
COMA projects

COMA represents a new artistic collective with its operation base in Portugal, having Mail Art as “background”.

  One of the reasons for its creation, due to the fact that the Mail Art movement is still very murky in portuguese territory, its participants and assets represent a very small niche of players.
  COMA aims to be a cultural emancipatory diffuser on the portuguese Mail Art scene, clarifying and approaching artists, curious and laymen to this art that has its origins in the 60s.
  As a collective, COMA's main functions, in addition to raising awareness of this artistic expression, are:

1 - Promote the artistic practice regardless of age, education, area, philosophical, religious and ethnicity of each individual.

2 - Organizing cultural events and exhibitions, thus underpinning national and international projects.

3 - Maintain an Universal network of contacts  between Mail Artists,providing their postal addresses and artistic virtual spaces, if authorized by them.

4 - Decoding the historical background and chronology of Mail Art in Portugal, establishing a database for future members reference and general public.

5 - Connect with different International Mail Art platforms, and creating cultural partnerships with the same.
 Briefly, COMA will be the place of present and future portuguese Mail Artists, that will establish a cordial, friendly and uninhibited dialogue among all mail art "lovers".

Helder Coelho Dias ( COMA president )

Location: PORTUGAL
Members: 31
Latest Activity: Nov 21, 2017

Take1 - Film and Mail Art? (new mail art call)

"Take1 - Film and Mail Art?" is the 1st Mail Art project proposed and published by the portuguese COMA collective and corresponds to a New Mail Art Call, for more informations please go here:

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Comment by Guido Vermeulen on February 7, 2012 at 10:41pm

In the mail for you: LUNA (movie by Bernardo Bertolucci)

Comment by Helder on February 5, 2012 at 6:59pm

i would like to clarify some questions that arise about  COMA .

COMA website/blog will be in Portuguese and also in English?

- Is probably what will happen, but the official language will be ALWAYS the  Portuguese, becouse COMA is first of all to Portuguese artists and to other portuguese that join the Mail Art scene, but off course its for ALL MAil Artists over the world, COMA its the portuguese Plataform of MAil Art, like the italian DODODADA and others, and all are connected to IUOMA.

Comment by Helder on February 5, 2012 at 10:25am

Jenny, like it said on the COMA statement, "COMA will be the place of present and future portuguese Mail Artists" but its also "Organizing cultural events and exhibitions, thus underpinning national and international projects." and "Connect with different International Mail Art platforms, and creating cultural partnerships with the same." its particulary to promote Mail Art in Portugal but ALL COMA projects are for the international MAil Artists like you, and "Take1 - Film and Mail Art?" Is the 1st international MAil Art project proposed and published by the portuguese COMA, and its for EVERY one. If you could be a member of COMA? yes you can !

COMA statement

Comment by Jenny England on February 5, 2012 at 2:53am

Is this for international members like me in Australia?

Comment by Helder on February 4, 2012 at 8:26pm

Hey Ptrzia, welcome and thanks for your interest on this new Mail Art Project and Call.

Comment by Ptrzia (TICTAC) on February 4, 2012 at 8:15pm

thanks for the invite...something will be in the mail for the project! cheers

Comment by Helder on February 4, 2012 at 8:13pm

Olá Sabela, obrigado por te juntares ao "COMA projects" iremos esperar pelo tua obra de arte postal, obrigado.


Hey Sabela thanks for join COMA projects, and we will wate for you MAil Art piece, thanks.

Comment by Sabela Baña on February 4, 2012 at 8:08pm

Enviaré mi participación

Comment by Helder on February 4, 2012 at 7:59pm

"Take1 - Film and Mail Art?" Is the 1st Mail Art project proposed and published by the portuguese COMA collective and corresponds to a New Mail Art Call:

Calls to all creators, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, philosophy and religion, to submit a ORIGINAL work, subject to the following idea:
 " Film, being designated as the 7th Art, translates into the technique and ability to record and reproduce images with sense of movement, the works created called Movies, are produced by recording images of the world around us, with cameras, or using animation techniques and visual effects. Mail Art has no official number that designates it, but are many who adopted it in the past and present, as a manifestation of artistic expression, like in cinema, images, concepts, or other expressions, whether visual, tactile, sound or that explore other senses are developed and shared for a specific audience.
Both Mail Art and Film share a certain longevity, being different in form but not in essence, since both are means of communication and creativity that man has at his disposal. It is this tenuous link that is purported to be explored in this Mail Art Call.
PARTICIPATION: open to all Planet Earth creators
TECHNIQUE: all techniques are allowed, provided that the holders are able to be mailed
FORMAT: max size 15x21cm (5.91x8.27in)
- No jury, no selection, no prizes, no returns.
- Each artist can only participate with a one work, and should provide, full name, address, nationality, email and web site if available.
- All participants must agree to the reproduction of his work in brochures or other educational material, such as public exposure of the same by the event organizers.
- All works will be exhibited, excluding racist, xenophobic and religion discriminate works.
- ATTENTION !, reproductions of works that have been sent to other Mail Art Calls or Mail Artists are NOT ACCEPT, all works must be ORIGINAL and unique, duly signed by their authors. 
-To facilitate the publication of the received works on the Website/blog, please sent by e-mail a picture of it, including the envelope or shipping package if it has any artistic intervention, to:
EXHIBITION: the works will be exhibited in a space yet to be defined in Lisbon, PORTUGAL, the exhibition date is scheduled for June 2012, which might be altered, and will open to the public for a month.  
DOCUMENTATION: will be available on the Website / Blog for all participants and visitors. All  works will be published in the following locations:
DEADLINE: May 25, 2012
All works must be sent by normal post (snail mail) with postage STAMPS to:

Helder Coelho Dias
Rua Felicidade Páscoa, nº 48
2100-519 Fajarda (Coruche)

Members (31)



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