AKA Anna Banana Appreciation Band (ABAB)

The theme is Bananas & Anna Banana.  Many of our members are « bananas » themselves, others are »fruity », a few are « nutty », and one is completely « ape ».
If you are none of these, don’t worry we can help you with specially designed projects and exams for your progress to the banana status you deserve.
We will also explore the many works of Anna Banana as we give appreciation for involvement in Mail Art & "Art".
PS I you are « crackers » or « loony », this group may not be for you.
Also: see link and fill in the form and return it to Anna Banana!
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  • Tomoe N

    Hello Dean aka .... where is to send? Anybody in the group? 

  • Linda French

    HI Tomoe!  Painting on a banana is one of the most ridiculous, relevant things you could do in this group, I think!   Linda

  • Dan Mouer

    Yes I do have bananas!

    From top to bottom: from Angie and Snooky, Finnbadger, Linda French, and Lynn Radford. A thoroughly bananarific haul! Thanks.

  • Dan Mouer

    PS: Nobody has posted  any from me. Did they arrive? I sent out 8 banana cards, all different, and I didn't photograph or scan them myself, so I hope folks will post them if they got them. Thanks.

  • Dan Mouer

    Nice blog post, Angie. Thanks. I see you ended up with the Banana Nebula card!

    So yesterday brought me two more wonderful banana delights! One from the other side of the world (Mom Kat in Greece) and one from the other side of the James River (Mim). And they are both wonderful and special.

    Katerina's gift plays double duty as both bananagram and Valentine. Swoooon!

    Mim's gift is a sweet ATC: a return to Tiny Town with bananas! Mim's Tiny Town show in Richmond, Virginia was what lured me into IUOMA. So just remember, it's all her fault!

    Thanks much for the bananas and the love Mom Kat and Mim.

  • Dan Mouer

    Oooops, Mim's card somehow disappeared from my post below. So let me try try again:

  • Tomoe N

    Hi Linda French

    Thank you!

    It's a painting but also curving. I did curving with toothpick. 

    If you wait a little while the line became black to show the lines. : )

  • Dan Mouer

    Also blogged here:

    Gone Postal

  • Carina

  • Carina

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    In today's delivery:

    from Rose in Oz:


    Thanks a bunch xxx

  • FinnBadger

    Dean's banana mail finally arrived yesterday (my poor scanner - it is not a fan of nut oil!) - I have a slight suspicion you may be bananas AND nuts. There'll be a blog post about the delicious internal contents of all the banana mail eventually.

    In the meantime, thanks to everyone on the list and Mim for a bonus banana mail - it was so much fun to see how everyone approached this - lots of imagination in the group. Here's a group shot:

    And I think all of my yellow and green envelopes have arrived at their destinations - looks like Carina's was the slowest, arriving Feb 23rd, even though I sent that at the same time I sent Momkat's to Greece. So here are all the little banana mailings huddling together after being hatched. Of course a few were infiltrated with small, grinning, hairy fruit.

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Ha ha ha (that's supposed to be like an evil laugh) I lured Dan into IUOMA! Pat pat pat (that's me patting myself on the back.) So glad you like getting my new idea - Tiny Town trading cards. A limited edition of only 13 cards, by the way. 9 sent out. Hope they all arrive.

    For some reason, I missed the initial call to remember Banana day, but I'm glad I got caught up.

    Hooray to everyone of you Banana folks out there!

  • FinnBadger

    Absolutely, Mim. I also enjoyed the banana-on-head stamped on the front of your envelope, and was surprised how nice the forever love stamp looks on bright yellow. I'm glad you caught up with this Banana Day set, too. Wow, I feel honored to have a limited edition of Tiny Town. With its odd giant street banana bunch. Brilliant stuff from you, and from everyone.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Nice a buncha bananas, Mim.

    Tiny Town GR is awaiting for some...perhaps, yes, maybe?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Slow going to Oz, Rose, but so glad that they arrived.

    Your "banana" from Greece was the first one I sent out EARLY

    on Feb. 3, I think! Wow! 

    Nice collection of Banana Mail Art has come to Greece,

    Many thanks to all!

    (still missing one from Lynn...and hopeful to get

    a banana-trading-card from Mim :-)

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    My February 2015 Banana harvest. Looks like they all made it this time.  Thanks to everyone for taking part.

    From Carina:From Dan:From FinnBadgerFrom KaterinaSee Part two for the rest.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Part Two of My February 2015 Banana harvest. Thanks again to everyone for taking part.

    From LindaFrom LynnFrom MiMFrom Raphael ElleFrom Rose

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    And last but not least from Alicia Starr.  Although I must admit that I just found this one under the bed and I'm not sure if I ever blogged it before.  But it's worth a second look.Thanks again Alicia

  • Tomoe N

    Hello. Just let people know I got banana mails from mim and Phillip today. I will post the photos eventually.... But thank you both of yours!! 

  • Dan Mouer

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Finally!!! Banana Mail Art arrived from lost in the mail,

    or delayed because of slooooow Greek postal delivery?

    Here it is! thank you , Lynn:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Also a little extra one, when a Cascadia Artpost "Peep" 

    goes banana:

    from MailArt Martha...thank you!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    'Found something old-from-Erni...hahaha:

    it was all-in-the-pudding then :-)

  • Tomoe N

    hi that would make me feel better Katerina because I have a mail that sent by Lynn and never arrived. maybe sent at the same time. I hope I get mine that has lost...
  • Linda French

    I guess when you guys say "bananas" you mean "B - A - N - A - N - A - S!!"

  • FinnBadger

    The peep in the moon is fantastic, Kat.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    The Peep is from Cascadia ArtPost, and the moon card is from Mail Art Martha...very clever indeed! :-)

    Peeps are these very tiny people..who usually live in model railroad land,

    but art now out in mail art out!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    The MacBook screen has been repaired and the Blog Freak has just done "Banana" mail art :-) ...a bit delayed, but nice to remember Banana Day.

    Many thanks to you ALL! xxx

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Dan Mouer

    Them there peeps is all bananas! Come to think of it, we ate all a bunch if bananas!
  • Tomoe N

    Katerina I got your banana mail a week ago... 

  • Lynn Radford

    Better late, than never! My collection of Banana Mail from International Banana Day, wayyyyy back in February.... THANK YOU, EVERYONE!!! :D

  • Linda French

    Wonderful 'Peeps' art Katerina. Love them. Are they a tribe or clan?  Linda

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Peeps are a whole world in themselves!

    (they have a postman..or two, too)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Banana Band...let's all go bananas for Anna Banana...her exhibit and group:

    "A Celebration of Mail-Art/ Passing the Flame"

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    From Regan Shrumm comes this drawing of a stuffed Banana.I understand that Regan is organizing Anna Banana's MailArt & Banana collection.

    Great Story.  Thanks Regan

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Regan sent to Greece, too:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Really...the more marks on a banana, the better it is for you!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    From Regan Shrumm, the Banana Expert.Great Story

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    A New Banana Group on the rise:

  • Dan Mouer

  • Dan Mouer

  • FinnBadger

    Spot the banana...

  • Tomoe N

    find it next to the star in a circle. ;) 

  • Dan Mouer

    Why that is a Ginnbadger banana stamp on a Ryosuke Cohen brain cell! Good one!
  • Dan Mouer

    Fin not least not at this time of morning. :-)