AKA Anna Banana Appreciation Band (ABAB)

The theme is Bananas & Anna Banana.  Many of our members are « bananas » themselves, others are »fruity », a few are « nutty », and one is completely « ape ».
If you are none of these, don’t worry we can help you with specially designed projects and exams for your progress to the banana status you deserve.
We will also explore the many works of Anna Banana as we give appreciation for involvement in Mail Art & "Art".
PS I you are « crackers » or « loony », this group may not be for you.
Also: see link and fill in the form and return it to Anna Banana!
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  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Did anyone send a Banana Full Moon to Cheryl Penn?  Cheryl tells me that the lab reports came back and it seems that there are traces of Mayonnaise mixed into the glue.  So fess up who ever you are!   Wait, there are new clues in the corner ...

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    That's not a bit of a banana, it's a UFO. And the UFO launching pad is i n the right hand corner.

    (Don't tell NASA, but UFOs run/fly/whatever on a 70:30 mixture of mayo:ketchup)


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Bar Code did it..."bar codes are human too", ya know.

    Any banana-pizza-with-mayo last night in Paris, Dean?

  • cheryl penn

    Results of the lab test:

    Finger prints with embedded banana bits are a match to a certain  Dean Marks, currently a resident at the Mayo Clinic....

    Mayo - DNA from Germany and Parisian cupboards... 

    Its a pretty tight open and squeeze case...

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Hi, Any Banana pieces in the works out there?  I was inspired last night as I was throwing away some old Physics books.   Physics & Bananas?  Yes this seems logical.

    If anyone has a Banana piece in the works, I’ll exchange mine with you.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Doing a "Chiquita" thang or two, or three...may send one off to you and Anna Banana. Have you heard from her, Dean? Do you still have that HUGE banana box/crate from Erni? Me thinking bananas today:-)

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    OK banana off to you.  The box was used to take the trash out.  Chuck needed something to put our mess in.

    Yes, Anna is fine and trying to put a 40 year retro show together.  OH and YES,  my banana sticker collection paid off and I was award with a degree!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Fantastic, Dean! Congratulations! Maybe I'll get one too? I sent her two Anna Banana Bingo cards. How "official! 'Love it!

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Yes, but it looks like you are one short of a full house / one short of a six pack / or just number 23 is missing.   I'm not sure you can get a degree if you missed a class.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    You are not only extremely observant but also strict, Dean. Poor Kat.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    A Masters is a Masters, there are no short cuts, only in Bananas!  Katerina can always re-sit her Bananas 101 exams.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    23 is possibly her waist measurement, in inches.

    I think she takes size 36 shoes.

    I kno wot about her other bits nor the bananas.


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Erni! Thanks for the picture of 2 Greek maidens sharing a banana and thinking about drachmas. It is obvious that they are going through difficult economic times as they can no longer afford a banana each.

    Regareds, Val

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    It looks as though the Greek maidens will survive quite nicely...

    'just don't loose their heads or sandals!

    (and if they remember to always use an envelope)

    The blonde must be a relative of Alexander the Great?

    23 is/was Michael Jordan's number of the Chicago Bull's basketball team...VERY, very lucky for this Chicagoan (me). And there was a banana sticker on that spot when it was sent to Anna Banana (I think I moved the "DelMonte" one from the "bonus" spot) :-) All is right in the world. Amen.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Is there a banana missing here...because someone didn't use an envelope?

    (Thanks for the bits and pieces of Paris, Dean!)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    oops, that should read : "'just don't LOSE their heads..."

    (like this Greek maiden/ goddess:-)...where is that spell chick when you need her?

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    I sent the spell chick on vacation, but I think Erni has kidnapped her and is keeping her in his closet for a companion.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    No, I think it is a seed from a tree.  Mim & I had a cafe while waiting for the others to arrive at the Musee de la Poste.  We didn't have much to work with but I did my best, because I wanted to send something from the Musee de la Poste as it is suppose to have a special cancel stamp.  And Yes, I guess the glue didn't have time to dry as it was put in the special mailbox shortly after.  I bet the seed glued to someone else's tourist post card from Paris.

    One last thing, the phrase comes a British series I am watching/hooked on called Downton Abbey.  They say wonderful old English phrases that I write down and try to remember / use.

    The waiter at the B15 short changed me, and was quite surprise when I told him in French that there were two euros missing.  Yet again my years of training in accounting and finance paid off.  But only if I could draw!  OH yes, and by the way, I didn't leave a tip.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Oh, very nice, Dean! This is made with bits and pieces from in and around the cafe in Pairs! Ohhhh, i wanted to be there with you all! Very special momento, thank you xxx

    Special cancellation from the Musee, too! Perhaps the waiter wanted to charge you two euro for the "B.15" paper (napkin? placemat? tablecloth?) that you used???? And on the receipt...that is only 7% tax? Here we are charged 23%, no wonder Greece is in an economic crisis! :-(

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    ;--D   She is needed everywhere: restaurants, markets, t-shirts, you name it.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    At last, some Banana Art work is peeling out.  Thank you Val.  Bananas or bar codes, I would have to think about that for awhile.  Anyway, the girl would be third.

    Val does a double find, Bananas and Bar codes ...

