This is an a cappella version of something I'm working on.

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Comment by Carla Cryptic on April 14, 2010 at 9:38pm
Wow! How cool is that. I'll check out the blogs - that's awesome. Looking forward to reading and seeing what you guys are up to. No time limit - I'll be glad to trade whenever and it doesn't have to be mail art to be satisfying. :) I'm doing more music than anything else these days.

Here's the main place I hang at the moment -

Come by any time.
Comment by elle.mental on April 14, 2010 at 9:34pm
Oh, and if you want to see what we've been doing down here, my husband has a blog with lots of great pics and stories
I am working on posting my my compiled stories of my time down here to a blog as an archive. I only have a few posted right now, but I am getting ready to put a bunch more out there. the addy is: that is just in case you interested. It was great reconnecting! See you in the mail!
Comment by elle.mental on April 14, 2010 at 9:29pm
I would love to trade...but I am living in the rainforest in Costa Rica right now. The land of never get your mail... I will be returning to the States in mid-May, I will send you something when I get home. It is really great to see you're still in mail art. I'll let you know when I'm back. Oh...if you want to take a look at my blog it is Since I have nothing here to work with I have been using my camera and Adobe to create "faux mailart" since it can't actually go through the mail... Take care! elle
Comment by Carla Cryptic on April 14, 2010 at 8:52pm
Hi! No kidding - years! When I saw your name in my inbox, I was pleasantly surprised. :)

Want to do a trade? I have some new stamps right now. :)

Thanks for commenting, btw. :)
Comment by elle.mental on April 14, 2010 at 8:41pm
Great video Carla. It's been a long time since we last traded artistamps. How are you? Elle.mental


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