Korean update for The SECREt eXCHANGE

Event Details

Korean update for The SECREt eXCHANGE

Time: November 8, 2011 at 6pm to February 19, 2012 at 6pm
Location: Seoul, Korea
Website or Map: http://www.mca.com.au and www…
Event Type: the, exhibiting, and, exchanging, of, secrets, in, korea
Organized By: Terry Reid
Latest Activity: Jan 31, 2012

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Event Description

Info at not.terryreid@hotmail.com

new info 

은밀한 교환 

You are invited to pARTicipate
by sending secrets by mail to the gallery project

The SECREt eXCHANGE is displayed

at the Tell Me Tell Me survey exhibition
organized by the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Australia

please send to
 Tell Me Tell Me SECRETS
National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul, Korea
San 58-4, Makgye-dong
Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
Seoul, Korea 427-701
your work accepted from now and throughout the exhibition
up to DEADLINE of  19 FEBRUARY 2012****

Please send Secrets in any medium.
(secrets, about secrets, your secrets, other’s secrets, secrets that please, secrets that release, secrets that make you free,)


Your ENVELOPES* containing secrets are for display in the exhibition.  Gallery visitors may select from these envelopes on the condition that they themselves reveal secrets in exchange.  Their secrets will be posted back to the corresponding artists selected; and this ongoing process of ‘selection’ will continuously alter the display throughout the period of the two exhibitions.

Note:  The SECRET EXCHANGE is an ongoing project, first publicly implemented in 1976, it will be continuing into the future in morphing form, guise, disguise.

For additional information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/157924880955229/184434991637551/#!/event.php?eid=117449411690157 and/or http://mailartprojects.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html

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Comment by Jen on January 15, 2012 at 10:12pm

Sending out my secret for the exhibition tomorrow.

Comment by Sara Vidigal on January 3, 2012 at 1:05am

Tomorrow im going to mail my sumision : D

Comment by Kerri Pullo on November 30, 2011 at 8:29pm

HI Terry! I mailed my submission today! Thanks Much! Kerri

Comment by Terry Reid on November 14, 2011 at 5:44am
At 5:08am on November 14, 2011, Karin GreenwoodKarin Greenwood said…

Hi Terry, Sorry to bother you, but the list I saw just now did not have my name on and I sent a secret exchange right in the begining. Please let me know.

Comment by Terry Reid on November 14, 2011 at 5:44am
At 5:56am on November 14, 2011, Terry ReidTerry Reid said…

Karin, thanks for getting on to it right away and letting me know....am going to have to troll back through the official MCA listing of the incoming mail (they are thorough) and see if I dropped it in the transcription...is there somewhere...

lemme see...

Comment by Terry Reid on November 14, 2011 at 5:43am
At 6:38am on November 14, 2011, Terry ReidTerry Reid said…

Karin, just went twice through Clare Willcox' list for Sydney...you are not there...still possible that your mail is there in the Museum, but overlooked in the listing.  Will put you into my transposed list and see if it surfaces in the eXCHANGE. 
I also had a look in the so far very incomplete Korean list that Kim Ji Eun is putting together - no sign of you there (which, at this stage does not mean much).
Amo (lazy bunny) has also had a problem:  no sign of her in either place, but am listing her and that fact.

...is best to uncover the problems at this stage so that credit can be given where credit is due; so, am grateful for your help in this.

Comment by Terry Reid on November 14, 2011 at 5:42am
At 6:38am on November 14, 2011, Terry ReidTerry Reid said…

Karin, just went twice through Clare Willcox' list for Sydney...you are not there...still possible that your mail is there in the Museum, but overlooked in the listing.  Will put you into my transposed list and see if it surfaces in the eXCHANGE. 
I also had a look in the so far very incomplete Korean list that Kim Ji Eun is putting together - no sign of you there (which, at this stage does not mean much).
Amo (lazy bunny) has also had a problem:  no sign of her in either place, but am listing her and that fact.

Comment by Terry Reid on November 9, 2011 at 3:46am

Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 07:47:51 +0000
 From: mail@iuoma-network.ning.com
To: gahlil2006@hotmail.com
Subject: "Secrets" mail art call
Katerina Nikoltsou has sent you a message on International Union of Mail-Artists
Subject: "Secrets" mail art call
 Hi Gail,
 Months ago you sent a mesage about the "Secrets" mail art for Australia and Korea.
 I sent two packages, long before summer, to those addresses. 
Now Terry Reid is bombarding us with the mail art call for Korea.
 Is it really Terrry Reid? Or is a spammer who got in with his name?
 The message is going to everyone, even those of us who have participated.
 How odd is that?
 Well, I hope "Terry Reid" stops soon, because it is annoying!
 Hope you can stop him from posting to everyone.
 Best of luck!

Comment by Terry Reid on November 9, 2011 at 3:43am

From: gaildwhitter@hotmail.com
Subject: "Secrets" mail art call
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 14:00:32 -0700

ARE YOU SPAMMING ... someone on IUOMA wants to know ... sent me this email today ... katerina nikoltsou ...

no bears around ...

g in t
Comment by Terry Reid on November 9, 2011 at 3:42am

hi Gail D Whitter

thanks for the 'spamming' email

naw, not spamming; when I answered my unanswered individual and group emails, I naturally attached the link to the updated invitation for Seoul; probably most had got an earlier version, certainly not all, some had responded to the first eXCHANGE in Sydney, but were reminded to send to the second eXCHANGE in Seoul


interestingly, the first one went up to 250 plus things coming in which would not have happened without persistance; even in IUoMA a repeated sowing of the seed bears more fruit

as well, in IUoMA (and elsewhere), there are people I have yet to invite; and people I am re-inviting because they have not yet responded

at the moment, because the eXCHANGE has begun as of yesterday at Tell Me Tell Me at MoCA in Seoul, I am getting the word around so that SECREts flow into Korea, keeping the process actively in flux

if this has disturbed Katerina Nikoltsou (or anyone), my apologies, - please do pass the message on to her

Attending (33)

Might attend (4)

Not Attending (8)


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