The theme is Bananas & Anna Banana. Many of our members are « bananas » themselves, others are »fruity », a few are « nutty », and one is completely « ape ».
If you are none of these, don’t worry we can help you with specially designed projects and exams for your progress to the banana status you deserve.
We will also explore the many works of Anna Banana as we give appreciation for involvement in Mail Art & "Art".
PS I you are « crackers » or « loony », this group may not be for you.
Also: see link and fill in the form and return it to Anna Banana!
I think that anyone who lives in Canana and wears a "sleave" would be happy with any type of color test pattern. They are everywhere if you look hard enough.
Companies hide them because they are ashamed of them.
Searching for color tests. Found three so far on boxes waiting to be cut into substrates (fancy word for postcard blanks.) I'd saved security envelopes for years, Anna helped me to figure out how to use them back in the day (2003)
Dear Ms Cope and Dog Cope, We sent you a promissary note for $6,000 in error. It should have been sent to VMH in France. Please forward the money -- not the note -- to his usual Cayman Islands bank account (he tells me you already know the details). Thank you.
La Mbege est une bière dont l'ingrédient principal est la banane. C'est une spécialité d'Afrique de l'Est, inventé par l'ethnie Chagga dans la région du Kilimandjaro.
La brasserie américaine Sprecher s'en est inspirée pour proposer sa version brassée avec de l'extrait de banane. Elle se boit non-filtrée et offre une saveur aigre-douce.
The mailman rang on the interphone. "I have an envelope for you, but it's too big for your mailbox." I replied; "Sorry we are not home right now, please leave a messgae after the beep, or bring the oversized envelope to the top floor."
I think this confused him, but he brought it up anyway. "I guess you know what this is.", he said. "Well one never knows if it comes from Germany.", I said
And a full side envelope it was. In the Erni style.
And to my delight weird and wonderful things were inside.
The way it works is you place a banana in the holder, then put it in the banana bag.
And ten seconds later, they are brown. How does Erni do it? Amazing.
Thank you Erni, for keeping them fresh! Ideas that is. Bravo!
Jen included a private message which I will respond to but I will say that pool parties are not in the vocabulary of most people living in England, but I'd love to see some photos (Jen loves taking them)!
From the part of this I saw (I had to leave before the end, alas):
i) 'participation' referrred to the audience being shown a lot of photos of different sorts of art (paintings, happenings, events) that featured bananas in some way or another. For each of these, the participants (ie the audience) had to fill in questionnaire saying if they were art, or not. At the end of it, people got degrees/diplomas from Anna's Banana University
ii) I guess the bananas could have been eaten. As we all know, Donovan's 'mellow yellow' banana trip wasn't for real, narcotically speaking, but that probably won't stop people still thinking that such a thing as a banana high exists.
iii) and iv) the research, was I suppose, seeking insights into what people considered art or not -- not just Anna's, but those of other banana-inspired artists. Or, in her own words 'Where do you draw the line?' between what is art and what isn't
v) from looking at the flyer, there doesn't seem to be a Mail Art element in the performances at the listed venues, BUT when Anna came to Maastricht in 2011, she performed at the 'Mail 2 Maastricht' venue.
I think that the smoking the baked inside of scarped banana skins was given prominence by Donovan in his mid-60s song, 'Mellow yellow'. I tried it to, but, as you say it didn't work. However, after going through all of the trouble to prepare something -- anything! -- to smoke, you often thought that, or pretended that, you were high.
(A related activity at the time was to buy seed for domestic birds, and then search through it -- seed by seed -- to try and find something that was could be mixed with tobacco and smoked. That didn't work either.
And don't even start me off on the search for potentiall-narcotic-but-not-poisonous-magic-mushrooms)
Oh! I thought I had got into the wrong group but it seems not. Dean promised to send something to make Kevin happy. before disappearing.Kevin is my postman and he loves reading my Mail Art. So here it is what I received, held by my Becasine.
Dean aka Artist in Seine
I think that anyone who lives in Canana and wears a "sleave" would be happy with any type of color test pattern. They are everywhere if you look hard enough.
Companies hide them because they are ashamed of them.
Mar 8, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Color tests are hard to find in Europe because the printers of the boxes do not always use test patterns :-(
Or, they are doing black digital coding maybe?
Hard to find because we have to feel for the side that the box is glued
...and under that gluing there might be a color test.
I have found really nice ones only on US products like Colgate
...but not other brands.
