Time: September 17, 2012 at 6pm to January 31, 2013 at 6pm
Location: The Fillmore
Website or Map: http://lo-post.tumblr.com/
Event Type: surprise
Organized By: laurence gillot
Latest Activity: Feb 18, 2016
Eliane is my granny old mother. She lives alone, she finds the time very long and I think art mail in her mailbox would bring her a lot of joy and amazement.
When she was young, she enjoyed fishing. Also, I suggest you send her fishes ! From sea, river ...
I will answer, myself, with pleasure all your mail art!
Format and freestyle.
Dates: autumn and winter 2012.
Adress :
Eliane MOINE
2, rue de la Boudière
54 000 NANCY
Des poissons pour mamie Eliane !
Mamie Eliane, c’est ma vieille maman. Elle vit seule, s’ennuie un peu et je crois que des mail-art dans sa boîte lui apporteraient beaucoup de joie et d’étonnement.
Quand elle était jeune, elle aimait pêcher. Aussi, je vous propose de lui adresser des poissons ! De mer, de rivière …
C’est moi qui répondrai, avec plaisir, à chacun de vos envois !
Format et technique libre.
Dates : automne et hiver 2012.
Son adresse :
Eliane MOINE
2, rue de la Boudière
54 000 NANCY
Frische Fische für Oma Eliane,
Oma Eliane ist meine liebe alte Mutter. Sie lebt alleine und langweilt sich etwas. Daher bin ich sicher, dass sie sich sehr über ein mail-arts in ihrem Briefkasten freuen würde.
Als sie jung war, ging sie gerne angeln. Deswegen schlage ich vor, dass Ihr ihr Fische schicken könntest. Meeresfische, Süsswasserfische ...
Ich werde dann mit Freude auf Eure Briefe antworten.
Eliane MOINE
2, rue de la Boudière
54 000 NANCY
Thank you ! Laurence
Thank you Laurence and Granny Eliane...received my thankyou! such a treat getting this in the mail...the hand is a very original idea...
Love the idea of using the fish for the name....
have also sent another fish, but just so you know it is OK not to send via mail a response for receipt; postage must be CRAZY for you...just send message or comment and I will be happy *!*
Hi Laurence....I am sending another piece to Ms. Eliane...I hope we are making her days brighter *!*
Thank you to Granny Elaine for her hand of kindness. I hope she continues to enjoy all the eclectic and artful fishes......
Amy, It is a good idea to attached a request for a Kit Kat, Hershey's bar, or M&M's. Otherwise you will get in return hard rock candy, the same that my grandmother use to give to me when I was little. Thoses were the days ... before Mail Art!
I'm working on my second piece to send, and hope to get a package of prunes as a reply. Life is wonderful !
My fish went in the mail yesterday!
What a wonderful thing Laurence! I will be glad to send something to Ms. Eliane *!*
Sending some Canadian fishes!
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