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    February 29, 2012...Are you going bananas? Today you can: LEAP!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    "Bannana" is how my husband just spelled it in an email from Nicaragua. I don't think it was a keyboard problem. 

    Really nice card of falling Chiquitas, Katerina!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks , Nancy...I just sent the banana card out in the mail

    in the hopes that it will get a "29 ΦΕΒ" or " 29.2.12 " postal stamp.

    Oh, and I am living dangerously: it was sent WITHOUT an envelope! :-0

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Good for you, K. You've got to try to train the post office, as scary and sometimes almost hopeless as that can be. But never completely hopeless ... I hope ...

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    WHAT?  Are you kidding?  A unprotected Katerina works going out in the big world without an envelope?  I thought I would never see the day.  You go girl!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    one small step for mankind, one big LEAP for Katerina!

    blue envelope...OMG!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Nice , Erni...

    time for me to sail away...

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Nice doggy, Domingo!

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Welcome to Inêz.  The Banana Band is ready to peel for you.  So do you have a Banana story to share?

    I like Erni's still life and the sail away banana of Katerina.  My 18 banana pieces went out a few days ago, so they should be showing up soon in mail boxes, and a few more still in the works.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Janine was happy to see that it was only one banana, and not a bunch!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    "End of a banana"--that is so tragic. There are tears in my eyes.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Oh, Erni, you of all people should give it a proper and respectful burial, Poor banana :-( 

  • prettylily

    These babies are so adorable.  Especially the banana baby.  I had a good laugh too!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Wonderful babies! With those flowers behind-the-ears, banana baby must be a girl!

    Cabbage and rose babies are adorable, too!

  • prettylily

    Erni is on a roll!  Great banana photos. 

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Banana Science from our Leader Dean came today!

    This is an experiment that cannot possibly work on a banana:

    (but it made my postgal say: poor banana!) Thanks Dean!

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Welcome to Lisa / Skybridge Studios to the Banana Band.  Thanks for your logo, you are on the right track.  Very funny.

  • Mail Art Martha

    oh yes! bananas will get you high, if they are filled with catmint and you are a cat.

    I gave Julian a toy monkey and a friend following the theme gave him a banana filled with catmint. See the result:I cannot get photos of the manic phase because he runs around too fast, this is the final collapse.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

     France Goes Bananas, or nearly (One of mine sent to a no longer member, but thought that I would share it with you Bananas.)


    It was later discovered that the French where not prepared for the 2012 leap year and still only had 365 cheeses.  So on the 28th of February 2012 it was decided to create and island off the west coast of France where banana cheese would be produced by milking bananas every day.  The banana milk would be used in a French traditional way  to make cheese.  However, the strikes have already begun and the Normans say that the Bretons are more banana then they are, and it should be the Bretons who milk the bananas.  It is unlikely that France will see their 366th cheese before the end of the year.
    Moral of the story; You can take a Banana to France, but you can’t get him milked, or is it that you should never keep bananas in the refrigerator.
  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    A special one for DK :

     Hot Lava or Bananas

    Where do bananas come from?  It was later discovered that bananas came from deep inside the centre of the earth and were pushed out to the surface by hot lava.  The hot lava then created the land for the banana to grow.  This theory also puts an end to the ever on going question; Which came first, the hot lava or bananas?
    This also explains why banana like hot climates and islands.
    Moral of the story; Bananas should never be keep in the refrigerator.


  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Ah Welcome ARAC, so you didn't fall into the loony or crackers catagory then!  Happy to see you in the Banana Band, so peel away.

    For everyone's information, ARAC I normally refer to as "Lava Lamps" for short, and so that there is no confusion with ABAB.  Besides, what I have seen, "Lava Lamps" seems to match her personality as well !!!  This should be fun.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thank goodness that hot lava / banana question is finally cleared up. It's been giving me insomnia for years.

    MA Martha, your Julian looks *exactly* like my Cookie, except Cookie is older and has middle-age spread.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Middle-age spread?  Is that something that comes in a jar?  I like Jiffy myself, but it so hard to find in France.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Yes Dean, it does come in a jar. Many different kinds, in fact, take your pick. But Jiffy is rotten stuff--don't drive all over France looking for it.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    I received this photo from Cheryl H. who is not yet a Banana Band member, but if she does things like this, she would move to the top of the class!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Let's leave Bananas for a few days and focus on......Dean the Bean (a Real Lean machie).

    Val (all types of beans are permitted -- baked, half-baked, green, runner, French [of course], Means Heinz, broad, etc)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Dean the Bean is taking a trip to the Canary Islands...flying away!

    And we are left to make beans? All types of beans, Val?

    Chocolate is from a bean :-)

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Yes Katerina, chocolate beans are OK too; Any Beans. Even I qualify as a Has Bean. (But not as a Never Was)

    Yes Janine, he's always on holiday. Next year he's going to Mars itself to look at the banana plantations there.

    Regards, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Forget haggis (for once and for all) and porridge. The de facto national dish of Scotland is Deep Fried Mars Bars. Scotland has the worst health record (obesity, life expectancy, cancer, heart attacks, etc) than anywhere else in the developed world. I wonder why?

    The Scots should eat more bananas methinks.