Lipton tea boxes have a deep red for Fruit of the Forest...Green Tea has BLUE:
Mar 8, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
But ALL products have for DEAN:
bar codes! (and some are in BLUE :-)
Mar 8, 2013
Mim Golub Scalin
Searching for color tests. Found three so far on boxes waiting to be cut into substrates (fancy word for postcard blanks.) I'd saved security envelopes for years, Anna helped me to figure out how to use them back in the day (2003)
Mar 8, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
Dear Ms Cope and Dog Cope, We sent you a promissary note for $6,000 in error. It should have been sent to VMH in France. Please forward the money -- not the note -- to his usual Cayman Islands bank account (he tells me you already know the details). Thank you.
Mar 8, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
The postal ledger banana blog is now in cyberspace:
Thank you all! Any late-comers will be added. I loved participating in this with you.
Mar 9, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Searching for color tests...and turned over a carton of fruit juice! This brand is owned by Coca Cola and is in tetrapack! Whahoo...lots of COLOR:
Mar 9, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Looking for colorful envelope insides/ Yep bills and...MomKat's blue and white envelopes (cut open and turn inside out :-) BLUE!
Mar 9, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Very nice BananaBlog, Rebecca!
It is fun to see all the various BananaArt that was done. 'Love it!
Mar 9, 2013
Suus in Mokum
Hello, think I blogged all the banana MailArt ;)
Banana MailArt UPDATE
Thank you all. It was fun and a joy to receive.
ps: is it a coincidence I eat more banana's lately?
Mar 10, 2013
Thank you Suus and Rebecca for blogging!
Mar 11, 2013
Mail Art Martha
Suus and Rebecca, a great idea and two great blogs, super!
Mar 12, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
But do the banana blogs have "ALL" the banana art?
Never too late...this from Cheryl H. arrived today!
Beautifully hand painted...good things come to those who wait.
(And is there still one member on the list outstanding???)
Mar 14, 2013
Suus in Mokum
Haha, banana eats man ;))
Mar 14, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Oh this is a good one. Cheryl H, the dark horse pulls it off again. Keep the paint brus in her hand. Always enjoyable.
Mar 14, 2013
Mail Art Martha
Mar 15, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
Mar 16, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
I wouldn't be BLUE...
just waiting patiently for a BANANA yellow "egg-warmer" from Suus in Mokum. The one she sent to Greece has been lost-in-the-mail :-( ...sigh.
Mar 16, 2013
Mail Art Martha
Bière à la banane
Mbege Ale de Sprecher Brewing Company
La Mbege est une bière dont l'ingrédient principal est la banane. C'est une spécialité d'Afrique de l'Est, inventé par l'ethnie Chagga dans la région du Kilimandjaro.
La brasserie américaine Sprecher s'en est inspirée pour proposer sa version brassée avec de l'extrait de banane. Elle se boit non-filtrée et offre une saveur aigre-douce.
Mar 18, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Thank Mail Art Martha. I'm going to try to track some of this down.
Mar 19, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Banana juice?
Blue bananas?
This place is going bananas!
Here are the 9 Banana Art pieces that did arrive in Greece,
many thanks, 'love 'em ALL! xxx
Mar 19, 2013
Alicia Starr
From Anna Banana. I am chuffed. Many thanks.
Mar 19, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Thanks for posting Alicia. Anna does some fun stuff.
Mar 20, 2013
Mim Golub Scalin
Got a nice note and faux postage stamps from Anna.
Mar 20, 2013
Alicia Starr
Anna B sent the Banana Rag and a sweet note as well Dean.
BANANA NUTRITION NOTE: Green = Potasium, Yellow = Sugar
Mar 20, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Arrived in Greece from Anna Banana...Yay!
Mar 21, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Anna Banana also sent other goodies:
Announcing a mail art call:
and security envelope art..fantastic!
Mar 21, 2013
Received Cheryl's funny man-eater on Friday ;) Thank you Cheryl!!
Mar 25, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Like the Ana Banana stuff (security envelope art is great) and Cheryl's Banana maneater.
Mar 26, 2013
Jennifer Phillips sent me Floating Bananas from Las Vegas :))) Thank you Jen!
Apr 4, 2013
Suus in Mokum
Update Banana MailArt februari 2013 ;)
Thank you!
