IUOMA exhibitions 2013


IUOMA exhibitions 2013

In 2013 the IUOMA was 25 years old. There was no central exhibition, but all members were encourages to make their own (large, medium, small) exhibition, and to ask members to send them IUOMA stuff for that exhibition. This groups was a central point for starting those projects. Each project will be owned by a member. Have a look if you like the challenge.

Once a project was decided it will have its own discussion and projectnumber. The owner of the project can start his/her own page in this group (add a page) to document the steps of the project.

Now the IUOMA is heading to 30 years in 2018........

Website: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/
Location: Worldwide
Members: 130
Latest Activity: Dec 24, 2018

this group is not active anymore. Only for documentation it is left online.

Discussion Forum

Project 6: EGG - Gallery of Colors Thessaloniki and Aitoliko, GREECE 28 Replies

EGG - Gallery of Colors Thessaloniki25 Years of IUOMA Mail Art Exhibit+- 2 May, 2013, International Day of Colors, 2011, 2012, 2013 Theme:…Continue

Started by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat). Last reply by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) Sep 19, 2013.

Project 8: 365 Positive Artistic Days, The Danish Red Cross Donation Project, 2013 5 Replies

Project no. 8365 Positive Artistic Days, The Danish Red Cross Donation Project, 2013 25 Years of IUOMA Mail Art, The Copenhagen Exhibit A Copenhagen Gallery (place will be shown asap)November - December 2013To participate:-SEND a (on front side…Continue

Started by ED Vossen. Last reply by Ioana Dana Nitescu Aug 22, 2013.


                   “L'Art de la Carte Postale”/“Post Card Art”I invite you to take part in two Mail Art Exhibitions on the theme “L'Art de la Carte Postale” or “Post Card Art” (it sounds better in French!) that I will be organising in Sigean,…Continue

Started by Valentine Mark Herman. Last reply by Valentine Mark Herman Aug 3, 2013.

1/2 empty 1/2 full glass ; le verre à moitié vide , le verre à moitié plein

à moitié videà moitié pleinContinue

Started by yves maraux Aug 3, 2013.

PROJECT 3: Thanking IUOMA's Founding Father on 16 August 2013 15 Replies

Ruud is IUOMA's Founding Father;He told me that the first mention of IUOMA was on 16 August 1988.For IUOMA's 25th Birthday I propose, that we all send a piece of Mail Art to RuudSend some Mail Art -- anything goes, but something birthday-themed…Continue

Started by Valentine Mark Herman. Last reply by Maria José Silva - Mizé Jul 25, 2013.


PROJECT 9: PHONE BOX INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART EXHIBITIONPlease participate in an International Mail Art Exhibition I am organising in June on the themes of Phones, Post Boxes or anything to do with telecommunications.My friends Eddy & Annette…Continue

Started by Ruud Janssen. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Jun 10, 2013.

Project 10 - "25 - Twenty five" 2 Replies

THEME: 25 - Twenty fiveTECHNIC: free (bidimensional)SIZE: 15 X 10 cm (only vertically)DEADLINE: 10th August 2013With the works received thear will be a virtual…Continue

Started by Raul Albanece. Last reply by Raul Albanece May 25, 2013.

Project 7: Poems by jpg and Related Photos. 3 Replies

This is a set of related parts like a poem itself.  Please send nice thoughts.  These will stay with us...Send to comments or snail mail @Ct. Pf. Joseph A. Uphoff1025 Garner St., D, Space 18Colorado Springs, CO 80905 1774 These should be user…Continue

Started by Dr. Baron Joseph A. Uphoff, Jr.. Last reply by fausto grossi Mar 16, 2013.

PROJECT 2 : IUOMA is always alive and celebrates its 25 years ! - IUOMA is always alive and celebrates its 25 years ! 6 Replies

Projet :« Nous sommes en 2013, finalement, la fin du monde n’était pas pour 2012 !IUOMA is always alive and celebrates its 25 years ! » Format 20cm x 20cm, les travaux reçus seront assemblés pour créer une œuvre commune symbolisant IUOMA.Technique…Continue

Started by E. Last reply by E Mar 14, 2013.

PROJECT 4 : Birthday Mania 2013 1 Reply

SEE:http://iuoma-network.ning.com/group/birthday-mania-2013where Guido Vermeulen started a group for his projectContinue

Tags: Mania, Birthday, Belgium, Vermeulen, Guido

Started by Ruud Janssen. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Nov 23, 2012.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of IUOMA exhibitions 2013 to add comments!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on January 9, 2014 at 8:08am

Congratulations, Ruud,

best wishes for keeping IUOMA open here for another 25 years :-)

Comment by Ruud Janssen on January 9, 2014 at 6:12am

The celebration year is now formally closed

Comment by Daniel de Culla on November 8, 2013 at 10:35am

Congratulations¡ I celebrate You and Yrs.

