    Grazie! Buon Natale e un felice creativo anno nuovo!!!!!!!


  • Carla Cryptic

    Thanks, and the same to you!  Let's hope the new year brings some peace. :D

  • Louise Kiner

    Myself and Zombie Kitty Kawaii! (wherever she is) are most honored to have you as our friend.

  • Steven Fossiant

    Auguri di buone feste e un grandissimo augurio per un nuovo anno in Pace Amore e Serenità!

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    i am gald you got it!!!   Happy new year, May u happy and healthy!

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Yes, I would be delighted to be your friend, but only if I can sent you my shopping lists!

  • Kyra Matustik

    Great to have you. Post from me on its way Martha. Best wishes.Kyra

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Mail Art Swap! Have a nice day!

  • cheryl penn

    Thank you for the mail art - great to be exchanging - something in the post for you :-) X

  • cheryl penn

    P.S. - you were supposed to KEEP her - But I'm glad she came back home too :-) X

  • pati bristow

    Love, love, love the new guide to Retalia. Clever.

    And the statement, "because no one has stopped me so far ..." brilliant!

    Have been too busy with theatre to produce any mailart, hope to get back to it someday.

    Keep well...
