The theme is Bananas & Anna Banana. Many of our members are « bananas » themselves, others are »fruity », a few are « nutty », and one is completely « ape ».
If you are none of these, don’t worry we can help you with specially designed projects and exams for your progress to the banana status you deserve.
We will also explore the many works of Anna Banana as we give appreciation for involvement in Mail Art & "Art".
PS I you are « crackers » or « loony », this group may not be for you.
Also: see link and fill in the form and return it to Anna Banana!
Thank you Dean, Val, Katerina, Louise, Janine, Lynn and Lisa for your bananamazing artwork! I found it on my return from my holidays, such a great homecoming. Forgive me the composite acknowledgement but I am still trying to sort myself out. Soon I will put everything in my blog, individually and front and back as it deserves.
From Louise Kiner, So far I haven't seen any videos about the dancing Andy. However, I have put this project on hold until our next Mail Art get together!
Welcome to Flanders Fields Gallery. And as I just returned from the blue skies of Brussels ... actaully it rained all day long on Saturday.
The next Banana event is on 18 November, International Banana Apprecation Day. (No I don't make these things up.)
Let me know if you would like to take part, the idea is to send a Banana themed Mail Art to others, and have them arrive shortly before the 18th, which is a Sunday.
From Val, hand delivered but with a stamp by Katerina. The story is not clear as to why Val didn't just pop this into a mailbox. Maybe because Toblerone is a Swiss product and the French mail system refused it. You know those Swiss ... c'est bon pour le moral !
Thank you Val, I always buy my Bananas at Géant. I know that they are 13,8% more expensive, but they are bigger as well.
The funny thing is I also tore out this ad from a French newspaper and was going to send it to Val. Val got the upper hand with Katerina's hand delivery. You got to hand it to him... he said.
Hi Dean! The local Post Office -- which usually accepts my strange pieces -- said that it was too 'fragile' and would get crushed or squashed flat if it was posted. they advised me to deconstruct it, re-inforce the 3 sides with card or wood, re-assemble it, and then post it.
It did seem easier to give it to Katerina and have it hand-delivered, so that is what i did.
13.8% Stop boasting! Size isn't everything (so they say)
Skybridge Studios, I am impressed by your amazing banana (dancing the tango perhaps?) with a carrot. The shapes do combine to perfection, yin and yang and all that jazz. It is one of those art pieces that makes me think Why didn't I think of it? Absolutely fabulous.
An international trade dispute over bananas dating back two decades has finally been settled.
The European Union and ten Latin American countries signed an agreement to formally end eight separate World Trade Organisation (WTO) cases.
The head of the WTO Pascal Lamy called it a truly historic moment.
The formal agreement followed the EU agreeing in December 2009 to gradually reduce the tariffs on Latin American bananas.
Latin American banana exporters had long protested against EU tariffs designed to protect small growers in former European colonies in Africa and the Caribbean.
"After so many twists and turns, these complicated and politically contentious disputes can finally be put to bed," Mr Lamy said.
"It has taken so long that quite a few people who worked on the cases, both in the secretariat and in member governments have retired long ago."
The December 2009 agreement involved the EU reducing its tariffs on imported bananas from 176 euros ($224; £140) per tonne to 114 euros per tonne within eight years".
Mike Dickau
Sep 16, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
On what part of her body-- if any -- is the banana label strategically placed?
Sep 17, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Hmmmmm...Chiquita, eh?
Well, some artists do soup cans, others go bananas!
Sep 18, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
'Have Banana mail from anna Banana today:
She sends her edition of newsletter...
"What obsession? " made with bananas, of course!
And a Dean Marks bingo card is published, too.
(Dean should be back in Paris today? or is he still taking-a-hike?)
Sep 18, 2012
Mail Art Martha
Thank you Dean, Val, Katerina, Louise, Janine, Lynn and Lisa for your bananamazing artwork! I found it on my return from my holidays, such a great homecoming. Forgive me the composite acknowledgement but I am still trying to sort myself out. Soon I will put everything in my blog, individually and front and back as it deserves.
Sep 22, 2012
Suus in Mokum
Yiehaaaaaa. From Dean!