Blessed Be¡

Comment by Carmela Rizzuto on October 21, 2013 at 2:03am

The Celebrate IUOMA 25 display at the Book Arts Jam in Palo Alto, California  on October 19, 2013 was a success. My gratitude to all who participated and contributed to its success! Read about my experience  and see the photos documenting the event on Mypage IUOMA and at http://decordisart.blogspot.com/

Comment by yves maraux on October 17, 2013 at 11:28am


should start an IUOMArtists portraits section

Comment by yves maraux on October 10, 2013 at 7:34pm
Comment by yves maraux on October 10, 2013 at 7:29pm


report in a local diary realised by Young students on mail art exhibition

IUOMA should felicite them

Comment by Maria José Silva - Mizé on October 9, 2013 at 11:50pm

Enviei hoje minha participação por correio postal, para o Evento "365 Positive Artistic Days"

Comment by Carmela Rizzuto on October 9, 2013 at 10:20pm

Participant List: Celebrate IUOMA 25

Karen Alekyan Ayumri Armenia
Parys St. Martin Glenelg Australia
Guido Vermeulen (3) Brussels Belgium
Patricio: Celestial Scribe (3) Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Edna Toffoli Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Anna Banana (3) Roberts Creek, BC, Canada
Laura Pucci Vancouver, BC Canada
Denise Souray Bradford, Ontario Canada
Horst Baur Changsha, China
Nicole Nielsen Helsingor, Denmark
Carina Granlund Petsmo, Finland
“E” Guivry, France
Valentine Mark Herman (2) Sigean, France
Cristina Blank (2) Worthsee,Germany
Roland Halbritter Nuedlingen, Germany
Michael Wagner Heidelberg, Germany
Katerina Nikoltsou Thessaloniki, Greece
Patrick Anderson-McQuiod Drumshanbo, Ireland
Marina Miletic Drumshanbo, Ireland
Carlo Maria Guidici Lecco, Italy
Ryosuke Cohen Moriguchi, Osaka, Japan
An.U Riga, Latvia
Larissa D. Christchurch, New Zealand
Yulia-Fruit-Ananas Irkutsk, Russia
Markarova Dzerzhinski Yaroslave,Russia
Petrolpetal Milton, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
Viktoria Robinson Goteborg, Sweden
Cerulean Linnaeuslan, The Netherlands
Rudd Janssen Breda, The Netherlands
Artist unknown Bristol, United Kingdom
Mail Art Martha Beckenham, Kent, United Kingdom
Emily Coles (2) Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Rebecca Guyver Stowmarket, United Kingdom

A. S. Winston-Salem, NC USA
Bonnie Jean Cocoa Beach, FL USA
Borderline Graphics (2) Austin, TX USA
Gayle USA
Grigori Antonin Minneapolis, MN USA
Elaine Arvati Youngstown, OH USA
Kelly Bancroft Youngstown, OH USA
K. S. Chambers Anaheim, CA USA
Angie Cope Port Washington, WI USA
Jon Foster (8) Winston-Salem, NC USA
Angela Gue Lincoln, CA USA
John Held, Jr. San Francisco, CA USA
Andrea Jay Staten Island, NY USA
Donna Juliussen Kenai, AK USA
Esther Kamkar Palo Alto, CA USA
Raphael'L (2) San Jose, CA USA
Lynne Larkin Joliet, IL USA
Russell Manning (2) Dallas, TX USA
Jinny Pearce Berkeley, CA USA
A.M. R. (2) Keene, NH USA
TOFU (2) San Francisco, CA USA

Comment by M. Nelson on September 19, 2013 at 8:09am

Hello All. I am new to the site, as of a couple of days ago, but have been putting together a Mail Art exhibition at the gallery where I am a director/curator, for a few months now. I created an event, but thought I would share the information here as well. There are still a few weeks left to submit. If you are interested, please check out the information below, and send away! - Thanks.

More Information can be found here too -https://www.facebook.com/events/535121813228205/

POSTAL | A Mail Art Exhibition

The Franklin Arts Center Resident Artists Gallery invites artists from all over the world to participate in our upcoming mail art exhibition titled, "POSTAL". Everyone is welcome to participate in this exhibition, all ages and skill levels. This particular exhibition has an open theme, allowing artists to express their creativity and ideas to the fullest extent. 

DEADLINE - October 9, 2013 (All Mail Art submissions must arrive to the gallery by this date)

EXHIBITION - October 11 - November 6, 2013


The Following Are All Accepted Submission Formats -

- Artwork created on a heavy card stock paper, in the size of a standard postcard - 4 x 6 or 5 x 7

- Artwork in any size, that can be folded down to fit into a standard size envelope - 9 1/2 x 4 1/2

- Artwork/Objects/3D forms that can be sent through the mail unwrapped with a label and postage attached to the item

- All mediums will be accepted (mixed media/collage, painting, drawing, text/poetry, printmaking, photography, digital art, sculpture, etc.)

- Artists are encouraged to use the envelope or various packaging as an art surface, either on its own or in addition to the artwork that is inside it. 

- Unlimited entries (Artists are encouraged to send as many mail art pieces as they would like.)



Please include the following on the back of your artwork -

Name, Address/Country, Email, Title Of Artwork, Medium, Year Of Completion


Martin Nelson


1001 Kingwood St, Suite 215

Brainerd, MN 56401



Following the exhibition, a visual catalogue/book will be created, which will include information and photos from the exhibition "POSTAL". The book will be a great way to remember the exhibition, and will provide inspiration to you and other artists for future projects. It will also make a great gift to share with friends and family. Once the book is complete, it will be available for purchase online. All artists will be notified when the book becomes available, and if any further information is needed, we will contact you by email.

By submitting artwork to this exhibition, you agree that the Franklin Arts Center Resident Artists Gallery and their staff, can photograph and use images of your artwork for press and advertising purposes, on their social media sites, and in a future publication that documents this exhibition. Additionally, the artist also agrees that they will not receive any direct financial compensation from the Franklin Arts Center Resident Artists Gallery.



Want to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?

The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-october-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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