Well, given that our Valentine's Day Special Mailing has been such a success, it's perhaps time to think about the next Special Mailing.

The theme for this one has been suggested by Valentin Dolgov, and will commemorate Yuri Gagarin becoming the first man in space on 12 April, 1961.

The Mailing could celebrate any and all space achievements since then, with, of couurse, an emphasis on postal history.


I'm willing to coordinate the mailing list again.

So far we have 2 participants (both called Valentin[e], but to be so called is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition to join in) as follows:


1. Valentin Dolgov, PO Box 5308, Tomsk, Russia 634057

2. Valentine Herman, 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France




Space: the final frontier
These are the voyages of the Postal History Boutique
Its 5 year mission
To explore strange new artistic worlds
To seek out new life and new civilizations
To boldly go where no Mail Artist has gone before

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Replies to This Discussion

This is too technical for me. in the spirit of 'Sesame Street', how about "Worms in Space" next?

Regards, Val

As I wormguy I could get behind that...though I need to take a break from rigorous mail calls like this one...

Bonsoir Fellow Astronaut(te)s!

I got my first Space Mail shot from Carla Cryptic today -- many thanks!

I won't spoil it for you, but it features the initials 'CCCP'. Please tell us -- after the 12th? -- Carla, what the initials stand for: two of the 'Cs' are obviously for Carla Cryptic: but the other one and the P?

Regards, Val at Mission Control


Lift off, we have lift off..

Ready for LIFT OFF!

Sending SpaceMail Art 365 out in the mail so they may arrive before or on April 12th!

Each mailing is also dated for the first 12/13 days of April as part of my "365" project, too.

One small step to the post office, one giant leap for Space Mail Art! We are GO for Lift Off!

My thanks to Corea Cryptic and David Stafford for some out of this world mail art!  

Will scan later and as for me...have just gotten into the capsule to contemplate.    I shall be there in seclusion for the weekend.



Many thanks to those who have been quicker off the mark than I have.

I aim to get mine off to all on the anniversary day


See you all in deepest space

Interesting little squib in the Times this morning. Apparently after the collapse of the Soviet Union the cosmonauts sold off their paraphernalia and now there's an auction where you can buy a Soyuz space capsule, the very one featured in a few of my postcards, that resembles something out of HG Wells and Jules Verne, for a measly 10 million. For lovers of true steampunk this is a must have. Space suits also available. Prices upon request.

I'll contribute a dollat to your Buy A Space Capsule Fund; good luck raising the rest of the money!

Regards, Val


I was thinking this would look great in your backyard...what a conversation piece! How much is dollat worth these days anyway?


Bonsoir David! Alas, the Capsule won't fit in my backyard because I already have a nuclear submarine, an aircraft carrier, a few MIG 15s and half a dozen ex-Sadam Hussein tanks there. Will a dollar buy a beer in your neck of the woods? A Euro won't buy a glass of draught beer in France: you need at least €2.50. Advise me, please: would I be better off investing my one and only dollar in some worms? Regards, Val


Worms are a solid investment in any market because you're always in on the ground floor. A Sigean beer sounds good right about now...



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