Sep 22, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
'Love those Chew stamps :-)
And Dean-the-Man is BACK!
Hi thar!
Sep 25, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
in the bunch :-)
Sep 25, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Yes back and ready to show you the highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Val the Banana monster himself.
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Smiling Mail Art Martha
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Lisa Iversen, I liked how all the monkeys were doing different things. But where did she find all these monkey images?
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Angie in Port Washington where scandal lerks behind every door!
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Anna Banana herself as my Banana Bingo card made it to the papers. (Well the Banana Rag.)
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Lynn Radford, I'm only showing you the B side as the other side is still under consumption construction.
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Katerina Nikoltsou, May the boat never sink.
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Carina Granlund, Draw, draw and draw.
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From Louise Kiner, So far I haven't seen any videos about the dancing Andy. However, I have put this project on hold until our next Mail Art get together!
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Highlights of the Banana Day cards I received.
From none other than the Queen herself, Janine Weiss. This one has me laughing everytime I look at it.
A big thank you for everyone who took part. It was fun.
Sep 26, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
The next Banana event is on 18 November, International Banana Apprecation Day. (No I don't make these things up.)
Let me know if you would like to take part, but this time we will try to have them arrive shortly before the 18th, which is a Sunday.
Sep 26, 2012
Mail Art Martha
What a collection,Dean. This Banana lark has been great fun and I am glad I took part but I will have to pass the next project to do some 'real' work.
Sep 26, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
French Military Decorations -- Legion de Banana (1st, 2nd and 3rd Class) -- Medal Ribbons
(These Medals are awarded for Extraordinary Services to Bananas)
Sep 29, 2012
Suus in Mokum
Permission to ask, Val... What does one do to get a French Military Decoration? They look awfully wonderful..... 'SHUN :)))
Sep 29, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
Bonsoir Suus! You have to join the Banana Brigade. Applications should be made to the Commander-in-Chief, General Dean Marks
Sep 29, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
My guess is that you will need to fill out one of those Banana Bingo cards to apply. In a General way.
PS I like these Ribbons. Great idea for the next banana event on 18 November, International Banana Apprecation Day.
I'm not actally sure what this day means, but it might be an apprecation day for the bananas who lost their skins for the freedom of all bananas.
Sep 30, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
(Window) Framed Bananas....
Oct 3, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Fab Banana frames. I'll take what's behind door number three please.
Oct 4, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
All yours, Bouba!
Oct 4, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
You say tomatoe, I say tomato. You say potatoe, I say patato.
Let's call the whole thing off.
But before we do, we just might be able to agree on the pronounciation of those boo-thingies;
A&S's are really neat
Oct 4, 2012
Mike Dickau
Oct 4, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Whispering Banana...super!
Is that the same guy making the "Annoying Orange" and
"Yo, wazzup Banana?" Too funny! and this Banana is FANTASTIC...
I like Angie and SnookyDog's booh bah thingies, too!
Oct 8, 2012
Flanders Fields Gallery
a ritually slaughtered banana...(Jan Theuninck, 2011)
Oct 8, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Welcome to Flanders Fields Gallery. And as I just returned from the blue skies of Brussels ... actaully it rained all day long on Saturday.
The next Banana event is on 18 November, International Banana Apprecation Day. (No I don't make these things up.)
Let me know if you would like to take part, the idea is to send a Banana themed Mail Art to others, and have them arrive shortly before the 18th, which is a Sunday.
So far it is just us two taking part!
Oct 9, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
BanaJam sound good. I can hear the jingle now. BanaJam, BanaJam, spread it on, if you can.
Oct 14, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Going bananas at the farmer's market in Sigean, France today...
nice and sunny and warm (hear that, Dean?)
no photos this is an antique machine (can one call it
a "computer?) Greetings to the Banana Band!
YES WE CAN... and I did last Thursday at the US Consulate
Oct 16, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
This photo posting might take some time on Val's "computer"
but here is one or two and more later!
Red Bag came with us to market...
and "hung around" with BANANAS!
(nice banana tree, Dean sent Val!)
ooops...well you get the idea for now
more later! xxx time for a drive to the sea and lunch..ciao!