Apr 8, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Banana Bonanza from Erni Bar:
The mailman rang on the interphone. "I have an envelope for you, but it's too big for your mailbox." I replied; "Sorry we are not home right now, please leave a messgae after the beep, or bring the oversized envelope to the top floor."
I think this confused him, but he brought it up anyway. "I guess you know what this is.", he said. "Well one never knows if it comes from Germany.", I said
And a full side envelope it was. In the Erni style.
And to my delight weird and wonderful things were inside.
The way it works is you place a banana in the holder, then put it in the banana bag.
And ten seconds later, they are brown. How does Erni do it? Amazing.
Thank you Erni, for keeping them fresh! Ideas that is. Bravo!
Apr 11, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Lots of brown bananas...
Choco-Bananas...full of ERNINESS :-)
Apr 13, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
There are Erniness Apples,too.
(but we don't have an apple Band here at IUOMA do we?)
Apr 13, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
Incoming banana from Jen in Las Vegas!
To see the more of the contents of Jen's envelope visit:
Jen included a private message which I will respond to but I will say that pool parties are not in the vocabulary of most people living in England, but I'd love to see some photos (Jen loves taking them)!
Apr 17, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
It's Official...BANANA MAIL....on #854 Brain Cell:
Apr 18, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Welcome K.S. Chambers to the Banana Band. I'll see if I can slip a banana in your mail art somewhere.
Apr 23, 2013
Keith S. Chambers
Thanks Dean, glad to be among the banana people.
Apr 24, 2013
Welcome K.S. Chambers!
Apr 24, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Oh and K.S. Chambers starts out with a home run.
Thank you for this one K.S. It is simply Bananas! Love it.
May 29, 2013
Dean aka Artist in Seine
From Anna Banana, but don't mention the ID card.
May 31, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
I was privileged to see Anna's 'Maar is het Kunst?' performance/seminar in Maastricht in Spring 2011, and it was great fun.
Jun 1, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
From the part of this I saw (I had to leave before the end, alas):
i) 'participation' referrred to the audience being shown a lot of photos of different sorts of art (paintings, happenings, events) that featured bananas in some way or another. For each of these, the participants (ie the audience) had to fill in questionnaire saying if they were art, or not. At the end of it, people got degrees/diplomas from Anna's Banana University
ii) I guess the bananas could have been eaten. As we all know, Donovan's 'mellow yellow' banana trip wasn't for real, narcotically speaking, but that probably won't stop people still thinking that such a thing as a banana high exists.
iii) and iv) the research, was I suppose, seeking insights into what people considered art or not -- not just Anna's, but those of other banana-inspired artists. Or, in her own words 'Where do you draw the line?' between what is art and what isn't
v) from looking at the flyer, there doesn't seem to be a Mail Art element in the performances at the listed venues, BUT when Anna came to Maastricht in 2011, she performed at the 'Mail 2 Maastricht' venue.
Jun 1, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
I think that the smoking the baked inside of scarped banana skins was given prominence by Donovan in his mid-60s song, 'Mellow yellow'. I tried it to, but, as you say it didn't work. However, after going through all of the trouble to prepare something -- anything! -- to smoke, you often thought that, or pretended that, you were high.
(A related activity at the time was to buy seed for domestic birds, and then search through it -- seed by seed -- to try and find something that was could be mixed with tobacco and smoked. That didn't work either.
And don't even start me off on the search for potentiall-narcotic-but-not-poisonous-magic-mushrooms)
Jun 2, 2013
Alicia Starr
way late on this one. Reference to smoking banana peel: me too, but, we may have thought our perceptions were altered.
Jun 4, 2013
Valentine Mark Herman
Donovan's guitar adapted the Woody Guthrie slogan 'This machine kills fascosts' to 'This machine kills'. Suggesting....that
...either there weren't (m)any fascists around when Donovan was warbling, and/or he wasn't politically committed enough.
"There are things known, and things unknown, and in between are the doors." Huxley? William Blake? Jim Morrison? Ray Manzarek (who died last week)?
Thanks for the history, Erni.
Jun 4, 2013
Mail Art Martha
Oh! I thought I had got into the wrong group but it seems not. Dean promised to send something to make Kevin happy. before disappearing.Kevin is my postman and he loves reading my Mail Art. So here it is what I received, held by my Becasine.![](
Jun 4, 2013
Mike Dickau
Aug 8, 2013
Mike Dickau
Aug 8, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
missing Dean :-(
Hoping all is fine with him and he will be back in 2014,
we will have to:
Aug 9, 2013