Time: May 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019
Location: Turin
Street: c/o Balice, via Alpignano 12/A
City/Town: Givoletto
Event Type: art, call
Latest Activity: Apr 30, 2019
[scroll for italian version]
Few weeks ago the European Parliament approved the Copyright Directive, a law that impose taxes on content diffusion and set upload filters upfront, opposing thus the natural and free sharing of knowledge.
This is not about ethics or morality: the old lobbyies have found a way to steal from the new social media ones' leftovers, we ain't gonna take sides on this longbeard-nobeardatall ancap fight.
If this becomes real, we'll have paytoshare networks(link tax, art.11) and someone or somewhat will judge if your uploads matchtheir "common sense" pubblishing criteria (upload filter, art.13).
Internet freedom is at stake!
While we all face those risks there are many that, selfoutcast from mainstream communities, share and edit their way on the solid and the aethereal ones .
To the Decadentism of whom's filtering and setting knowledge, we oppose a fluxus that is unstoppable, untaxed, unfiltered and uncensored. They just can't controll everything.
Copycats, collage artists, mashuppers, fakes and plagiarism virtuosos of all countries, unite! Let's celebrate the fusion of contents and the freedom of speech.
Networkers against intellectual property
Mail art call
Format: totally free. All kind of collage, patchwork, détournement, ready-made, recycle, anonymous or collective work will be fine.
Any sexist, racist, oppressive content will be destructurated.
Deadline: May 31th 2019
Expo @ Improprio Festival, Turin (North-east Italy), June 29th
Catalogue ebook Will be distributed online and offline (private, peer-to-peer, pirate box, dead drops.. )
Send to: IMPROPRIO c/o Balice, via Alpignano 12/A, 10040 Givoletto ITALIA
Digital Seeds Enterprise
1/3 del progetto IMPROPRIO
networkers against intellectual property
SE produci arte (audio, video, immagini, testi)
E hai a cuore la questione del no-copyrights
ALLORA questa è la call giusta per te.
Stiamo preparando una mostra diffusa,
una serie di dead drops che verranno piazzati
in vari luoghi della città.
Le chiavi USB saranno mappate,
la mappa verrà resa pubblica
e chiunque potrà collegarsi
per scaricare il materiale
contenuto in ciascuna chiavetta.
Crediamo che l’arte, all’attuale stato delle cose,
sia più che mai al centro delle questioni legate
alla proprietà intellettuale, e a chi vuole vincolarla
in nome di ideali che nascondono solo
egoismo ed interessi personali.
Totalmente libero.
Ammesso ogni genere di file:
audio, video, .jpg, .tff, .png,
collage digitali, détournement,
ready-made di dati, riciclo,
lavoro anonimo e collettivo.
Eventuali messaggi sessisti, razzisti,
oppressivi verrano destrutturati.
31 Maggio 2019
Esposizione a Torino,
fine giugno/inizio luglio
Catalogo digitale,
distribuzione online e offline:
privata, peer-to-peer,
pirate box, dead drops, ecc
Dove inviare
E gli altri 2/3 del progetto IMPROPRIO?
1/3 è la call dedicata alla mailart postale fisica:
puoi spedire le tue opere cartacee a IMPROPRIO,
c/o Balice, via Alpignano 12/A, 10040 Givoletto.
1/3 è un festival su questi temi:
se vuoi anche fare cose dal vivo, segna la data:
29 giugno 2019.
Grazie per l'invito,confermo la mia partecipazione.
Want to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?
The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.
IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.
This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course
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