Oct 16, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Banana performance at the FAB birthday party for Val, Oct.15,
using a gift from Dean (monkey business):
Oct 16, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
From Val, hand delivered but with a stamp by Katerina. The story is not clear as to why Val didn't just pop this into a mailbox. Maybe because Toblerone is a Swiss product and the French mail system refused it. You know those Swiss ... c'est bon pour le moral !
Thank you Val, I always buy my Bananas at Géant. I know that they are 13,8% more expensive, but they are bigger as well.
The funny thing is I also tore out this ad from a French newspaper and was going to send it to Val. Val got the upper hand with Katerina's hand delivery. You got to hand it to him... he said.
Oct 25, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
In a clear envelope it came. Brains floating around inside, and a very funny likeness.
Thank you Vizma
Oct 25, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
Hi Dean! The local Post Office -- which usually accepts my strange pieces -- said that it was too 'fragile' and would get crushed or squashed flat if it was posted. they advised me to deconstruct it, re-inforce the 3 sides with card or wood, re-assemble it, and then post it.
It did seem easier to give it to Katerina and have it hand-delivered, so that is what i did.
13.8% Stop boasting! Size isn't everything (so they say)
Oct 25, 2012
Mail Art Martha
Skybridge Studios, I am impressed by your amazing banana (dancing the tango perhaps?) with a carrot. The shapes do combine to perfection, yin and yang and all that jazz. It is one of those art pieces that makes me think Why didn't I think of it? Absolutely fabulous.
Oct 26, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Okay, so I go away for a few weeks and IUOMA goes BANANAS!!!
Are we still doing the November 18 mailing for Banana Day?
We can send out our Banana Art to "arrive" by Nov. 18?
How 'bout that? Anyone and everyone to anyone and everyone
on this FAB Banana Band group :-)
(I wish to use my "official-on Brain-Cell-No.840" rubber stamp, again! )
Nov 5, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
From BBC News this morning, headline:
An international trade dispute over bananas dating back two decades has finally been settled.
The European Union and ten Latin American countries signed an agreement to formally end eight separate World Trade Organisation (WTO) cases.
The head of the WTO Pascal Lamy called it a truly historic moment.
The formal agreement followed the EU agreeing in December 2009 to gradually reduce the tariffs on Latin American bananas.
Latin American banana exporters had long protested against EU tariffs designed to protect small growers in former European colonies in Africa and the Caribbean.
"After so many twists and turns, these complicated and politically contentious disputes can finally be put to bed," Mr Lamy said.
"It has taken so long that quite a few people who worked on the cases, both in the secretariat and in member governments have retired long ago."
The December 2009 agreement involved the EU reducing its tariffs on imported bananas from 176 euros ($224; £140) per tonne to 114 euros per tonne within eight years".
Nov 9, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Anyone for Greek Bananas? Are we sending for Nov. 18th???
Nov 9, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Yes Katerina, I'm on, so count me in. Besides, the next event isn't until
February 21 World Banana Day . Last year it brought a small banana-clad crowd to Dallas’ Uptown - on McKinney Avenue in Uptown
and then February 23 International Banana Bread Day in Candace Canada
Nov 9, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
YAY! Bananas in the mail on Monday to arrive by the following Monday? IF there are no Greek Postal strikes :-)
Nov 10, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Off in the mail to the Banana Band today...
will they reach you by November 19th (18th is Sunday)
the day-after-International-Banana-Aprreciation-Day? Dunno.
Nov 12, 2012
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Good Morning! Bon Jour! Kalimera!
It is BANANA DAY! Sunday, Nov.18, 2012.
Actually: International Banana Appreciation Day.
Soooo, go love a banana??? ...or eat one :-)
Nov 18, 2012
Suus in Mokum
Nov 18, 2012
Dean aka Artist in Seine
Well Happy International Banana Appreciation Day to everyone. I received this from Katerina to mark the occasion:
And side B as well since it came in an envelope
Thank you Katerina and have a great Banana day
Nov 18, 2012
Valentine Mark Herman
Thank you for your cards, Dean & Katerina: mine are in the post to you.
Nov 18, 2012