Hand-Carved Rubber Stamps

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  • Adam Roussopoulos

    Some recent stamps I have been working on and collages to go with them!

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Carved this quick fella today. 

  • Mail Art Martha

    Jenn, beautiful! Is it a cicada?

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Sure is, Martha!

    today’s additions... Yes (in American Sign Language) and a Praying Mantis Stamp 

  • William M

    loving all these latest posts. jenn that yes stamp is fantastic!

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Thank you, William.

    I have been using/drawing American Sign Language in my journals and on some Add + Pass the last few months so I figured I might as well start making some stamps of the same words. ;)

  • William M

    they turned out great jenn!

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Stamps made last night for making my newest add+pass among other things 

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    Rebbur Rubber Stamp Catalog. Stamps available for order (Kinda)

  • Sabrina S

    Your stamps are always gorgeous, Jenn. Wonderful!

  • Sabrina S

    That are pricy stamps, Adam... kind of. :D

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    Raybot and Raylien!

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Adam, these are great!!! Guess I need to carve a robot now ;)

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    Finished my newest rubber stamp! GUERNICA!

  • Richard Canard

    04.10.20..... for Mister Adam Roussopoulos & his newest rubber stamp! "GUERNICA!" ..................Quadruple  Wow!!!!                                                                                           

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Adam, that is AMAZING.

    Meanwhile, you have inspired me to step up my game and order some more rubber. ;)

  • Richard Canard

    06.10.20 ....okay , what now Adam Roussopoulos? You gonna tackle a Jackson Pollock Drip painting rubber stamp?????

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    Richard!!! I don't know if I hate myself enough to attempt that! Haha! The thought alone makes my mind hurt! I was thinking though of takeling a Hundertwasser painting. Glorious painter, who in my opinion needs more attention paid to him!

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    Jenn! Thank you! I am incredibly excited to see what you make/carve!!

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Made this one during a phone call tonight ;) 

  • Bradford

    Nice one, Jenn.

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    FANTASTIC Jenn!!

  • William M

    love love love that jenn! great work.

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    nice carving Jenn :-) i really must bring out my carving stuff but i just havent had any thoughts on what i want to carve. most of the things ive carved before have been very small mostly random patterns. with my large peices of rubber lino i want it to be something good

  • Sabrina S

    Gorgeous, Jenn!

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    A new one! Inspired by an image I saw in a magazine. 

  • William M

    another great one jenn!

  • William M

    Artistamps made from one of my handcarved stamps.

  • Tyler Hannigan

    New-B here - coming onboard the group. Attached "Beetle"  ATC

  • Tyler Hannigan

    The first ATCs hand colored rubber stamped in years

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    My newest one... loosely based on a Zeus bust. 

  • Jenn Miltenberger


  • Sabrina S

    Again two amazing stamps, Jenn! 

  • Tyler Hannigan

    Postcard Test: Stamps tiled with added color elements.

    Looking to trade ?

  • Tyler Hannigan

    Another postcard test: A pair of reflective rubber stamps - one new & one old. Additional hand coloring as well.

  • Mah Nu


  • Kimberly Carpenter

    Here are the stamps I've made recently. 

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Kimberly, those are wonderful :) 

  • Kimberly Carpenter

    Thanks Jenn!

  • William M

    kimberly really wonderful work. especially the people in the water. i've not seen many handcarved or otherwise stamps done like that and now i wonder why.

  • Tyler Hannigan

    "Stamped Out" ATCA 3/4 in black print as tile with Red and silver added by Tyler Hannigan

  • William M

    that looks great tyler!

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Very nice, Tyler! 

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    I have been adding to my Land Of Misfit Children series

  • William M

    fantastic work adam!

  • Kimberly Carpenter

    These are brilliant Adam. I wish I could get such a fine detailed line in my stamps. 

  • Adam Roussopoulos

    American Gothic

  • Bradford

    He not only carves them well, the prints are deep and intense; a marvel for stamp pad application.

  • Ficus strangulensis

    From M.L. Stephens as a Happy Halloween card

  • Tyler Hannigan

    Samples of Ty's hand carved rubber stamps