IUOMA membership Cards

When you have received a IUOMA membership Card, what can you do with it? what did you achieve with it? This also goes for older cards. In this groups visuals and also stories on how the cards can be used.Also visions.....
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  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks! I'll try again, but after listening to you and rod on software and Firewalls or Fireboxes or whatever it was you were talking about I have a horrible feeling that I won't be able to sort it out. But here we go to give it a try...

    Regards, Croqued Monsieur

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Tried. Failed. So be it. I'll stick to being an aspiring artist rather than an aspiring software engineer.

    Regards, Val

  • Ruud Janssen

    will send you a print on paper. That normally would work....
  • Valentine Mark Herman

  • Ruud Janssen

    is on its way now (in a painted envelope).
  • Eduardo Cardoso


    How can I get a membership card?

    Thank you!

  • E

    Hi Ruud,

    Thanks for member IUOMA card !


  • Ruud Janssen

  • Chris Day

    I Want!  ;)


  • stewart charlebois

    I wonder if an IUOMA membership card entitles one to any sort of special discounts or privileges at local museums, galleries or postal outlets? Once I get mine printed and authenticated, I'm milking it for all its worth!
  • Ruud Janssen

  • Helder

    This is my card i received it on April 2011, but here in Portugal i cant do anything with it, but anyway i like the card so THANKS ruud :)

    Go here to see the Mail Art piece that i had sent to IUOMA asking f...

  • Ruud Janssen

    In januari 2012 the new cards will be started being sent out. Randomly, as usually...

  • Ruud Janssen

    anyone has a good idea / design for 2013 membership cards?

  • Prairie Kittin

    Membership cards?? We get membership cards? How cool is that? What do I have to do to get one?

  • Ruud Janssen

    Well, first we need a design, then printing, and then distribution. That is a costly thing though. Did that some years ago. Everybody could print themselves too and then use them. Another concept.

  • Prairie Kittin

    Is there a standardized logo for the group? We could make a digital design, then make it available for download. People could print it out for themselves.

  • Ruud Janssen

    Still am looking for someone who can design a membership card for the coming year. Logo's of the IUOMA are online (access through Google). Would print the cards and distribute theme if the design is right.

  • Ruud Janssen

    all kind of logo's on: http://iuomalogos.blogspot.nl/

  • Ruud Janssen

    I repeat: Still am looking for someone who can design a membership card for the coming year. Logo's of the IUOMA are online (access through Google). Would print the cards and distribute theme if the design is right.

  • Ruud Janssen

    a new surprise is about to come....

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Prairie Kittin

    Hey, how do I get one of these?

  • Ruud Janssen

    Just print the new version on thick paper, cut it, and sign in the details

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

    printing the new design for IUOMA membership cards 2016 - 2017 on thick paper was succesfull. Anyone can do that since the design is right here below.

    Will send a few cards out for some archives....

  • Ruud Janssen

    Yes, you are welcome to publish your own personal membership card in this group for others to see.

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

    Since I sent our lots of Membership cards over the years I am looking for visual images of old ones to publish in this group. Any help if you have such a membershipcard would be welcome.

  • Ruud Janssen

    sent out some of these to IUOMA members. Hope they will fill in the cards and document the end-results in this group.

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

    When you receive an IUOMA membership card. Please sign it and make a photo of you holding the card and publish it here. If you want a special membership card for this purpose, just let me know.

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Ruud, would you send me a special card I can use to post a photo? Many thanks!
  • Ruud Janssen

    @Toni: a membership card is on its way!

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Amber Scribble

    How can I get a membership card? Are these still available?>

  • Heide Monster

    Me too! Or should Amber and I design a 2019?  What do you say Amber???

  • Amber Scribble

    Heide... I’m gonna need you to make me one with one of your fantastic monsters on it!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Heide Monster

    Sure I can do you a monster, but it would be then MIUOMA -Monster IUOMA.  Or are we all monsters in disguise?


    Bonjour, j'aimerai recevoir une carte de membre de ' L IUOMA. Merci

  • Jan Hodgman

    Oh goodie, another group to join. Not only can we be IUOMA members, but we can be IUOMA membership cards members! I've missed this opportunity all these years. My day is made! Now what happens when 20 of us design membership cards?? We could cross that bridge when we come to it, eh? 

    I think a monster card would be terrific.

  • Uta Richter

    I'd love to receive a IUOMA as well ; ) tx, Uta

  • Headguy

    I would also love a membership card.  I remember when I was a kid my siblings and I would create special 'clubs' (i.e. collectors club, outdoor club) and we would make membership cards for each club we created.  We had quite a few at one point.

  • Audrey Enough

    please send me a card!

    promise to photo & post.